Chapter 13: Dipper and The Truth

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Dipper slowly approached the lake while Bill and the others were right behind him. "The place that's known as the mirror of the lake should be around here at the end of the peer." Dipper said as he ran up to the edge of the peer while the others watched except (Y/N) who followed Dipper. "So this 'secret' part of the lake is suppose to be like a mirror to a dimension of truths or something?" Bill asked as he looked at Mabel, "Well a dimension of revaluation, like a place that's impossible to hide who you really are because it reveals your true nature or intentions I think." Mabel said trying to remember what Dipper told her. Bill quickly made Mabel turn the opposite Direction with him as Dipper and (Y/N) engaged in conversation. "Alright I'm gonna tell you this shooting star but that's it after this it is to reach no one else's ears but our own." Bill said as he pulled out a gorgeous ring that had a blue diamond shaped raindrop and in the center of it nicely glowed Bills iconic eye symbol as a white diamond. Mabel slowly looked up from the gorgeous ring to Bill as she covered her mouth with her hands. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! YOU'RE GONNA PROPOSE TO (Y/-!" Mabel yelled out as Bill covered her mouth quickly and (Y/N) looked over at Bill and Mabel as Dippers face became buried in the book. "Propose what Bill?" (Y/N) asked while he voice echoed through the lake from yelling from where she was. "Nothing my Gorgeous Raindrop just proposing a solution to shooting stars problem that's all." Bill said as he muffled Mabel's mouth with his hand. (Y/N) nodded and went back to Dipper. Bill gave Mabel a grin before releasing her mouth from his grip, "Way to almost blow my cover kid." Bill scoffed as he turned to Mabel. "I'm sorry I just- aghh I can't believe you want to marry (Y/N) oh my gosh! Does that mean your gonna be our cousin-in-law! Wait will my cousin have to change her last name!? If so that's the only thing I'm objecting to because I want the pines family name to stay especially with my cousin!" Mabel said as Bill bursted out laughing. "Don't get crazy shooting star the only thing I want her to change is her middle name because her last name is too valuable to change. How does (Y/N) Cipher Pines sound?" Bill asked while Mabel's face lit up with a huge smile. "It sounds perfect! So when are you gonna ask her?" Mabel asked excitedly. "Tonight after we have some private adult time." Bill said as he put the ring away and looked over at (Y/N) with a seductive smirk. "Whoa a little TMI. I honestly don't think that's a great time to propose. If you want to really spend the rest of your life with her then you gotta do it romantically. You really gotta let her know how much you want this Bill how bad you yearn for it! You see where I'm going with this." Mabel said as Bill gave her a slight look. "I want to spend an Eternity with her shooting star. Oh and I already have that covered after we get back I'm gonna take her to a different realm and have dinner with her at the finest five star restaurant they have to offer, take her out dancing and lastly take her to a peaceful tranquil night walk between only us along the shores of the galaxy's finest beach. After that we come back to gravity falls and make our way to her room and then the deal will be sealed." He said as he looked at Mabel with a smile. "I-I think you got this." Mabel said surprised. "Shooting Star I know lots of things. Remember that." Bill said as he tapped Mabel's nose then looked over at (Y/N). "She's a girl full of curiosity and wonder and I want to show her the world. Because she is mine." Bill said as he made a tiny earth appear in his palm and overlapped it with a heart before making it disappear. "Make her happy for eternity and I'm 100% on your side." Mabel said as Bill held out his hand and a blue flame ignited in it. "That's a deal I'd gladly make with you." Bill said as he grinned. "Mabel! Bill! Come over here quick!" Dipper called out as they both joined them. On the peer. Dipper placed his hand inches from the water as the surface of the water began to move to Dippers hand movement.

"Huh?" Dipper said as he noticed the strange occurrence. Suddenly a water tentacle formed and wrapped around Dippers wrist and pulled him in. Dipper reached for Mabel but instead he grabbed (Y/N) and took her with him into the water as they both disappeared. "(Y/N)!!" Bill yelled out as he reached for the water but it hissed at him denying access. "What the-" Bill said as he was cut off by a huge water creature that emerged from the water, well it was the water. It revealed a Griffen made out of water as it walked onto the peer and slowly toward Bill and Mabel as they slowly began to back away. The Griffen bared its water teeth and hissed at them, it lunged at them suddenly. Bill pushed Mabel out of its way while he floated up. "Hey ya ugly Griffen why don't you come get it!" Bill said as he provoked the Griffen so it wouldn't go near Mabel. The water Griffen spread its wings and chased Bill around in the air as he continued to taunt it and zap it occasionally.

