Chapter 14: The Answer

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"Hey Dumb water griffin come at me! You don't want her she tastes terrible! How about some golden nacho to munch on huh!?" Bill said as he wiggled his butt and taunted the griffin, the griffin became pissed and turned it's attention to Bill as it flew up to him and chased him in the sky as Mabel tried to think of something, anything she can do to help. Mabel looked around while Bill kept the griffin occupied. Mabel looked by the boat house and noticed a cable going side it, "Electricity? Wait what does water do with electricity, it conducts it!" Mabel said as she got up and contacted Bill through his mind reading.  "Bill! Lead the griffin to the boat house! No questions just do it! " Mabel yelled to Bill through her thoughts as she ran toward the boat house. Bill gave her a unsure look but followed her command as he flew toward the boat house and the griffin followed Bill. Suddenly the griffin was electrocuted and the water form it maintained fell apart and dispersed all over the ground. "Heh Great job shooting star with the quick thinking." Bill said as he grinned at her while he floated down to her level. "That wasn't me." Mabel said as suddenly they both looked behind them a saw Will approaching as he shyly waved at them. "S-sorry I-I saw y-you h-having trouble." Will said as he trembled. "Way to go cry baby didn't think you had it in you." Bill said as he floated to Will and hit him on the back as Mabel walked up. Will suddenly gave a serious sad look to them both, "I-I'm sorry." Will suddenly snapped his fingers and Mabel fainted as Bill caught her and gave Will a angry look before Will floated into the water thus going to the dimension Dipper and (Y/N) were in. "Shooting star wake up!" Bill said as he shook Mabel trying to wake her.

(Y/N) let go of Dipper and took his hat off his head as she gently rubbed his head and kissed his forehead then she pressed her forehead against his as he wiped his tears away. "If your ever feeling like that again there's no reason to keep it in you can always talk to me, I'm not a judge mental person Dipper you know me. You can always come talk to me alright?" (Y/N) said as Dipper sniffled before looking into (Y/N)'s eyes and embracing her in a hug. "Thanks (Y/N). Thanks a lot." Dipper said as he smiled and released the hug. Suddenly Will came in as Dipper and (Y/N) stood up and saw him. "W-Will? What're you-" (Y/N) said before she was cut off by Will who moved in close to her and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' to her before he grabbed her face and embraced her in a very passionate Kiss. Dipper freaked out at the sight as (Y/N) tried to push Will off but Will held the kiss until (Y/N) suddenly fainted in his arms.

(Y/N)'s body floated up as a person suddenly emerged from her chest and claimed out of her body as (Y/N) dropped to the ground unconscious and the person who emerged out of (Y/N) floated in the air. Dipper ran to (Y/N) and held her in his arms. "(Y/N)!" He yelled as he shook her before turning his attention to the mysterious woman before him as she stretched. "Ah! Yes! It feels great to be back. Ah so very nice." Midnight said as she turned and smiled at Will who trembled before her. "Oh my little Willie! How have you been my little toy? Good? I hope so." Midnight said as she suddenly planted a kiss on Will. "Uh H-Hello Midnight." Will said as he looked away from Midnights devious smirk. Midnight turned around only to see Dipper who glared at her as he held (Y/N) close in his arms almost shielding her from Midnights gaze. "Well well well if it isn't the little Pinetree boy who I believe is suppose to be dead by the hands of that little wench in your arms. Tell me oh how can you be breathing right now, what did she do some noble sacrifice to save you or something." Midnight said as she chuckled before she stopped while catching dippers reaction as he glared at her more. "She was dead for four years because of you! Your not taking her from us again!" Dipper yelled as he held (Y/N) tighter as midnight chuckled. "Well how about you both spend eternity together in the afterlife." Midnight said as she smiled and pointed her finger at Dipper and shot a knife out of her finger as Will suddenly got in the way and took a knife to the shoulder as he kneeled down in pain. "Please Midnight These mortals are beneath you, w-we should g-go and leave them l-let's go b-back t-to o-our dimension and rule it and Be M-My Queen." Will said as he held his hand out to Midnight who smiled at him as she took the knife out of his shoulder while he stood up before Her. "Oh baby Will, Do I look that gullible to you?" Midnight asked as she suddenly put her arm through Wills chest as he stood there in shock. "Don't ever forget your place my sweet Will. Now be a good little slave and grovel on the ground for me." Midnight whispered in Will's ear as she smiled and took his arm out of his chest, Will fell to the ground and laid there in shock and Dipper stated in horror. "Well I'm bored time to go have some fun. I'm in a good mood so I'll let you live kid but if I see you or her cross my path again consider it our last meeting. " midnight said as she smiled at Dipper and snapped her fingers as she disappeared.

Suddenly the realm began to change and became the lake itself as Dipper struggled to breathe and swam to the surface while he held (Y/N) in his arm and went to the surface as Will sunk into the water. Dipper bursted out of the water as he gasped for air and swam with one arm to the shore while Bill and Mabel, who was awake, ran up  to them and grabbed (Y/N) who was unconscious and dragged her on the shore. Dipper swam back out and dove into the water going back for Will. Mabel and Bill tried to wake (Y/N) up but their attempts didn't change anything. Dipper once again bursted out of the water but this time with Will in his arm as he swam back to the shore and place himself and will on land. Will's hole in his chest slowly began to close itself up, Bill gave (Y/N) CPR as Dipper walked over to Mabel while trying to calm her down from freaking out so much. "Midnights back." Dipper said causing the expression on Mabel's face to become horrified. "No. But how!" Mabel exclaimed while Bill gave Dipper a worried look. "She can't be- but (Y/N) killed her we all saw it!" Bill said as he continued to try to wake (Y/N) up. Will at that moment became conscious and stood up. "O-Oh man T-The g-gleeful twins aren't going t-to be happy about this." Will said as suddenly a portal opened in the sky above them and a man and woman emerged from the port alas it closed up behind them and they landed in front of Will.  "Damn right we aren't!" Mabel gleeful said as she flipped her hair and glared at Will. "You didn't do what we asked Will." Dipper gleeful said as he snapped his fingers and Will began to feel pain as he cried out and apologized repeatedly until the pain stopped. "Uh- Bill who are they and why do they look exactly like us!" Mabel yelled freaked out at Bill. "I'd like to know as well." Bill said as he went back to performing CPR on (Y/N) and tried to continuously wake her up but alas she wasn't responding or breathing yet her heart was somehow still beating. The gleeful twins looked at them as they approached them. "Ugh! That's a hideous sweater. Why do I look like a walking horror show in this dimension." Mabel gleeful snarled as she checked out Mabel. "Why do I look so wimpy." Dipper gleeful snarled as well while checking out Dipper. They both then turned their attention to Bill who growled at them as he held (Y/N) in his arms in a overprotective manner. "Wow not Blue but gold." Mabel gleeful said while checking Bill out. "Not a crybaby but confident. Hmmm." Dipper gleeful added. "Who are you emo looking kids and why do you look exactly like the pines twins?!" Bill snarled as he held (Y/N) tighter in his arms. "Hey sis, isn't this they guy Midnight liked and was obsessed with?" Dipper gleeful asked. "You know I think your right. Let's confirm this by taking this little group with us...for ransom." Mabel gleeful smiled evilly as she snapped her fingers and everyone disappeared from not only the lake but Gravity Falls itself.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter sorry for the wait I appreciate your patience and Thank you guys for the love and support you continue to give. Stay Awesome and Wonderful and I will see you all in the next chapter!!! BYE!BYE!

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