Chapter 23: Lets Make A Deal

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Other Bill scoffed at the sight of Midnight as she slowly walked toward battle ready (Y/N) who stood in from the them with her sword out ready to fight. "Well well I haven't seen you in so long my precious Bill, how are you doing?" Midnight asked with a sinister smile plastered on her face. "Ha! Like I'd ever be YOU'RE BILL, fat chance girl but I'm (Y/N)'s now as she is MINE!" Triangle Bill said while he looked from Midnight to the other Bill with a satisfied look as the other Bill rolled his eyes. Midnight then began to snicker before she looked at Bill. "Sorry Nacho Libre but I wasn't referring to your worthless existence, But his." Midnight said as she pointed to the human Bill. "Midnight, such a disgusting vulgar name but..Well If the shoe fits." Human Bill said as he smirked at Midnight. Midnight snickered once again before looking back at Human Bill. "That didn't stop a piece of trash like you from falling in love with me." Midnight said as she began to laugh.

(Y/N) still in a battle ready position glanced at human Bill as he began to slightly glare at Midnights laughing. "I mean come on did you honestly think I was in love with you. I mean making a deal with me to make you what you are just so you could be with me was so pathetic to see but amusing I must say. I didn't think you were that naive." Midnight chuckled as human Bill gave a slight annoyed look at her. "Enough Talk!" (Y/N) shouted as she lunged at Midnight and swung the sword aiming for her legs but Midnight quickly evaded the attack by jumping up and did a 360 spin kick but (Y/N) quickly released her swords hilt with one of her hands and countered it by putting her arm up and blocking Midnights kick but that didn't stop (Y/N) from hitting the wall but regardless she still stood her ground and swung her blade back up with both hands and stood there ready for her.

Midnight smiled at (Y/N) sinisterly as her right eye glowed a blood red. At that moment (Y/N)'s arm and back throbbed with immense pain and as she tried to maintain a calm demeanor hiding how much it hurt, her arm and back basically felt like they were on the verge of breaking. "Tell me how does it feel to not have a demons durability anymore?" Midnight said as she smiled at (Y/N). (Y/N) gave a glare as she clenched her teeth together in slight anger. "I get it now, your the reason Bills in his old form again aren't you?" (Y/N) said. "Heh I'd be lying if I said you were wrong. But I really must thank you for making it so easy to extract half of his power from when you two had that little disagreement with each other and tried to kill poor Willie Boy." Midnight said as she smiled. "So then you were the cause of that weird feeling I got when we returned back to GravityFalls." (Y/N) said still standing in place. "It's called A Demons sense honey, hahaha wow Bill really screwed up when he made a pathetic excuse like you a demon. You're hardly cut out for the part, mortal scum." Midnight said. "Don't forget, I'm the mortal scum who sure as hell kicked your ass!" (Y/N) yelled in anger. "Well, let's see you do that now with only half of your little nachos power." Midnight said as she lunged at (Y/N) with a punch and (Y/N) dodged while she swung her sword and Midnight dodged as they both continued to fight amongst each other.

"Again with the Chip insults!" Bill yelled in annoyance, at that moment Mabel took the opportunity of midnight being distracted and quickly ripped off Dippers wrist band and turned it into the shield and tossed it at midnight, right as the shield was about to hit midnight she stopped it by hitting it with her magic and it flung back and stuck itself in the wall above Dipper and Mabel's head. "Haha Maybe I'll get rid of you four first!" Midnight yelled as she sent a black electric beam toward (Y/N)'s family and the two Bills. Out of nowhere (Y/N) appeared in front of them and quickly put up her flame sword as it connected with the beam then it suddenly turned into ice and (Y/N) shattered it with her sword. She began to pant and slightly fell back as Triangle Bill caught her around her shoulder area and prevented her from falling as she looked at him. "(Y/N) what's wrong talk to me?!" Bill said in worry. "We have to get out of here now." (Y/N) said as Midnight suddenly attacked her with a dagger and clashed swords with (Y/N) as she held her ground. Bill got pushed back by (Y/N) so he wouldn't be in harms way but that didn't stop midnight from seizing an opportunity, she immediately looked over at Bill with a evil smirk and (Y/N) figured out what Midnight was gonna do. They both simoltaniously lifted off each other sword and both went in the Direction triangle Bill was, (Y/N) immediately reached out to Bill in order to grab him with her back to Midnight who was directly behind her.

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