Chapter 24: A Bet

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"So it seems That when she cut that mark you put on your girl it turned what was cut into stone, hence your hand." Human Bill said as he paced back and forth while floating in the air in front of (Y/N) who sat on a couch with Triangle Bill in her lap with Dipper and Mabel sitting next to (Y/N). "Your hand doesn't hurt does it?" (Y/N) asked with her eyes shifting down to triangle Bill who stared at his hand annoyed. "No but my pride does." Triangle Bill answered annoyed. "Midnight's the reason your like that again so we should go find her so we can change you back, right?" Mabel asked while everyone's eye's shifted to her. "Mabel isn't wrong we have to stop her before she destroys another dimension." Dipper said as at that moment (Y/N)'s face became shocked. "OH NO GRUNCLE STAN AND FORD!! THEY'RE STILL WITH THE GLEEFUL TWINS AND WILL!!!" (Y/N) yelled as she squished Bill against her chest in a shocked hug. "Whoa whoa Calm down hottie what twins?" Human Bill asked. "R-Raindrop! Not that I mind! But I can't breathe!" Triangle Bill yelled as he tried to wiggle out of (Y/N) breasts. "Oh! I'm sorry Bill." (Y/N) said as she let go of Bill and he floated up. "Just because they aren't big doesn't mean they can't suffocate me I mean I wouldn't mind dying that way but yeah." Bill said as (Y/N) blushed and covered her chest. "Oh no they're probably going crazy wondering where we are at! But how are we gonna get back to them if we can't find a way back!" Mabel yelled in a panic.

"Hey! I may not be able to take you to them BUT I can create a window for you guys to communicate through if that'll get you to stop yelling." Human Bill said annoyed before he snapped his fingers and a small little portal opened up and revealed a blank space within it. "Just think of anywhere you want the other side to be and it will show up in that dimension the same way it shows in this one." Human Bill said before he snagged Triangle Bill by his foot away from (Y/N) and next to him as he walked off. "H-Hey! Where are you taking him!?" (Y/ N) asked. "Oh just over here to have a man to man talk nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about. Now Be a good little girl and make your call." Human Bill said as Triangle Bill hit him on the head with his non-stone hand and Human Bill glared at him. "I Really dislike that Bill." (Y/N) said as she rolled her eyes and proceeded with Mable and Dipper in front of the inter-dimensional window. "Um ok, Show me Gruncle Stan and Ford please." (Y/N) said as the window did as she asked and showed them Ford and Stan standing in front of the cage that held the gleeful twins inside along with Will who also stood before the cage. "Gruncle Stan!" They all yelled as Stan and Ford along with Will jumped at the sound of their voices and all of them turned in the direction the window was as they became battle ready pulling out their weapons, except Will who hid in terror behind Ford who had his gun out. "Kids!?" Ford and Stan yelled at the same time in joy as they lowered their weapons. "W-Where are you guys at are you alright!?-" Ford asked as Stan finished his sentence. "Your not hurt are you!?" Stan asked. "A little beat up but we're in good condition!" Mable exclaimed in her usual cheerful voice. "No thanks to Midnight." Dipper slightly scoffed.

"Midnight!? Wait You saw her?" Ford asked. "What happened?" Stan asked angrily. "Well she showed up and tried to kill us you know the usual but to answer your question from earlier, we are in the dimension she's from and we've met another Bill who- get this use to be human until he made a deal with midnight who is me from this dimension. On top of that we found out Midnight is the reason Our Bill is back in his original form and continuing with that I want to say we have a problem." (Y/N) said as Ford and Stan have that go on look. "Well, You both remember the mark Bill put on me when he made me a demon?" (Y/N) asked as Ford and Stan nodded. "Midnight and I Engaged in combat and in that rustle she cut part of the mark and where she cut on the mark effected Our Bill by turning his hand to stone. Since I'm a demon because of Bill my demon side will weaken whenever his does so as a result I made a deal with this dimensions Bill and got my own power source from him and now I'm his body guard against her." (Y/N) said as Stan became slightly angry.

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