Chapter 25: Another Place

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Later, Somewhere in the Gravity Falls Forest.

"So Your saying we can't even find what we need to build the enhancer but it's basically impossible to get?" (Y/N) said with a slight worried look on her face. Human Bill suddenly wrapped an arm around (Y/N) and pulled her away from triangle Bill. "It is in this world BUT since you came here I would say it's safe to assume you my little black butterfly have made a tear somewhere in this realm BUT it can only go onward onto another universe not backwards I'm afraid. That's how it works, don't ask any questions because I don't know how to fully explain it my little Butterfly." Human Bill said as he dangerously got close to (Y/N)'s face and tried to go for a sudden kiss but (Y/N) was pushed back by triangle Bill who held a glare as he got in between them and stared down human Bill as he did the same. "Um...could you lead us to this tear if you might know where it is?" (Y/N) asked. Triangle Bill tugged on human Bills mouth as he tugged at Triangle Bills legs until they both stopped and looked at her. "Yeah, I know where it is.  Only because my old pal Fordsy built it with my help a long time ago." Human Bill grinned as him and Triangle Bill released each other.

Suddenly everything around them began to float up as did (Y/N) along with Dipper and Mabel before they all came back down along with everything around them. Dipper and Mabel landed on their feet while Human Bill took the opportunity and caught (Y/N) in his arms bridal style. She looked at him as he grinned at her and tightened his grip on her. "Hmm (E/C) eyes, I never noticed such beauty before your just full of surprises aren't you?" Human Bill smiled As he leaned in and (Y/N) redirected is face upward away from hers by putting her hand under his chin and pushing it up and to that action he dropped her on her butt. "Oops My arms got tired." Human Bill smirked as (Y/N) rolled her eyes while getting up and she dusted herself off not paying attention to human Bill and that annoyed him. "Wait a minute, we just defied the laws of gravity for a good couple seconds- THAT MUST MEAN THE TEAR IS THE PORTAL IN THIS WORLD!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "Which means at this moment Ford is gonna come through that portal! We need to get to the basement now! And we need to be discreet about it!" (Y/N) said as she immediately ran toward where the shack would be. "Wait does that mean..oh boy." Dipper said as him and everyone else raced to the basement of the shack.

Half way down the basement of the shack everything began to float up suddenly along with (Y/N) and everyone else, (Y/N) immediately grabbed some of the rocky wall and followed along the lining preventing herself from floating up any farther. Dipper and Mabel followed her actions except for both Bill's who floated and followed them toward where the portal was but stopped behind (Y/N) who floated discreetly in the doorway as her, dipper and Mabel watched the events unfold before them. Mabel who was a child in this dimension floated as she held on to the emergency off switch and attempted to push it but was stopped by Stan who persuaded her not to push the button as Dipper protested against him. Dipper and Mabel starstruck by the moment watched as it proceeded on before them, before their eye's went on (Y/N) who also stared starstruck at the tragic moment. "It's like looking in a mirror only this time I'm not there. It's tragically beautiful." (Y/N) said as both Bills eye's shifted to her. (Y/N) snapped out of the moment and looked at everyone with a serious expression. "We all know how this plays out! As soon as small Mabel let's go of that emergency button we all make a go into that portal! We don't know where we will end up but we need to do this if we ever hope to get home do you all got it!?" (Y/N) asked as Mabel,Dipper, and both Bill's nodded.

(Y/N) immediately looked back at the events that played out before them and as she predicted little Mabel released the emergency button and floated up and as the words 'I TRUST YOU.' escaped her mouth a bright light emerged from the portal and blinded everyone and at that moment (Y/N) along with everyone else took that opportunity and went through the portal. Everything went blank for a moment. (Y/N) opened her eyes slowly as she lifted herself off of what seemed to be the dirt filled ground as she looked up and saw someone getting up from the ground across from her, it was a little girl about the age of 15, she wore an old style of black clothes, a dress to be more precise. It was aristocratic Victorian style black dress with a cute matching hat that almost looked as if it was bigger then the little girls head. "Ugh! Hey watch where your going commoner!" The little girl yelled at she was picked up by two gloved hands and stood up by a tall man who wore a very bright yellow tail coat and had full blonde hair but was brushed to one side and also wore a eye patch and top hat. The man brushed the little girls clothes off as she pushed him away in annoyance. "Ugh! Let me do it! Your just making the mess worse Bill! Ugh! I can't believe this stupid commoner ruined my favorite dress!" The little girl complained as the Man bend down to her height as his face got close to hers. "I'm sorry Milady but if you keep rubbing it like that it'll only get worse. Let us return to the manner and I shall tend to it properly and prepare a bath for you young miss." The man said as the little girl suddenly grabbed him by his coat.

"We can't go back Bill! You know why we are in town today! To Go see McGucket about that weird contraption we recovered at the crime scene, besides if we don't do this now the queen will surely yank her precious guard dog by the leash!" The little girl yelled as she shifted her cold blue eye's on (Y/N) and flipped her short black hair in a snobby matter before walking past (Y/N) who began to stand up and brush herself off. (Y/N) looked up only to come face to face with the man who was with the little girl. (Y/N) backed up in a fighting stance as the man chuckled as he stood tall before (Y/N). "My young master is a bit of a child considering she still is one, forgive her rude behavior and next time you best watch your step miss." The man said as he winked at (Y/N) and proceeded to catch up to the little girl, he then shifted his eye's suspiciously back toward (Y/N) as she stared back at him questionably watching them both walk off. (Y/N) looked around only to catch people dressed in 18th century attire along with the look of everything else. "Guy's I think were in another-" (Y/N) said as she immediately cut herself off only to find Dipper, Mabel, and both Bills gone, she was alone in the street as carriages and old fashioned cars passed her and she looked around for them. "Oh no." (Y/N) said to herself as she frantically looked around. All she could hope for was that they made it through with her.

Thank you guys so much for patiently waiting! Things have been weird lately and I hope you can forgive the lack in updates but I've been majorly busy and I hope you all understand! I hope you enjoy this chapter and as always stay awesome like the wonderful badass bosses you are I greatly appreciate the love and support you give it means a lot to me! I greatly don't deserve your kindness you guys give but I'm grateful for it and I will see you all in the next chapter!!! BYE BYE!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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