Meanwhile. "Dipper! Dipper! Where are you!? Dipper are you ok!!" (Y/N) shouted out in fear before hearing a response. "(Y/N) I'm alright I'm actually right behind you." Dipper said as he floated to (Y/N) who was relieved. "Where are we?" Dipper asked as him and (Y/N) floated and looked around only to see nothing but endless water walls of mirrors. "Whoa. This must be the dimension of revaluation you talked about. This is it Dipper. Wow as always you know where to find the greatest mysteries. Wow. Shall we take a look around?" (Y/N) said excitedly. "Y-Yeah let's see." Dipper said not excited but not happy either as he began to float towards a mirror. But it blocked him and (Y/N) off as a circle of mirrors circled them and closed them off from any free roaming. First it reflected their faces then it reflected their younger selves before they stopped circling and backed off a little it to give some room for Dipper and (Y/N) to move around. They both began to stare at and examine the mirrors. Before they began to hear voices in their heads that said 'let your heart speak.'  Suddenly (Y/N)'s reflection became Bill. Bill smiled at (Y/N) and put his hand up to touch the mirror, (Y/N) followed his action as she stared at the reflection of Bill. "My heart speak....what...My heart..wants." (Y/N) said as her hand touched bills as she stared at him as he smiled at her. (Y/N) gently took her hand off the mirror and Bill disappeared making the Mirror normal again. "I...wonder what Bill would see if he was here....what it would show.." (Y/N) said to herself before she began to hear sobbing.

(Y/N) swung around only to see Dipper standing in front of a Mirror. She approached him and was about to tap him but was stopped by a rather sad sight. (Y/N) saw what the mirror reflected in front of Dipper, it was him 4 years ago when (Y/N) died. Dipper held (Y/N)'s head in his arms along with Mabel and Bill and cried, repeating the words 'it's my fault' and 'I'm sorry' then it fast forward to a year and it showed Dipper and Mabel arguing and crying about how Dipper blamed himself for (Y/N) being gone and how he wish it would've been the other way around of her being there instead of him. (Y/N) quietly retracted her hand and watched just as Dipper did until it all stopped and became a normal mirror again. Dipper turned around as he looked at (Y/N). "You weren't suppose to see that." Dipper said as (Y/N) slowly walked up to him but Dipper backed away, "Stop don't come any closer!" Dipper said as (Y/N) grabbed Dipper by his sweater and pulled him toward her but Dipper struggled and refused before (Y/N) ended up successfully pulling him into a hug. "It's ok to feel sad or hurt or even angry at me Dipper but the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you so bad to where you felt that way! I never intended to hurt you! I wanted to save you because I know without you the family definitely would've been broken. Mabel would've been broken...A-And I couldn't bear to see that! I couldn't bear loosing you or Mabel Or anyone in the family! You guys mean too much to me! You guys are the only reason I see life worth living! You guys give me the strength to keep going! So don't you dare ever say or think that again because I love you guys with all my heart the least you can do is keep me close to you all.."(Y/N) said as she paused and let go of Dipper and pointed at his chest. "..In here. In your heart. As long as I live on in there you'll never have to miss me all you'd have to do is think of me and I'll be there. I gave my life to save yours and I'll tell you something I'll never regret it of feel sad because your here alive and breathing and living your life and that makes me the happiest cousin in the world. So please do me a favor and keep living Dipper and do it with no regrets. Alright." (Y/N) said as she smiled at Dipper. Dippers eyes teared up as he tried to hold back his tears but it became unbearable. He threw his arms around (Y/N) and buried his face into he neck as he cried out and held (Y/N). "I-I'm so sorry! I love you (Y/N)! I'm glad your back! Please don't go...please!" Dipper said as he continued to ball out and (Y/N) gently wrapped her arms around him as they both fell to their knees holding each other as Dipper continued to cry and (Y/N) softly rubbed his back as she held him tightly. "I'm not going anywhere Dipper. I'm here. It's alright. I'm here. I'm here." (Y/N) softly said as she let Dipper cry and comfort him as best she could while the mirrors continued to circle them.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Sorry I haven't updated for a bit I was busy doing Work and School stuff but I'll update whenever I get the chance I promise! Thank you guys for praising me with your Awesome Wonderful presence! Stay Awesome and I will see you all in the next chapter!!! BYE! BYE! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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