Chapter 19: How can I Love You

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Bill floated with his gaze concentrated on (Y/N) while everyone stood around the cage the Gleeful twins were in. "So let me get this straight, You met Midnight along time ago, fell in love with her and then years later she starts suddenly treating you like a slave and she's not even from your own dimension?! Then where exactly did you meet her?" (Y/N) asked as everyone's eyes narrowed to Will who stared back at everyone nervously. "In between Dimensions, that's where I go when Dipper tells me to go do his dirty work for him." Will responded as he looked at Dipper Gleeful who glared back at him causing Will to tremble in fear. "Gleeful mentioned Midnight killing the original in your dimension is that true?" (Y/N) asked. "Yes, the original Midnight which is our universe's version of you was killed. She challenged The fraud which was my girlfriend at the time and she was murdered as a result a-and s-she t-took her name." Will said while his voice shook along with his demeanor. "You don't happen to know the frauds real name do you?" Stan asked Will. "N-No S-she never T-told me." Will said about to cry as he normally does. Suddenly (Y/N) darted her eye's toward Bill and stared at him. "What about you? You use to know her pretty well did she tell you anything?" (Y/N) asked Bill as he crossed his arms and gave her an annoyed look. "Nothing at all Sweetheart." Bill responded before (Y/N) looked away scratching her head lost in a thought. "Alright we know her real name isn't Midnight and she dated Will at the same time she was trying to get at Bill without either one aware of the other's presence. That makes her origin unknown then but what's definitely a fact is she's another me from another universe. So then you two thought we worked for her since she was sealed in me thinking i was hiding her from you and your trying to avenge your fallen cousin by getting rid of the fraud who took her name." (Y/N) asked while everyone just sat there kind of confused. Dipper gleeful cleared his throat before looking at (Y/N). "You're correct But we aren't gonna make a bargain with you about working together like you suggested earlier even if you aren't working for that wench." Mabel Gleeful hissed. "My sister has a point and Working with you would be a waste of time anyway." Dipper gleeful added.

"OH I'm fine with that considering that little stunt you pulled on me earlier I would't be caught dead working with a bunch of selfish lowlife snobby brats. Your just lucky your not dead yet because you see in this dimension people who try thing's like that don't last very long life wise. so if you value your pathetic little lives you'll keep your distance and behave like good little children and stay in this cage until we dispose of midnight and send you back home." (Y/N) snarled at Dipper gleeful as him and his sister glared at (Y/N). "Are you threatening me girl?" Dipper Gleeful asked menacingly. "You're Damn Right I am because if you try anything on my family or hurt them in anyway I promise you, you won't be going back to your dimension..Alive that is." (Y/N) said as everyone became shocked and gasped from her response. "Will." (Y/N) said turning her attention to Will as did everyone else. Will trembled and hid slightly behind his own hands while holding his eye on (Y/N). "Y-Yes M-miss?" Will responded as (Y/N) walked over to him. "You helped us escape from that Limbo place and captured your own masters just to have them here with us. In order to know if we can trust you or not I'm gonna need you to make a deal with me." (Y/N) said shocking everyone with her words and causing Bill to be angry suddenly. "What! No! You can't be serious!" Bill scoffed. "Bill don't be difficult and let me handle this." (Y/N) said causing Bill to roll his eyes annoyed and watch the negotiations unfold. "What are the perpetrators O-Of t-the d-deal?" Will asked with a shaky voice. "Become my partner and help me capture midnight in exchange I'll allow you to go back to your dimension as a free man. But that's only if you help me and don't try anything behind my back." (Y/N) said causing that response to shock everyone and Bill to become angry and protest. "No! What are you doing Raindrop!? Don't make a deal with him!" Bill protested. "Y-yes. I-I'll h-help. I-i P-promise." Will said as he held out his hand and (Y/N) ignited a blue flame around her's and shook will's hand. "It's a Deal then." (Y/N) said before letting go of Will's hand. "Alright well please stay here and keep an eye on the gleeful twins while my family and I go discuss a few things. I'll keep this here to make sure you don't betray me or anything, sorry i just can't take any chances." (Y/N) said making a small black butterfly emerge from her hand and let it fly around in the shack before landing on the register and sitting there.

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