Chapter 5: Alone

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The next day Stan and Ford went out to the lake to go finishing together as they dragged Mabel and Dipper with them. The four of them sat inside a boat that floated not that far from shore as (Y/N) sat on the pier and next to her was Will as Bill floated behind them in mid air as he laid down and had his eye on Will as (Y/N) and him talked while (Y/N) wrote everything Will told her in a note book. "So midnight use to abuse you and unlike our Bill here, you didn't like it. I'm sorry but I can say I definitely feel your pain, well I wasn't abused by the hands of a powerful demon but I was going through that for basically most my life so I understand what your talking about." (Y/N) said as she half smiled. "B-But why! I-I can't see it who would want to hurt someone as nice as you I just don't get it!" Will said as his tear hung from his eye and he gave a saddened worried expression. "Hehe You're guess is as good as mine." (Y/N) replied as she chuckled. Bill glared at Will more as (Y/N) talked to him more.

Ford looked over at the peer only to see (Y/N) laughing while she talked to will as he noticed Bills glaring eyes at Will. "Is it just me or Does Bill look like he wants to Kill Will." Dipper said as Ford looked back at Dipper and Stan as well as Mabel. "I've been noticing it too, ever since Will showed up Bill hasn't really showed his normal devilish smirk but his death glare instead. You don't think he's-" Mabel said as she was cut off by Ford who finished her sentence. "Jealous. I'm sure he is,after all he does like (Y/N) a lot. It's only natural he feels threatened by a guy who looks exactly like him and Is doing something even he can't do and that's make (Y/N) feel relaxed and very happy from the looks of it." Ford responded as Mabel and Dipper looked at each other. "I'm putting 100  on Bill." Stan said as he put a hundred dollars in the center of the boat and everyone looked at him with a 'really' look. "What! It's obvious he's gonna do whatever it takes to keep (Y/N) to himself, I mean look at his face! That looks like the face of a man who's ready to kill someone for hitting on his girl and from the way he cried when (Y/N) died is proof he'll do anything to win her because when a man cries for a girl he's dead serious about her. Besides I didn't know a demon especially him was capable of shedding any tears especially for a human. So my money's on Bill." Mabel and Dipper pulled out money as well as Stan did and placed it in the center of the boat. "Our money's on Bill as well." Dipper said as Mabel smiled. "Hey my money was on Bill waaaay before all this happened." Mabel said as she continued to hold a goofy smirk. "She's actually right." Dipper said as he nodded. "Take your money back because there is no winner since we're all betting on Bill." Ford said as he put a worm on his finishing line and tossed it back out. "Whoa since when did you approve of Bill being with (Y/N), I thought you were against it since he tricked you years ago and started the end of the world." Stan said to Ford. "Well I was until Bill showed me through his mind the conversation he had with (Y/N) before they went up against midnight. She's confessed her feelings to him twice already but for some reason the thought of them being 'too different' is what's keeping her from accepting her feelings and being with him. But I don't get it now because they are both exactly the same, she's a demon now because of him so I honestly don't get what's holding her back." Ford said as he had a puzzled look on his face. "Ford, let's just say the years you were stuck in the other dimension (Y/N) didn't exactly have a thrilling childhood or life you could say. That wonderful woman has more trust issues than a high class mob boss." Stan said. "I know, you told me while we crossed the Pacific Ocean. (Sigh) I can't believe there are people out there like that who find joy at the cost of other peoples expense. Thats exactly why I opposed to Bill being with (Y/N) but he's shown even me that he truly does care for her." Ford said as he looked over at (Y/N) who enjoyed her chat with Will. Bill floated up and turned the other way and began to leave before (Y/N) turned around and noticed him leaving. "Going to do your thing Bill?" (Y/N) asked as Will looked in the same direction. "Well we did make an agreement to go look for that ancient spell and you do have until we find it to think about weather you want to stay a demon or not, or was Will too busy being a distraction that you forgot." Bill scoffed as he gave Will and (Y/N) a disgusted glare. "Um no I remembered, I just figured we could take it easy today since we are basically spending time together." (Y/N) replied with a kind of worried look. "Didn't know wasting your time with kids was considered spending quality time and I'm not talking about Shooting star or Pinetree." Bill said as he glared at Will who trembled in fear. "Your being really rude right now Bill and not the normal rude your always being. If that's making you act like this then fine let's go and try to find that spell since you seem so eager to find it." (Y/N) snapped at him as she went to go wave down her family to let them know they were gonna be gone awhile. Bill gave her an 'excuse me' kind of look at she walked off the peer, his eyes then swung over to Will with a death glare while Will trembled in fear. "Listen here and listen good (Y/N) and I already have a thing going on between us and your not gonna get in the way of that unless you want me to show you what pain is really like. Capish?" Bill said as he threateningly floated close to Will and gave him a cold stare.

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