Chapter 15: Break her

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(Y/N) opened her eyes only to see Dipper and Bill strapped to a board that stood across from her and Mabel who sat in a cage next to them. "W-Wha-What's- huh!" (Y/N) said as she fumbled her words while she slowly gained consciousness only to find herself chained up to a board by her arms and legs. "Bill! Dipper! What's-" (Y/N) said as she struggled to get out of the chains before she was cut off by Dipper gleeful who stood before her. "Good your finally awake, now we can start." Dipper gleeful said as he turned from (Y/N) to Dipper. "Wait how do you-......What's your name." (Y/N) said as she suddenly became calm and straight faced. Dipper gleeful slowly walked up to (Y/N) as Bill flinched from anger and tried to break the magical restraints. "You touch her and you'll regret it kid!" Bill yelled as Dipper gleeful ignored him and stood before (Y/N) once again. "Gleeful. Dipper Gleeful. Over there next to the cage is my twin sister Mabel Gleeful." Dipper gleeful said as he pointed at His sister before swinging his eyes back on (Y/N). "Gleeful?" Dipper and Mabel questioned simultaneously. "That's Gideon's last name." Mabel said as Mabel gleeful reacted with a scoff. "That Pines twit has our last name you can't be serious!" Mabel gleeful snarled at Mabel. "Pines!? You mean he has our last name!" Mabel questioned. "Parallel Universes." (Y/N) said as everyone turned their attention to (Y/N). "A universe that is like a mirror that reflects you but is a complete opposite. In our world Gideon was a very bad kid until his big change, where in your universe he's naturally kind hearted. You two reflect my relatives except your cold hearted and cruel. So by this i'm assuming that my counter part is midnight." (Y/N) said as Dipper gleeful gave her a cold yet evil smile. " Aren't you a smart one and fine looking i must admit." Dipper Gleeful smiled as he cuffed (Y/N)'s face in his hand while (Y/N) turned her face in the other direction in disgust while she still held her eyes on his. Bill immediately became pissed and struggled to break free again. "Shes's taken kid! Besides she's too old for you! Damn pinetree what is it with you and your freaky fetish for older women." Bill said as Dipper blushed angerly and looked at Bill. "S-Shut Up You Damn Nacho!" Dipper yelled in angry embarrassment. "Watch it Pinetree!" Bill yelled back. "Your not wrong my sweet. But unlike you with your family she isn't ours." Dipper gleeful said as he rudely let go of (Y/N)'s Face. " She isn't even from our dimension, she killed your other counter part from our dimension and had the gull to destroy our dimension and leave us to wonder this endless Limbo. It took a couple decades to find her but you were kind enough to bring us to her when you sealed her inside you and died coming here where we decided to bring you back in order to free her from inside of you." Dipper gleeful said. "All for Revenge oh gee so original." (Y/N) said as she rolled her eyes. "You idiots do realize by fooling around here with us your letting her escape and probably letting her destroy more dimensions as we speak." (Y/N) said as Dipper gleeful gave a sinister smirk. "You could be her acomplises for all we know which is why we are gonna make you tell us where she is." Said Dipper Gleeful.

