Weirdmaggedon 3 (OVA PT. 2)

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(Y/N) opened her eyes and looked down to the foot of the bed and saw Bill who was completely shirtless putting his gold tailcoat back on. He glanced at (Y/N) and smiled very sinisterly as he finished up the final touches on his coat. "Why hello my Queen, how was your rest? Relaxing I hope or was it? Hahaha who knows, oh wait I do." Bill snickered as (Y/N) weakly glared at him and gently sat up with her hands still bonded to the railing. "Y-You drugged me. What did you do to me!?" (Y/N) yelled angrily. Bill suddenly crawled on the bed on all fours toward (Y/N) and grabbed her face with his hand. "Allow me to show you then my sweet." Bill said through his sudden kiss he planted on (Y/N) who started to see images flash through her mind. Bill had drugged her and after that it was clear he took advantage and had sex with her in her drugged state, then after that (Y/N) started to see flashes of her Uncle Ford. She talked to him then tried to escape bills castle with him and before Ford knew it he was tricked by (Y/N) and gut kicked, knocking him out. The series of flashes ended as Bill pulled away from the kiss and he smiled. (Y/N) felt tears built up in her eyes but she didn't let them fall, instead she lunged at Bill but the shackled that bonded her to the bed stopped her from doing so and caused the bed to jolt at her attempt.

"Ohhohohhoho, someone looks eager to tear into something." Bill said while he chuckled at (Y/N)'s attempt.  "I'll tear into you! You SON OF A BASTARD! You had unconsensual sex with me and then you used me to just mess with my Uncle Ford! Just dangling his chance of freedom in front of him!" (Y/N) yelled trying to free herself from her shackles. Bill grabbed (Y/N)'s face harshly and forced her to look at his grinning face. "Unconsencual? Babe it was very mutual because the drug I used made your sexual desires rise but who you chose to release that on was solely your decision and I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. So thanks for showing me a great time, I really enjoyed it. When all this is over and I'm King of the world let's do it again so I can fill that beautiful body with the finest pleasure only a King like me can offer." Bill said with his evil smirk. "Now since Fordsy didn't cooperate even after I possessed you and tried to get the information out of him, your the one who's gonna help me. Your a smart girl and I'm sure you can figure out how to destroy the barrier that's keeping me in so I can take Weirdmaggedon global." Bill said and at Bills words (Y/N)'s face showed an expression that said 'I already figured it out' and she tried to hide it but Bill noticed it and smiled. "Come on sweetheart tell me, if you do you'll rule this world with me by my side as My Queen. No one will ever pick on you or hurt you or be mea to you again, you'll never know the feeling of sadness ever again. I can give you what you truly long for and that's to be Loved." Bill said as he moved his hand and (Y/N) was unshackled from the bed and she unwillingly floated up with Bill and was repositioned across from him."You help me and you can have all that, including me along with the package. So what do you say? Is it A Deal?" Bill whispered sweetly as he got close to (Y/N) and her hands became unshackled and she was met with a hand that was ignited with a blue flame waiting to be taken. (Y/N) stared at Bills hand for a long while and she slowly brought her hand up to his. He wasn't wrong in fact that was Bills game, he'd hold your deepest desires in front of you like a lure to a fish and just right when he has you nipping on the bate he pulls you out of that with the harsh reality of his second nature lies. Bill held his smile as (Y/N)'s fingers were inches away from his palm until suddenly she pulled away and immediately Bills face changed to pure annoyance considering he almost had her.

"You must take me for some kind of fool because I would never help you! Especially not after what you did to this town, the citizens, and my family! You won't get your way Bill because I won't allow it!" (Y/N) said taking a stand against Bill who sighed. "Your making this so much harder than it needs to be." Bill said as suddenly (Y/N)'s wrists were bonded separately along with her legs and and extra shackle cuffed around her neck a it pulled her toward Bill and her eyes met his. "Play the tough girl act all you want but everyone has a weakness and one thing I'm good at is exposing them. You'll talk, it's only a matter of time." Bill hissed but with a confident tone in his voice as he smiled and grabbed (Y/N)'s face once again and kissed her until she lost some breath and began to lose consciousness. Bill then quickly slapped her out of it and her attention was on him. "None of that now, wouldn't want the fun to end so quickly now would we." Bill smiled.

Meanwhile at the Mystery shack everyone worked with McGucket on the shack itself and turned it into something extraordinary and it was a giant badass robot. Battle ready everyone walked over to Bills castle where demon laughs and (Y/N)'s screams were heard. (Y/N) was chained up in the throne room where the demons laughed as Bill tortured her by electrocution. He stopped it and (Y/N)'s body was almost sizzling from the shocks. Bill floated up to (Y/N) who's head was down and she was breathing very heavily.  Bill grabbed her face and smiled at the sight of an exhausted and tortured (Y/N). "Ready to talk now?" Bill hummed with pure satisfaction.  "Heh, if this is all you got then I'm disappointed Bill I thought you were more threatening than this." (Y/N) weakly snickered. Bill wasn't amused by her words and in result he let go of her and snapped his fingers, and (Y/N)'s eyes glowed yellow for a quick second before she started groaning and yelling from the form of torture she was going through. "You can't even begin to comprehend what I'm capable of sweet heart." Bill smiled as (Y/N) thrashed her head around and began to scream from the nightmares and hell bill was making her see. (Y/N) was screaming until she suddenly started to laugh. "Then show me Bill! Show me what you got because THIS IS NOTHING BUT PATHETIC!" (Y/N) laughed and Bill just smiled as he looked at his demon friends. "She thinks she's Ms. Tough, so what do you think fellas another 500 volts?" Bill asked and suddenly his castle shook and Bill looked around before he looked back at his friends. "Hey do you hear that!?" Bill asked and at that moment his door was busted down by a T-Rex head  which appeared to be attached to an orange Crystal and a whole arm. It moved and revealed the mystery shack. "What! I just fixed that door!" Bill shouted . (Y/N)'s mental torment ended from the lack of Bills concentration and she weakly looked up and caught a blurry glimpse of the shack and she weakly smiled.


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