Chapter 2: Reunion

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(Y/N) slowly stood up as she stumbled slightly before fully gaining her balance, she looked up as she caught sight of Bill, Dipper, Soos, Mabel, Ford, and Stan as they stared at her in pure shock. (Y/N) looked around the shack as Bill noticed the mark on the back of her neck, it was his mark he engraved in her when he made her a demon. Bill began to reach his hand out toward her slowly but he was distracted by Mabel who slowly walked up to (Y/N) who turned toward Mabel as their eyes met. She slowly looked at Mabel from head to toe and noticed the sweater Mabel was wearing, she slowly looked up at Mabel as she stared back at her. "M-Mabel is that you? Hehe, wow you've..gotten so big." (Y/N) said as she weakly giggled and smiled at Mabel. Mabel brought her hands up as they covered her mouth and tears began to fall from her eyes. "(Y/N) it really you?" Mabel asked as she slightly got choked up. (Y/N) moved the collar of her leather jacket slightly as she revealed her Raindrop shaped birthmark on her neck. "I don't know how but it's me Mabel here and in the flesh." (Y/N) said as she smiled gently. Mabel couldn't take it anymore, she opened her arms and tackled (Y/N) with a hug so hard they both fell to the ground. Mabel cried out as she buried her face in (Y/N)'s neck and held her tightly as (Y/N) was slightly surprised by Mabel actions. (Y/N) gently smiled as she put her hand on Mabel back and rubbed it as she leaned her head on Mabel's. Dipper walked up to them as (Y/N) looked up at him, behind Dipper, Stan and Ford approached and all looked at (Y/N) as they smiled and tears began to fall from their eyes. "This place really is full of mysteries." Dipper said. "And now miracles." Ford added before they al kneeled down and tackled (Y/N) with a heart felt group hug and cried as (Y/N) tried to calm they down but they ignored her as they continued their hug. (Y/N) caught sight of Soos who stood there crying at the happy moment and next to him Bill who stood there with both hands on his Cain as he watched the moment the pines family was having. He stared at (Y/N) as their eyes met. (Y/N) lightly blushed before she looked away but Bill didn't let up as his eyes were on her the whole time. His face was so calm and showed no expression that it was impossible to figure out what was going through Bills mind as he stared at the woman before him who was dead for 4 years and now suddenly she was alive and here in Gravity Falls once again, something about it didn't sit right but regardless even though he didn't express it at the moment as everyone else did nothing could beat the happiness he felt in his heart to know (Y/N) was alive.

Later inside the shack everyone questioned (Y/N) and how she came to be there. Sadly she couldn't give much answers except she just heard familiar voices occasionally but all she saw was darkness most of the time until now, she was finally able to wake up and the first thing she saw was the mystery shack and her family. (Y/N) didn't know how long she was where she was except it felt like a century. Half way through the day everyone moved the reunion to (Y/N)'s cabin and sat in the living room of the cabin as Stan,Dipper,Ford, and Mabel told her of their adventures and what they did the years she was gone and how much they missed her. Everyone laughed and had a great time as they caught up with each other that is until night time came around. Everyone was so happy and missed (Y/N) so much instead of sleeping in the basement of the shack the pines family covered the living room floor with multiple blankets and pillows that it almost looked like a fort. Ford, Stan, Dipper, Mabel and waddles laid in the center of it all cuddled up next to (Y/N) peacefully sleeping. (Y/N) suddenly woke up and moved her eyes as she looked around to see her family sleeping all cuddled next to her. She really had to go to the bathroom as she quietly and swiftly slipped out from their cuddling and stood up as she quietly stepped out of the living room. Suddenly the urge to go to the restroom disappeared. "Aw man seriously. I'm still gonna go just in case." (Y/N) quietly whispered as she made her way into the kitchen to get a glass of water. "This should help." (Y/N) said as she filled the glass with water and proceeded to drink it but she stopped as she caught sight of Bill who stood firmly on the ground and in the doorway of the kitchen staring at her with a calm expression. (Y/N) placed the water on the counter quietly as she looked at Bill who walked up to her. "No matter how many times I read your mind I still see the events of that day when we lost you. It really is you." Bill said as he took a step closer to (Y/N). "Heh the one and only, I don't know how but I'm here and honestly it feels great to be back." (Y/N) said as she half smiled. "Well everyone told me what they did the 4 years I was gone-" (Y/N) said as she paused and sat on the counter and looked at Bill. "But you haven't said a word all day so now it's you're turn what have you been up to oh mischievous chaos Illuminati God." (Y/N) said as she chuckled. Bill playfully mocked a laugh as he chuckled a little. "Well nothing just exploring new horizons, causing trouble occasionally and for 2 years I've been settled in a nice place with a gorgeous view of Venice Italy." Bill said as he smirked. "Wow the most romantic city, amazing. So it's just you or are you staying there with a special someone." (Y/N) said as she nudged Bill playfully. "What makes that thought cross you're mind?" Bill asked as he took a step closer. "Well uh I mean, come on your staying in a very romantic and beautiful location plus your an all powerful demon who can now do whatever you want since my Uncle Ford took down that shield for you. It's been 4 years you had to have found someone." (Y/N) said as she chuckled. Bill didn't laugh with her though he actually didn't like the fact she had that thought cross her mind in the slightest. Bill walked in front of (Y/N) as he put his body in between her legs, (Y/N) tried to close them to prevent Bill from going in between them but Bill wasn't in a good mood after her comment and became slightly aggressive as he grabbed her knees and spread her legs open as he stood in between them. He gently grabbed her chin with his fingers as he made her look at him in his eye. Bill looked down at her lips and gently ran his gloved thumb over them before reconnecting eyes with (Y/N). "I can't when all I see is you. 4 years and I still couldn't get over the fact you were gone and now I see it wasn't just me but your family as well. There wasn't a day, a minute, or even a second were you weren't on my mind. You might as well have been a dream demon because you were all I saw. And honestly standing right here with you like this is perfect because I can feel you, touch you, laugh with you, and finally-" Bill said before he paused his sentence and kissed (Y/N)'s lips as his hand gently cuffed the side of her face while the other wrapped around her waist and he pulled her body as it pressed up against his. He continued to kiss her as she slowly began to close her eyes and started to kiss Bill back. Bill let go of her waist as he quietly snapped his fingers and (Y/N)'s bun came undone and her hair fell down as it went past her back and laid out on the counter. Bill brought his other hand up and ran it through (Y/N)'s hair as he stroked it gently while he continued to kiss her. He released the kiss as (Y/N) quietly gasped for air but Bill kept it going as he continued to kiss (Y/N). He began to get more aggressive and sexual with his touch and kiss. (Y/N) tried to push Bill off but he overpowered her as he began to climb on the counter and he pushed her up against the window as he continued to kiss her. He put one of his hands aggressively on the window and he clutched the wooden frame and it snapped from the force of his grip.

