Weirdmaggedon 3 (OVA PT. 1)

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Bursting through the door of the mystery shack  Dipper, Mabel, Wendy and Soos came in all yelling in some form of a Battle cry while they held their weapons up ready to fight. Another yell was heard and from across the room Stan held up a bat while he wore a red sash across his chest that read Chief and behind Stan stood a whole band of a mixture of Monsters and the normal citizens of Gravity Falls. "Wait, GRUNCLE STAN!" Mabel and Dipper yelled with the expression of joy as tears went down Mabel's face and Dipper smiled as they both threw their weapons down and embraced Stan in a hug and he spread his arms and held them. Soos and Wendy then joined in on the group hug and told Stan they missed him. Stan looked around and noticed something off. His twin brother and (Y/N) were missing. His eyes focused on the kids as they let go of their loving hug. Since Stan was still upset at his twin brother Ford he decided to ask about him later and instead only asked where (Y/N) was. "Where's (Y/N)? She didn't find you guys!" Stan asked and with that question he got reaction out of Dipper. Dipper grinned his teeth together in anger before it laid it all out on Stan. "BILL! BILL HAS HER! HE'S TAKEN HER AS HIS QUEEN WE HAVE TO GO SAVE HER NOW!" Dipper yelled as he picked up his weapon and was about to race outside but Stan quickly beat Dipper to the door and shut the door. "Hold it Dipper! Look I know your eager to rescue (Y/N) but we can't do that- Stan said before he was interrupted by old man McGucket. "-Without a plan!" McGucket said confidently loud as all the attention focused on him. "If we're gonna perform a rescue we need a plan! Now I think I have a way but we're all gonna have to work together!" Mcgucket said as everyone gathered around him.

Meanwhile at Bill's castle being kept in one of his rooms (Y/N) tried to make an escape of her own as she yanked the chains that bonded her wrists to the railing of a nice fancy yellow and black bed and the rest of the room was decorated like a fabulous love making penthouse suite. (Y/N) wore a white turtle neck sleeveless dress, that exposed her back and went up to her ankles and had very explicit slits going up thighs. (Y/N) stared at her outfit and folded her knees since her movements kept making the slits expose her legs greatly and almost revealing her crotch. "You have got be kidding me! He could've at least given me underwear! Bill you bastard!" (Y/N) as she continued her attempt to break the chains. Suddenly (Y/N) noticed something phasing through the ground as it rose up. It was Bill. Bill floated up and stared straight at (Y/N), his dark smirk lit up at the sight of her. "Your awake and might I say you look ravishing my darling." Bill said as his eye slowly and sinisterly stared at (Y/N)'s body from head to toe. He floated gently to her and his body shifted itself and he adjusted his body into a sitting potion with his legs crossed and softly placed himself at the edge of the bed while one arm rested on his knees the other was on the bed. Bill stared with a very harsh and dark grin but regardless it appeared as if it could be a perfect seductive smile. He held his smug look on (Y/N) before he reposition himself and laid flat out at the edge of the bed with the snap of his fingers he laid his head back into a pillow he made appear. He snapped his fingers again and made the chains that bonded (Y/N) to the bed shift as it unbounded itself from the railing and lightly dragged (Y/N) up in the air as she unwillingly floated on top of Bill with her wrists still bounded and Bill now under (Y/N) smiled as he laid there in between her legs and her shackled wrists were floating in the air holding her arms up and she stared fearfully anxious at Bills smug look that violated (Y/N)'s very being as she tried to still her slight trembling body from the gaze of Bill. (Y/N) gulped before she calmed herself at looked at Bill with her best straight angry face. "Tell me what have you done with my family! Where are they! And For your sake they better be in one piece!" (Y/N) demanded with a firm tone in her voice. Bills smirk grew at her demands, He brought his hands up and removed his gloves and laid them on the bed next to him. He slowly brought his hand up to (Y/N)'s exposed thigh and placed it on her and rubbed it as his hand
gently caressed it. "If you want to know that badly we'll have to make a deal." Bill hissed through his evil smirk. (Y/N) became angry at his words. "No! Enough with you're stupid deals! Just tell me where there are and if they're safe! I wanna know they're alright haven't you put them through enough already!" (Y/N) said almost slightly crying out but she held a strong firm tone with him. "They got involved when all I wanted was your uncle Fordsy so it's they're fault for getting in my way and you just happened to be a gorgeous angel that stepped in my path." Bill said with a sinister tone as he sat up and harshly grabbed (Y/N)'s chin forcing her to stare directly into his now lustful glowing blue eyes while holding a very threatening smirk, he pulled (Y/N) in closer causing his smirk to brush against her face and with their nose touching one another. "Well since I like you I suppose I could let you and your family go." Bill said with his usual confident tone as he slowly backed his face away from (Y/N)'s face and his eye became a normal white again but he still held his face close along with his smug look. "I only ask for a small FAVOR in return." Bill said while he took his hand off (Y/N)'s thigh and moved his hand in a circular motion in the air before he stopped and made an open palm and produced s blue flame that matched the color of his eye and his voice became disoriented at the word Favor for a second before his flame disappeared by the closing of his hand and his eye became a normal white. (Y/N) stared worriedly at the gaze of Bills evil eyes.

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