Chapter 4: (Y/N) and Will

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"So your from an alternate universe and your higher ups sent you here to keep an eye on me and my family?" (Y/N) asketd as Will fiddled his hands nervously while Bill rolled his eyes in a annoyed manner at the way Will was acting and took a sip of his martini. "Y-Yes, ever since that incident with my..uh..girlfriend Midnight, after she betrayed us I was sent to go retrieve her and wondered in between universes to see which one she was residing in and I found you, floating there in the dark part of it, sleeping peacefully." Will said as Bill reacted to the words 'found you sleeping peacefully' at least the words he mostly paid attention to by getting up from the couch so suddenly and gave Will that 'I'm gonna hurt you' kind of stare. "You better have kept your hands to yourself smurfette or I'm the last thing you'll be seeing." Bill said as he glared at Will who trembled in fear from Bills words. "I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it in that manner I'm just saying what I saw sorry sorry!" Will said as he put his arms up in slight defense. "Bill? Could you explain to me what your doing." (Y/N) said as she gave Bill a slight angry look. "What does it look like toots I'm defending your precious virtue." Bill said as he smiled at (Y/N). "T-Thank you but I think I can take it from here I got this." (Y/N) said as she turned to will and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Please tell me you did nothing to me while I was unconscious or dead or whatever I was please tell me!" (Y/N) said with a rather funny plea in her voice. "I-I promise ma'am I did no such things to you that would be very rude of me to do to a lady!" Will cried out in a plea. " so formal and not obnoxious." (Y/N) said with serious amazement in her voice. "Oh haha someone's got jokes." Bill said as he mockingly laughed back at (Y/N). "Woah what's with the attitude for? He's being honest." (Y/N) sighed in slight annoyance. "Don't get to close to that imposter he could be really working for a old friend of Midnights or he's secretly out to avenge his ex girlfriend. "Bill said as he glared at Will. "I honestly don't think he'd be capable of that no offense but i do see your point Bill that's why we should at least get to know him so we can figure out his motives. Also hold the phone midnight was your girlfriend!?" (Y/N) asked as she gave will a surprised look."Yes but she treats me more like her slave." Will said as he held up his chained wrists. "Oh my, well you don't need to worry about me doing that I may wear the same face as midnight but I'm nothing like her." (Y/N) said as she smiled. "At least if you never make her mad. Midnight made that mistake and (Y/N) flat out murdered her." Bill said as he giggled and (Y/N) looked at him angerly. "Really Bill! I was slowly breaking him down to that!" (Y/N) yelled as Will looked over to her and she looked back at him. "It's alright honestly she had it coming from the way she acted and treated everybody so don't worry about it besides I'm sure your the guy she mentioned she wanted to be with even though she was with me." Will said as he looked like he was about to cry. "Yeah well you'll be happy to hear she was greatly disappointed because I solely have eyes for the gorgeous beauty gracing us with her presence this very instance." Bill said as he pointed at (Y/N). "Since you look exactly like midnight you must be her alternate since Bill is mine. Wait does that mean you two are together in this universe?" Will said as he looked at Bill and (Y/N). "Yes." "No." Bill and (Y/N) answered simultaneously but had very different answers. Bill gave (Y/N) a look as she continued talking to will. "No. No. We aren't together, just friends trying to determine the outcome of our partnership." (Y/N) said as Bill gave her a look but couldn't help but be impressed by her excuse. "Oh, well I found you brought you back because I mistaked you for my girlfriend and then you came back here to your original universe I then was called by the higher ups to go keep an eye on you and investigate where midnight might be but it seems I got my answer of what happened to her but I'll be here for awhile before I'm allowed to go back I still need to investigate your universe as well..please." Will said as he shook like a chihuahua. "A-Alright then why don't we just let you do that but we need to make sure you mean us no harm so I'll be keeping my eye on you, so let's go introduce you to my family, explain your situation and we can decide where you'll be staying since you don't have a place. Also I wanted to ask a major question since your Bills alternate does that mean you two have the same powers?" (Y/N) asked. "O-Oh yes but I can't use it without the consent of the higher ups. I'm limited to my power all they allowed me to do is float and have some capability of defending myself if needed." Will said as he gave (Y/N) a pouty sad face. "Alright well come on the sooner we get this done the sooner I can interview you, oh man I can't wait to learn your origin and wow alternate universes, this is mind blowing. But only if you don't mind it." (Y/N) said as Will and him got up and began walking toward the door that was placed where the nice half wooden half window stood. Bill followed as he never took his dagger like eyes off of Will. "N-Not at all I'd be happy help and will answer your questions to the best of my ability." Will said as he kept his sad demeanor but it was basically his personality. For some reason Bill stayed back floating behind them as they approached the door while (Y/N) and Will continued to talk, he didn't like the way Will acted or looked at (Y/N) in fact the more they talked the more Bill glared at Will.

