Chapter 31: A Game

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"Hmm Her hair is so nice and long, too bad it'll only be in the way." Midnight hissed as she snapped her fingers and the tip of (Y/N)'s hair began to burn and it caught on fire and burned all the way up and stopped exactly at her neck just inches above her shoulders. (Y/N) took Bills sudden angry demeanor as a distraction and brutally hit him down from the air where they floated to face first into the ground by the force of (Y/N)'s sword she wielded in her hand, she quickly turned to spiky hair Bill and sped quickly in front of him about to land a blow on him but it was immediately countered by Spiky hair Bills staff and thrown backward until he once again countered the fall and regain his balance while holding his Cane up ready to fight (Y/N). "Your so simple because you started falling for her after you said you wouldn't hahaha don't tell me it's because every time you look at her you realize you miss me." Midnight said grinning as spiky hair Bill glared up at her while he still held his stance. "Not a chance, the only reason I grew any kind of feelings for her is because, well I see what I like and I take what I want so a woman who uses her power so innocently to fight solely for good is really a once in a lifetime treat and a man of my class deserves every bit of that power her soul can offer me. Besides its always more fun to break the innocent ones." Spiky hair Bill said as he mocked midnight and licked his lips mockingly at her and she became annoyed with his comment as she waved her hand and (Y/N) immediately to that action lunged at spiky hair Bill and started to attack him while he deflected her blows and with his cane and Midnight hissed at the scene with a evil smile. Bill took her distraction as an opportunity to quickly strike, he swung his cane and it met blows not with midnight but with Azur's spear that blocked his attacks. "Hahahahahahah Nice to see ya again Big guy! How have you been- working out! Ohoho you must be." Bill said historically as he smacked Azur's spear away and then delivered a blow to his head as Azur stumbled backward and Bill walked forward and continued delivering Blows while Azur barely kept up his dodging as every other blow hit him. "Wasn't exactly myself when we last fought big guy, but now I'm back and very pissed because let's face it, I fuckin hate your girlfriend for taking MINE!" Bill hatefully laughed before he uppercut Azur with his Cane.

Spiky hair Bill countered (Y/N)'s attacks but he barely kept up because her fighting skills and speed where that great compared to his. "Snap out of it Woman! You seriously gonna let the woman you hate control you!? Didn't you just slap me a minute ago and fussed about how much you love your Bill! Well where's that fussy girl now!? Huh! ARE YOU GONNA FIGHT BACK OR ARE YOU GONNA LET HER CONTROL YOU LIKE THIS!?" Spiky hair Bill yelled as he continued to dodge (Y/N)'s attacks. Bill heard what spiky hair Bill said and became distracted by his words at the fact (Y/N) fussed about loving him and was delivered a blow to the side by Azur's spear and thrown into spiky hair Bill as both of them hit the wall and fell to the ground on one another. "Hey! Watch what your doing!" Spiky hair Bill yelled throwing Bill off of him. Bill looked at spiky hair Bill with a serious face, "Tell me what (Y/N) did, what did you say just now!" Bill asked while spiky hair Bill gave him a questionable look. "About your girl fussing over how much she loves you?" Spiky hair Bill asked as Bill stared at him. "She denied you and did that? she..she's definitely a keeper. My (Y/N)." Bill said smiling as him and spiky hair Bill both rose up. (Y/N) landed on the ground and stood next to Azur as Midnight made her way between them and stood there. "Hmph, too bad you won't be able to fulfill your precious dream Bill. Now let's play a little game." Midnight said as she snapped her fingers and (Y/N) suddenly put her sword to her side and stood there. "Now I'm gonna ask you some questions and I expect a truthful answer Both of you. "Do you both Love (Y/N) and Don't Lie to me." Midnight said. Of course Bill didn't take long to answer as he quickly responded with a 'Of Course' but all eyes focused on spiky hair Bill who hesitated to answer but gave a response as he said 'No'. Midnight smiled and (Y/N) suddenly lifted her sword and stabbed her own right leg with her own sword with an unphased face. Bill immediately became attack ready and bared his teeth glaring at midnight before spiky hair Bill held him back and answered with a shaky 'Yes'. Bill gave spiky hair Bill and surprised yet pissed look because no one was allowed to love his (Y/N) except him. (Y/N) took the sword out of her leg as it bled and Midnight giggled. "Oh my you truly are hopeless. Falling in Love with people who don't Love you back. Really it's so amusing." Midnight said laughing as Bill suddenly snapped at her. "HEY! AT LEAST HE FELL FOR SOMEONE WHOSE LIKABLE!! Bill yelled as spiky hair Bill became surprised at the fact the guy who wanted to fight him a minute ago was defending him and it was on the subject of liking his girl. "Well, let's see how long you'll think that when she tears you apart." Midnight said as she snapped her finger and (Y/N) attacked Both Bills but her sword came in contact with her Bill Cane as he stood between her and spiky hair Bill. "(Y/N)! My Love I know your in there! Wherever you are follow the sound of my voice and come back! Come back to Gravity Falls! Come back to Pinetree! Shooting Star and everyone else! Come back home with me." Bill said causing an reaction from (Y/N) as her eyebrow twitched to his words but regardless she still smacked him against the wall with her hand. She looked at spiky hair Bill and began to land a blow on him but the other Bill got in the way again and held (Y/N) back from getting to the other Bill. "Take care of the wench while I buy my girl some time to snap out of it, I know she's fighting her way out already." Bill said as he smiled and the other Bill looked at Midnight and attacked her as he flew to her and tackled her down causing them to roll on the floor before both sides regained their balance and stood before one another. "Heh Who do you think you are to boss me around. I'm all over this." Spiky hair Bill said as he became fight ready as did midnight. "Any last words?" He asked while midnight smiled and a dagger appeared in her hand and she played with it. "I won't be the one needing those last words." Midnight smiled, she quickly thrusted forward with the dagger and it bounced off her Bills cane multiple times and he kept dodging while the other Bill was busy fighting (Y/N) and Azur. Bill was too busy trying to get (Y/N) out of Midnights control that he didn't notice Azur about to stab him in the back.

But that moment became an opportunity for another to strike. Azur didn't land a blow on Bill because his armor was shot at and he jumped back. Suddenly, in front of Bill a cloaked person transformed their gun weapon into a sword seconds before it changed into a scythe. The person swung the scythe at (Y/N) at a unbelievable speed but (Y/N) quickly dodged as she jumped back with Azur and they both watched the cloaked person rise. The cloaked person suddenly turned to Bill and took off his hood, revealing two pair of gorgeous dark (E/C) eyes with a set of nice well brushed (H/C) hair. "Bill are you alright!? Your not hurt are you!?" The man asked in a panic manner. Bill have him a weirded out look. "Who the Hell are you!?" Bill asked slightly glaring at the man. The man then gave a look of realization. "Oh right I forgot, different dimensions. But you look exactly like MY Bill. Heh If Dipper saw you he'd definitely freak out. Oh I'm sorry how rude of me I haven't introduced myself. I'm Ki-um Sorry do over. My name is (Y/N) and I'm a demon hunter pleased to meet you." The man said as he smiled widely and friendly at Bill who gave him a still weirded out look. "But Your a guy." Bill said.

Sorry I lagged in updating once again but don't worry since its been so long you guys get two chapters today but the second update won't be Til later so I hope you all look forward to that. Thank you all for being patient, for all the love and support you give it means so much to me thank you all! And I will see all you Awesome Badass Bosses in the next chapter!! BYE! BYE!

P.S. Only a few chapters left. 💙


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