Bill released the kiss once again as he made eye contact with (Y/N) as he began breathing heavy. He realized what he was doing and gently floated off of (Y/N) as she jumped down off the counter. Bill looked away from her with a slight annoyed expression. "Um, you're lucky there are people in the other room or that would've gotten hot real quick." Bill said as (Y/N) gave him a very annoyed expression. Bill then slowly turned around as he grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist and pulled her toward him as he opened his arms and and wrapped them around her. He pressed his face against her head and held her tightly the same way he held her the day she died. A tear escaped his eye as he buried his face in her hair and held her tightly as if he wasn't gonna let go. (Y/N) looked around awkwardly before she heard a whisper in her ear.  "I really missed you (Y/N). Don't go, this time stay. Please." Bill said softly. (Y/N) became surprised by his words before she responded. "I will." (Y/N) said as Bill released the hug and smiled at her really cheerfully. "That's my good little RainDrop." Bill said as he smiled before he frowned and flicked (Y/N) on her forehead. "Ow! Hey what was-" (Y/N) said as she held her forehead and looked at Bill angrily before he cut her off. "That, my gorgeous RainDrop was for sacrificing your life and leaving me. Do you have any idea how boring it was these past 4 years without you I mean geeze I literally almost died of boredom because of you! I must say though it feels good to have my assistant back. Tomorrow me and you at the waterfall. I demand some quality time. Well I'll let you get back to dreaming about this handsome face while I go do what I do. Later." Bill said as he disappeared. (Y/N) shook her head and playfully rolled her eyes and turned to exit out of the kitchen but became surprised by Ford who leaned against the walk in the doorway. "Oh! Uncle Ford! Um-uh- How long have you been standing there?" (Y/N) asked. "Long enough to see that window frame suffer." Ford said as he gave (Y/N) a look. (Y/N) blushed crazily as she laughed nervously. "Ah geeze." (Y/N) said. Ford sighed before he placed his hand in (Y/N)'s shoulder. "Look you're 24 you're old enough to do what you want but let me ask you something, how many times are you and Bill gonna be doing this before you admit you're feelings for him." Ford said as (Y/N) gave him a weird look. "You kn-I mean (Sigh) look uncle Ford it's more complicated than that. I do like Bill don't get me wrong but it just wouldn't work out. Me and him are just too different." (Y/N) said as Ford have her an upset look. "Really? Because that didn't stop you from kissing him back." Ford said as (Y/N) nervously blushed. "You know (Y/N) Bill kept contacting me every time he though he had found a way to bring you back to us. He was desperate to have you here not just with us but with him too. He even made you a demon just to get your memories back. He's really trying." Ford said as (Y/N) looked at him. "I'm sorry uncle Ford but you wouldn't understand and don't get me wrong I have thought about it from every angle and it just wouldn't work. How about we just go back to sleep and talk about it in a couple hours or something right now I just want to go back to sleep." (Y/N) said as she brushed past Ford and he watched her as she walked off into the living room.

Meanwhile someone was watching Ford and (Y/N) as they were unaware of their presence as they floated just above the cabin. "So this is a alternate universe and an alternate me! I better go tell the Gleeful twins about this so they can start making their move. Oh I hope Dipper doesn't try to submit me to torture again it's not fair!" The floating blue haired ponder man cried out before he disappeared.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! Stay Awesome spread lots of love and I will see you all in the next chapter!!! Bye! Bye!!

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