Chapter 28: An Understanding

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Meanwhile, Triangle Bill rampaged through the books in AU (Y/N)'s mind while still maintaining his cover at the same time (Y/N) and the other Bill continued talking. "Ugh! I miss my Raindrop, I wonder what she could be doing right now or where she is. Hopefully not with that other version of me! If she is PineTree and Shooting Star better be with her in case he tries anything with my (Y/N)! Ugh it sucks being limited on my own powers! Stupid Midnight woman! If I had my full my power right now not only would she pay but I'd be holding my little Raindrop in my arms right now." Triangle Bill said in a deep sigh as he tossed the book and it floated in midair as he proceeded into the next one. "Come on, there's gotta be something in here about a enhancer. Another thing I could find no problem if I had my full damn power!" Triangle Bill continued as he got annoyed and began to rip the pages out of the book. "How long has it been in this dimension a couple months already? Ugh!" Triangle Bill Yelled annoyed. "Maybe enhancing the durability of the portals properties will help stabilize it." The other (Y/N) said as she walked around the small floating domain encased with equations. "So add an enhancer then." Bill said as he snapped his fingers and all the images came together and formed a small structure of the portal.

Hearing that, Triangle Bill immediately closed the book and tossed it with a annoyed expression. "Whelp, looks like I found a solution to our problem, now time to steal me an enhancer and receive a rewarding kiss from my Raindrop." Triangle Bill said as he cracked his tiny knuckles and got ready to get to work. Suddenly he heard a sudden loud moan, he quickly turned around and saw Bill holding the other (Y/N) from behind as he gently caressed her body with his hands and kissed up her neck softly. "What do you think you're doing?" The other (Y/N) said said as she tried to push Bill off of her but he continued his actions on her. "Come on let's do something that we shouldn't do..and just be with each other now. it's been months since we started our deal and i thinks it's about time you admit your in love with me now." Bill said as he sweetly whispered in her ear. "What makes you so sure I'm in love with you, someone is awfully cocky." Other (Y/N) said as she slipped through his arms before he grabbed her and he suddenly planted a kiss on her and she immediately returned it and they both slowly released. Bill smiled as other (Y/N) backed away from him with a angry flustered face. "So you do love me, I'm not surprised I mean after being lonely for awhile you require the company of another and on top of that you honestly miss you're twin sister Sky." Bill said while he floated in mid air and gave her a look of confidence, avoiding his eyes (Y/N) sighed and looked back at Bill. "I honestly rather forget about her...she doesn't need me." (Y/N) said as Bill suddenly snapped his fingers and a bed appeared behind (Y/N) and he pushed her down into it as he climbed on top of  her. "I can help you forget about her so focus on me. I can make you feel better." Bill said as he began to lick and suck on (Y/N)'s neck while undressing her. (Y/N) moaned out and clawed at his back and he became more aggressive as he stared to dry hump her and continue his actions as she moaned out more.

Triangle Bill sat there and turned in the opposite direction avoiding the scene but he still heard the other (Y/N)'s moans as they began to full on go at it. "Are you serious right now! Damn it all! Just build that portal already so I can take your enhancer and get out of here! Ugh this is pure torture! I want my human form back so I can make my raindrop do that and be with her happily!" Triangle Bill said as he annoyingly just sat there with his arms-crossed and waited for the other Bill and (Y/N) to end their session.

Meanwhile at the Pines Family Manor (Y/N) stood there as she let little (Y/N)'s Bill measure her. "Um..Remind me again why your making me do this instead of listening to my explanation of why we're here." (Y/N) said as she put her arms up for little (Y/N)'s Bill as he measured her arm length. "My Dear, I don't need to discuss anything with you when your already discussing it so much in your head, now please hold still so I can finish this up and begin working on your dress for the event tonight." Little (Y/N)'s Bill said as he continued taking her measurements. "Also you don't seem to be fighting out of this in anyway." He added as he smiled. "Well how could I if you just did this so suddenly and Reading my mind will always be a thing, I must note that." (Y/N) yelled slightly annoyed. "And one more thing I'm not exactly a dress person, more of the skirt sneakers and pants variety of sorts." (Y/N) replied as The man walked away and let her be before he started working on some fabric on a manakin. "Sorry but if you want to discuss our little arrangement about getting your part for this enhancer you tend to build we will need to do it at a gathering that requires the presence of my young Mistress to represent her company. So if you want to talk you'll have to come along but not in those foreign clothes your wearing. Tonight you will be dressed elegantly and wondrously if you wish to enter the gathering and be seen with My Master." He said as he smiled at (Y/N) while she gave him a crude look because she wore a dress once and doesn't like the idea of the fact she has to do it again. She took a deep breath and looked at the man while he continued tending to the dress. "Fine I'll wear it but if I can request something would you please for me not make it pink or anything I personally think those colors look to girly on me." (Y/N) said as the man suddenly turned toward her only to present to her a nice well designed black and red dress.