Later back at the shack Mabel,Dipper, Stan, Ford and Soos all stood their listening to Wills explanation of who he was and why he was there, but for some reason when Dipper and Mabel approached him and started to try to get to know him after Soos allowed him to stay til his investigation was done Will would tremble in fear more than usual and hesitated to speak to them before (Y/N) broke him into a comfortable zone by engaging in conversation with them showing Will her family was alright. Bill just stood behind it all and resumed watching Will as he continued to glare at him while everyone continued to interact with Will.  "You suspicious of him too?" Ford said as he opened a Pitt cola and another as he handed it to Bill. "Good to know you're not fooled Sixer. Wish it ran through all the genes." Bill said as he took the Pitt cola from Ford and drink while he stared at (Y/N). Ford looked where Bill looked and glanced back at Bill with a awkward ok look. "She's not fooled Bill she's just trying her best to make a peaceful approach that's all, I'm sure she'll still be suspicious of him but in a nice manner. (Y/N) has always been that kind of girl you out of all of us should know this by now." Ford said as he took a sip of his cola while looking in the same direction Bill was. "Exactly she's too nice for her own good. It's gonna get her hurt again." Bill said as he took another sip of his Pitt cola. "Uh speaking of (Y/N) how is progress between you two going?" Ford asked as Bill slightly hung his head. "Didn't think you'd be all for it Sixer and no luck, according to her we're just 'friends' trying to determine the outcome of our partnership." Bill said as he used air quotes while rolling his eyes. "I know I've done some bad things but if she just gave me a chance I could show her how sorry I really am." Bill added as he took another drink. "She will you just have to keep trying and give her time, remember she's been through a lot and what she's been though I'm sure has given her trust issues. So it will take time for her to trust you again no matter how affectionate you are." Ford said as he took another drink as well. "Just remember all powerful or not i will make you pay if you cause my niece pain again in anyway." Ford added with a slight serious face. Bill laughed as he took a sip of his cola again. "Don't worry Sixer the only pain I plan to make her feel is the one she'll enjoy while I have my way with her." Bill smirked as he floated away and Ford gave him that 'get back here' look as bill snickered while looking back at Ford.

Everyone got to know Will and liked his presence well everyone except Bill he was even upset at the idea of Will staying with him and (Y/N) in the extra room that was in (Y/N)'s cabin. Again the Pines family had another sleep over in (Y/N)'s cabin as they all stayed up late that night and sat in front of the tv cuddled up while watching Scary Sy-Fy movies and pigging out on junk food along with the natural pig waddles. Every Time Will made an attempt to try to whisper to (Y/N) as she whispered to him asking questions quietly while the movie played Bill would always interrupt their conversation by putting his arm around (Y/N) and pulling her close to him while giving Will that 'she's mine' kind of look every time. While Mabel and Dipper would make comments about Bills Behavior and laughed about it while he teased them back and everyone continued to enjoy the movie.  But little did everyone know Will was being talked to by a voice in his head only he could hear that guided him through every step of the way. 

"Remember the plan Will they lead you to Midnight and we resurrect her that's it don't you dare go bailing on us you spineless meat sack!" Reverse Mabel yelled as Will responded with a yes ma'am remark as it echoed through their thoughts. "Don't worry sister Will knows what will happen if he messes this up, I gotta give you credit though for coming up with that investigation nonsense just to gain their trust good job for once. Just report back to us if anything big happens and keep up your little charade until we're ready." Reverse Dipper responded as he played a little with the amulet around his neck. Will acknowledged their words and it became quiet as Reverse Dipper and Mabel looked at each other. "I still can't believe our big cousin Midnight used to like that loser." Reverse Mabel scoffed. "I'm just as disgusted about it as you are." Reverse Dipper replied as he snapped his fingers and they both disappeared. Bill wasn't wrong about (Y/N) keeping her guard up but let's see if she fully follows through with it.

I hope you enjoy this chapter Don't be afraid to tell me you're opinions on the story it'll help me a lot I value any type of feedback. Thanks again guys for all the love and support you give I greatly appreciate it and I am greatly overjoyed to know you guys love the story I'm really happy you like it, it really means a lot. Have a good Day/Afternoon/Evening! Stay strong! Live you're dreams pursue you're goals and live life to the fullest!! I believe in you all and hope you are greeted with happiness everyday, and most importantly stay awesome!!! Thank you again and I will see all you wonderful people in the next chapter!!! Bye! Bye!  💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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