"Well your wasting your time because none of us work are with that little bitch we all want her dead just as much as you do. So how about we negotiate something, make a deal? We could work together to take her down." (Y/N) said as Mabel Gleeful walked up to her and smiled at her along with Dipper Gleeful. "No dice sweet cakes, you see instead we'll just torture you and then after we are done with you, Midnight will be next. Come on Brother let's start already this peasant girl is starting to get on my nerves." Mabel gleeful snarled as she walked away and stood by the board where Bill and Dipper were strapped to. "Now we are gonna play a little game with you. You see we've been watching you through our slave Will and we know enough to see that you two have a relationship." Dipper gleeful said as he pointed at Bill. "I'll admit your not bad looking but sadly you don't have much of a body, so what do you do that gets him off? Huh? Do you give really good blowjobs? Handjobs? Maybe your just good in bed, tell me what is it about you that has made him so attached to you? It's gotta be the sex right?" Dipper gleeful asked as (Y/N) glared at him. "The person she is!" Bill growled as everyone turned his attention toward him. "You better shut your trap kid before I do it for you! You don't know anything about what we have! I'm attached to that woman because of who she is not what she can offer me! I wasn't expecting at all to fall for her but the more time I spent with her the more I started to adore her and before I knew it she was all I could think about. I'm in Love with who she is so don't insult her or it'll be the last thing you do!" Bills said as he surprised (Y/N) and Dipper Pines. Dipper gleeful slowly looked back at (Y/N), giving her a very frightening evil smile. "Let's see if he'll be saying that after I make you choose." Dipper gleeful said as he snapped his fingers and Two giant axes floated above Bill and Dipper. "What're you- No. Stop please!" (Y/N) said as she continued to struggle out of the chains. Dipper gleeful grabbed (Y/N)'s face and forced her to look. "Tell me who is worth more to you? Your Family or Your lover. Choose, you have 15 minutes to decide or they both get their faces cut in half by those axes." Dipper gleeful said as (Y/N) head butted him suddenly. "LET THEM GO!!" (Y/N) yelled as Dipper gleeful Wiped the blood that dripped from his nose with a unamused expression. "Alright I think a slower death will be in order. Sister, instead of the axes I'll just have you slowly cut them up in front of her." Dipper gleeful said, Mabel gleeful smiled and pulled out a knife, she walked up to Dipper and played with the knife until her brother have the order to start. "Please don't do this! Let them go please! You can do whatever you want to me but please for god sake just let them go please!" (Y/N) pleaded as Dipper gleeful suddenly grabbed her shirt and ripped it open as it exposed her bra and stomach. He slowly trailed his finger from her stomach up the the center of her breasts as he tugged at the bra from the center and held it in his finger. "Whatever I want huh, in that case I might consider letting them go if you show me just how good you are in bed." Dipper gleeful said with a sinister smile, "actually no need for a bedroom I'll just have my way with you in front of your little pet." Dipper gleeful added before he started to suck on (Y/N)'s neck nice and slow while she tried to struggle but Dipper gleeful held her down as he began to slowly fill up her body with his warm yet cold hands. Bill became so rage crazy his eye turned into a lust red as he violently thrashed around to try and free himself from the restraints. "TAKE THIS ANY FURTHER KID AND I SWEAR YOU'LL BE BEGGING ME FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!" Bill shouted with his voice becoming very deep suddenly. "Oh you mean like this?" Dipper gleeful smiled at Bill, He ripped off (Y/N)'s bra and sucked on her breast aggressively never taking his eyes off of Bill while he did it. "ILL KILL YOU KID!!" Bill yelled. "(Y/N)!" Mabel yelled from the cage as she watched Dipper gleeful continue to molest her cousin. "Mabel look away! Don't look! It's gonna be ok please just don't look." (Y/N) said as she struggled to keep a strong demeanor for her cousins sake. Mabel did as she was told and closed her eyes while covering her ears and slightly cried from the screams she began to hear coming from (Y/N) that ringed through her covered ears. Dipper gleeful stopped having his way with (Y/N) for a moment as he smiled at her exhausted face. "Your screams are very arousing I admit. Now choose who you want to save or I'll have to resort to a more violent matter and screw you in front of your little boyfriend." Dipper gleeful smiled with his eyes on (Y/N). "I'm- uh-not choosing! I love my family and I Love Bill Cipher. I may have been able to choose no problem if I barely met Bill but he's become apart of my heart and in some way apart of my family as well. So please I'm begging you just let them go. They're innocent, they did nothing to you please let them go!" (Y/N) pleaded. Dipper glanced at Mabel Gleeful and nodded his head at that notion Mabel Gleeful took a knife and ran it across Dippers chest slowly while he cried out in pain. "STOP!!!" (Y/N) yelled in terror. Dipper gleeful snapped his fingers and (Y/N)'s lower half became completely exposed from her pants magically disappearing. He then made the chains around her ankles extend a little and wrapped (Y/N)'s legs around his waist, holding her thighs in his hands. "You should've chose, but now they're both going to die and it's all because of you. Don't worry I'll help you drown out their screams by pleasuring you." Dipper gleeful smiled as he began to pull out something from his pants while he glanced over at Bill and smiled.

Suddenly Dipper gleeful was hit in the back of the head and fell to the ground unconscious, before Mabel Gleeful could react the same thing happened to her as well. Mabel stood over Dipper gleeful's unconscious body before she attended to (Y/N) and tried to take off her chains. Bill and Dippers restraints suddenly disappeared and they were released, landing on the ground and stood up they both caught Sight of Will who stood over Mabel Gleeful's unconscious body and shyly waved at Dipper and Bill. Bill immediately went to help Mabel take (Y/N)'s chains off as they freed her and she fell as Bill caught her in his arms and fell to his knees with her in his arm sincerely holding her as if he was afraid but at the same time relieved to have her in his hold. Dipper and Will avoided looking at (Y/N) since she was naked. Bill turned his attention to Dipper gleeful's unconscious body before it was interrupted by (Y/N) who wrapped her arms around Bills torso and buried her face in it while shaking her head gently telling him No with her body language knowing full well what he was gonna attempt to do. But (Y/N) had enough of hurting for the time being. Bill snapped his fingers and (Y/N)'s body became covered with a beautiful skintight long sleeved knee length (F/C) dress with matching tights and boots. Bill held (Y/N) as she held him and buried his face into her soft (F/C) hair. "I-I-I don't mean to interrupt b-b-b-but w-w-We should get going b-b-before they become conscious again." Will said as Bill without a second thought picked up (Y/N) bridal style and he followed Will as he led the way, along with Dipper and Mabel who followed. (Y/N) was mute the whole time but Bill didn't pester it he just held her tighter in his arms and comforted her as best he could while they escaped with Will.

Alright so friendly little note I will be posting the other stories soon I just want to get a good amount of chapters done so while I'm rotating it'll be easier for me so I apologize if you guys like the other ones and they haven't had much updates but I can assure you updates will come soon thank you for your patients!❤️ Once again thank you guys for the love a support you guys are just too amazing and I'm so lucky to be graced with your wonderful presence! Thank you! I'll update the next chapter but not Til after today or after tomorrow, thank you guys for your awesomeness stay awesome or continue living like a Boss you are either, or, your still badasses in my book 😊 and I will see you all in the next Chapter Bye! Bye!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

P.S. For those of you who are TMNT Fans look forward to a RaphaelXReader story soon because honestly I've had my OC and Raphael story going on since I was in middle school and now that I've discovered Wattpad I can write it out instead of drawing half butt comics for it lol. I hope you guys enjoy it tho, remember I was in middle school when I made it so please go easy on me if its very confusing. Thank you I appreciate it! Author-Chan out! 💙💙💙

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