"No need to worry Milady, now for the slightly difficult part. In order to wear this dress ma'am you'll need to put on this corset. Allow me to assist you with that." He said as he snapped his fingers and a blindfold appeared over his eyes and he began to undress (Y/N) who started to squirm and in result of that he accidentally groped her. "Hey!" (Y/N) yelled as the man smiled. "Milady, you can't blame that on me if you don't hold still, now allow me to do this. I'm not looking at all hence the reason I put on a blindfold. Now please miss hold still and this will be over quickly." The man said as (Y/N) held still and reacted in pain to the tightening of the corset. "OH CHEESE AND CRACKERS THAT HURTS!" (Y/N) yelled out at the man tightened the corset more. "My apologies Milady but please keep still so we can get you in that dress." The man said with a smile.

"Sheesh are they almost done up there, this stupid outfit he put me in is starting to become a nuisance." Spiky haired Bill said as he tugged at the tight collar on his clothes. "Quit whining commoner! It's bad enough we have to bring you and your little girlfriend along in the first place! I don't even know you and your in my house!" Little (Y/N) yelled in annoyance. "Watch who you talk to kid and she's not my-..."Bill yelled back. Suddenly they both look toward the stairs to only see little (Y/N)'s Bill standing before them. " Milady, and sir, I Present to you Mistress (Y/N)!" The man said as he stood aside and bowed while (Y/N) approached from behind and walked out into the open wearing a gorgeous beautiful dress. "Hmm not bad I say." Little (Y/N) commented before she glanced over at spiky hair Bill and he stared, starstruck at how elegant and gorgeous (Y/N) looked in the dress. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as she walked down the stairs along with the other Bill and thanked little (Y/N) politely for the comment. She then turned to spiky hair Bill and he just stared at her speechless, she was confused about his behavior and was about to speak but he cleared his throat and maintained his composure. "I agree with the runt, Not Bad." He commented as he angrily turned away and walked toward the entrance of the mansion. "We're all dressed up can we just hurry up and go now. The faster we attend this unnecessary party the faster we can go." He scoffed "Very Well, Shall we Milady's?" Little (Y/N) Bill said with a smile as he walked the to the door and they all left.

Meanwhile after AU (Y/N) and Bills little sexy session ended they talked for awhile and she admitted her feelings to him and had a moment with him before she left. "Finally it's over." Triangle Bill said as he looked back at the scene only to see the other Bill suddenly Grin evilly as he snapped his fingers and a tear in mid-air opened next to him as he turned to talk to it. "My little sixer believed I'm actually in Love with her, can you believe that! AHAHAHAHAHA." He laughed out as the other monsters laughed with him. "Well I have her wrapped around my finger, it's only a matter of time until this dimension is ours so be patient everyone! Bill out!" He said as he closed the tear and disappeared. Triangle Bill, Alone now, sat there as a sudden sadness washed over him. "He doesn't Love her he's just using her...oh man is this what my Raindrop was so scared of after WE first did it? Is that why she denied me and her feelings because she was so sure I was gonna be like the Bill from this dimension and just ditch her. Well duh! I knew that but I never really understood it until now..." Triangle Bill said as he suddenly floated up with confidence. "No! I'm gonna make her the happiest woman alive and an honest man out of myself just for her! I'll show her just how much she means to me!" Bill said as he snapped his fingers and the engagement ring he tried to give to (Y/N) appeared. "Don't worry Baby Bill is coming home!" Triangle Bill said as he put the ring away and prepared for his plan.

I really hope you guys like this chapter and are enjoying this book, thank you guys so much for all the love and support you are absolutely wonderful and amazing people and don't let anyone else tell you other wise! Keep up the great work 👍🏻 stay Awesome like the Absolute Badass Bosses You Are and I will see you all in the next chapter! BYE!BYE!

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