Chapter 27: What is this?

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" Ugh we've been waiting here forever! Why don't we become smart people and just walk in there and confront them like realistic people would! I mean we've been standing out here for a good 4 hours how much longer! We're gonna end up talking to them eventually!" Human Bill yelled in a complaining manner. "You have the patience of a child! Yes I am well aware we'll have to confront them soon but it's more logical to see if they work for the enemy before blindly approaching them and risk falling into some kind of trap!" (Y/N) Snapped as she got in human bill's face without realizing it but she still stared at him angrily and annoyed while he backed away and gave her a surprised look as his response to her unexpected sass toward him. (Y/N) backed away from human Bill before she took a deep sigh and went back to being a lookout as she continued to watch the place. bill glared down at her before he hit the back of her leg with his cane and she looked at him with a pissed look while she held up her fist in anger and he growled at her as they glared at each other in a enemy fashion before they heard a random person ask a question saying 'isn't that the queen's guard dog?' catching their attention (Y/N) and Bill turned to catch the little girl and the other Bill exiting the undertaker residence as they walked the streets. Without a word (Y/N) moved swiftly and discreetly followed them, leaving human Bill in the dust as he quickly followed her and floated directly behind her.

"We can finally head back now, ugh that Mcgucket! wasting my time with his riddles and talk of madness instead of giving me useful information!" The little girl said in great disgust as she shoved the a broken piece of something she received from the crime scene and shoved it in her dress jacket pocket. "But he did bless us with information Milady, it's all in the riddle." Bill said as he smiled at the little girl as she glanced back at him in a annoyed manner. "What makes you so sure my simple feeble butler?" The little girl asked with arrogance in her voice. "Because don't forget Milady I am-" Bill said but he suddenly paused the middle of his sentence and quickly turned, releasing sharp knives from out of his sleeve's and hitting an empty pile of boxes in the middle of the alleyway they entered. Emerging from behind the boxes as they broke from the impact of the daggers, a shadow quickly jumped around before a sudden shine of a small glare was seen and at that moment the little girl's Bill pulled out a long cane from his sleeve. a sharp sword emerged from the cane, coming in contact with an invisible object and standing before him was a cloaked person who held the invisible object against his cane sword as they pushed on each other simultaneously while the little girl's Bill smiled at the cloaked person who stood before him. " "simply one hell of a butler." He said finishing his sentence with a sinister yet amused grin.

(Y/N) stared up to the little girl's bill with her face not being shown as she held her pressure on his caned weapon and looked at the little girl who stood behind him fully facing them with a shocked expression on her face. "My apologies." (Y/N) said through her thoughts as she quickly pushed forward and swung her sword as it forced the little girl's bill out of her way, taking the opportunity (Y/N) lunged at the little girl and made her way behind her, she then wrapped her right arm around the little girls neck and put the sword to the right side of the little girl's neck as she held it with her left hand and before them stood Bill as he stopped in his tracks facing his master and (Y/N) while a smirk rose on his face along with his body that stood firmly before them. "Lay down your weapon and I can promise no harm will come to her! If you try anything I can't guarantee her safety." (Y/N) said. The man chuckled at her sinisterly before he lunged at (Y/N) suddenly and she quickly grabbed the little girl and suddenly disappeared then reappeared behind him as he punched the ground in front of him and caused a small creator in the ground before him, he rose up and looked at (Y/N) with a smile. "Threats like that are empty coming from the mouth of someone who wouldn't dare hurt a child, it's not in your nature." The man as he slowly approached and that cause (Y/N) to grip the hilt of her sword as she held it tight. The expression on her face changing from serious to slightly angry as she tried to maintain a strong composure.

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