Chapter 6: A Demon's Feelings

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Will took his sweet time getting out of the kiss he just had with (Y/N) but only because he could barely move from the cramped space they were in. "I-I-I-I-I-I'm so s-sorry!!!" Will cried out as he panicked. (Y/N) slowly sat up and put her hand up and it immediately silenced Will as he trembled waiting for her response. She slid her body slightly out from under Will's and gave him a serious look. "Don't worry about it, it was an accident it's not like we're in a wide open space anyway." (Y/N) said as she moved the flame that floated in her palm around to get a view of the tiny area they were stuck in and it was cramped. (Y/N) quickly came up with a plan as she started to claw at the dirt walls that enclosed them in the tight space and created an opening as her and Will once again fell further down but this time they fell into a more wide open area as (Y/N) fell face first into the dirt and Will followed by falling on top of her back and her face became more buried in the dirt. Will floated up quickly and helped (Y/N) up as she wiped the dirt off her face. "I'm so s-sorry honest!" Will said as (Y/N) took her arm gently out of Will's grip as her eye's stayed looking away from Will. Will noticed (Y/N)'s saddened yet slightly angry expression as he floated close to her as a concerned look washed over his face. "A-Are you o-okay?" Will asked as (Y/N) didn't look in his direction but walked away. "I'm fine, now let's try to figure out where we are." (Y/N) said as she looked around in the open area that looked to be an underground court yard. "I'm gonna say this is just waaaay too convenient if this happens to be that ancient city Bill said we needed to find." (Y/N) said as she approached the abandoned courtyard and Will followed not far behind.

Meanwhile Bill floated in the forest as he gently and repeatedly hit his head against a tree, "Real smooth Bill, you finally get back the one person you really like and you manage to give her to the imposter on a silver platter by being the biggest jerk known to man." Bill said before he sighed and bumped the tree one final time with his head before he floated away and looked in the direction (Y/N) and Will went. "Well time to go find them. I think it's about time Raindrop and I had a little talk anyway." Bill said as he put his hand in the pocket of his tailcoat and gripped something. Suddenly he heard something rustling in the bushes behind him as he swung around and caught sight of Mabel who emerged from the bushes. "I found them! Well I found Bill." Mabel said as Stan,Ford, and Dipper emerged from behind her. "Wait where's (Y/N) at?" Mabel asked as she looked around then looked at Bill with a worried expression. "Well her and I had a disagreement and she left with that cry-baby imposter into the woods." Bill said as he had a slight problem admitting him and (Y/N) got into a argument. "Wow your first argument if that doesn't signify your a couple then I don't know what will." Dipper said as he slightly snickered at Bill who glared back at him. "Oh I'll remember that little comment the next time I trick you so I can possess your body again." Bill said as he smirked evilly and Dipper have him that 'oh crap' look. "How could you let her walk off with a total stranger who motives we're still not sure of what if something happens to her! What if he really is trying to avenge midnight! We gotta find her!" Mabel said as she pleaded to Bill as if she was about to cry. "Calm down kiddo I'm sure she's alright (Y/N) is perfectly capable of handling herself." Stan said as he put his hand on Mabel's shoulder. "No! You guys don't get it we just got (Y/N) back and now she's wondered off with someone who use to be Midnights boyfriend who could be trying to hurt her as we speak! I don't know about you guys but I don't wanna lose my cousin to death again!" Mabel said as she ran in a random direction that happen to be in the direction where Will and (Y/N) went. Bill looked at Dipper,Stan, and Ford as they all looked back at him. "I can see Shooting star won't be letting that go anytime soon." Bill said with slight sadness in his voice. "Of course not, it's been 4 years without her and somehow by a miracle she came back to us fully alive. Mabel is always gonna have that fear in the back of her mind because she was so broken when she died, just like the rest of us." Dipper said calmly. "Just like you still can't forgive yourself because she exchanged her life just so you could have a second chance." Bill said as Dipper gave him a slight glare but only because he wasn't wrong. "The last thing she told me was not to blame myself for it but it's hard when I'm the reason she gave her life up." Dipper said as he slightly hung his head. Ford put his hand on Dippers shoulder as Dipper looked at Fords serious face. "How about we all go find (Y/N) before it gets any later than it already is, after that we can all have a talk with her I think it's about time we let her know how we really felt the years she was gone." Ford said as him, Stan, and Bill all walked in the direction Mabel ran off to. It was awhile but Dipper finally followed them. 

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