Chapter 16: I'm Here

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"It's almost Dark outside where could (Y/N) and the kids be?" Ford asked while pasting back and forth anxiously. Out side on the porch while Stan sat on the couch reading a magazine. "You sound like a mother, Don't worry remember (Y/N)'s a demon now and Bill is also with them, I'm sure their fine to handle themselves. Besides they went on their adventures what if some creature or something is keeping them held up ya know?" Stan said that caused Ford to look at him with a slight surprised face. "Y-Your right I'm just being a worry wart." Ford said agreeing to Stan's words. Ford then caught a glimpse of Bill's bright yellow tail coat in the distant as it glimmered through the darkness. Ford smiled at the sight of them, Dipper was held up by Mabel because of the injury he received the Gleeful Mabel wasn't exactly a light cutter so it hurt like hell for him. He held his chest and he covered the now bandaged wound because of Bills nice handy work, perks of being a demon. Will was on the other side of Dipper aiding him as well to help me stand up so he could walk. While Bill held (Y/N) while the walked side by side he stared at her while she had her head slightly tipped down to where her hair covered her eyes. Fords expression changed as Stan looked up only to see a sight to worry about as he got up and simultaneously ran with Ford toward everyone before stopping in front of them. "W-What happened?!" Ford exclaimed as Stan helped Mabel with Dipper and Ford caught a glance at (Y/N) who just stood there silently almost like a ghost but looking down with her eyes not viewable. "(Y/N)?" Ford said while he reached out to (Y/N), at that moment a smack echoed through the forest, (Y/N) had smacked Fords hand away and breathed heavily as she looked at him with a angry yet terrified face. That sound got everyone's attention as they all focused on (Y/N) who came back to reality while she still held a small terrified look on her face. Her action shocked Bill, Ford, and Stan. Ford rubbed his hand a little while he held a worried look on (Y/N). "U-Uncle Ford... S-Sorry....I.." (Y/N) said as her voice shook a little and she backed away slowly from Bill and Ford. "T-Tend to Dipper and Mabel...I-....I need t-to be alone f-for awhile." (Y/N) said as she held herself slightly and walked away toward the direction of the lake. Everyone stood there and watched her leave before they all looked at each other. "What happened Bill?" Ford asked slightly serious. Bill gave him a dead serious look because he became annoyed with Fords question but he answered anyway. "Let's go inside and talk, it's a long story sixer and neither of you are gonna like it." Bill replied as they all made their way inside. Bill stopped Will at the entrance of the door while everyone went inside. "I don't care that you helped us get away because as far as I'm concerned it's your fault this happened in the first place!" Bill said jabbing his finger in Will's Chest as he forced him back while Will trembled. "Be grateful your breathing, I don't want to cause (Y/N) anymore pain so I'm letting you live for her sake but I want you outta here! GONE! NON-EXISTING!! If I see your face around here again, this shack will be the last thing you see." Bill said with pure anger in his voice. He turned away from Will and walked into the shack leaving Will outside while he closed the door behind him. Will became saddened by Bills words because he wasn't right but he wasn't wrong either. Will walked to the stairs of the porch and sat down in silence.

Hours passed and the night was silent. The moon gleamed over the silent waters of the lake, (Y/N) sat at the edge of the peer with her face buried in her knees with her arms around them. Images of what happened flashed in her mind and caused her hand to clench the tights she wore. She slowly looked up and stared blankly into the silent night without a word or a action coming from her. Her hands clenched her tights more, so hard her hands began to tremble, the images of the incident continued to flash more through her mind as she trembled slightly from the horrible memory. She suddenly jolted back as she saw Dipper gleeful's face flash in her mind with his evil smirk. She bumped into something and immediately swung around while crawling backward in fear which caused her to slip off of the peer and into the water. Before she fell in the water she caught sight of Bill who reached out to her, trying to grab her but instead fell into the water with her as he gripped her wrist. They both came up for air as (Y/N) coughed from all the water that went in her mouth. "Are you crazy!?" Bill asked as he grabbed (Y/N) and swam up to the shore and picked her up bridal style, carrying her before he kneeled down on the ground and sat her down in front of him before snapping his fingers causing a blanket to appear under them. He snapped them again and they immediately became dried, Bill stared at (Y/N) while she held her head down and avoided his eyes. Bill hesitated but he gently placed his hand on her shoulder and rubbed it slightly. "I know this isn't a good question to be asking but....Are you alright? I mean from the water-" Bill said but before he could finish his sentence (Y/N) brought her hand up and gently put it over Bills as she gripped it. "You told them?" (Y/N) asked softly still avoiding his eyes. "Y-Yes I did....sorry...I should've let you tell them." Bill said before he was quickly cut off by (Y/N)'s small response. "It''s ok. I-I don't mind....." (Y/N) said before she continued to stay silent. "They insisted to come see you but I figured you didn't want a audience so I came alone to check on you." Bill said as (Y/N) grip over his hand tightened on her shoulder. "H-How's...Dipper doing?" (Y/N) asked. "He'll be fine his wound isn't that bad, Sixer stitched it up. It'll be healed in a month or two." Bill said. Suddenly (Y/N) backed away from Bill and quickly stood up as she ran to where the trees were away from Bill before she stopped and threw up all over the ground. She stopped as she put her hand over her mouth and took a breath before she backed away from the pile of vomit and fell to her knees while she breathed out. Bill ran to her and quickly kneeled beside her, he gently placed his hand on (Y/N) back and rubbed it while he scooted close to her and looked at her concerned and surprised.

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