Chapter 21: Meet Bill Cipher

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(Y/N) and everyone approached the lake only to find a huge crowd of people along with Reporter Sandra Hamenez (Forgive me if I misspelled the name) surrounding the peer. "Whoa, what's going on here?" (Y/N) asked as Bill went from floating next to her to planting himself in her hair once again snuggling himself in it while (Y/N) along with everyone else approached the loud rowdy crowd. One of the people in the crowd was FiddleFord McGucket, as he turned around he caught sight of (Y/N) and everyone and waved them down as he walked away from the crowd. "Ford! (Y/N)!" FiddleFord said as he approached them and got everyone's attention. "FiddleFord! Long time no see old friend." Ford said as he gave FiddleFord a friendly happy greeting. "The feeling is mutual old friends and Pines family." FiddleFord said with cheer in his voice. "Um FiddleFord do you know what's happening over there?" (Y/N) asked sweetly. FiddleFord suddenly freaked out and began to panic at the sight of (Y/N). Ford tried to calm him down before he asked him what was wrong. FiddleFord pointed at (Y/N) as Ford looked at her. "S-S-Shes dead! I saw you die! I went to the funeral! You were buried." FiddleFord panicked before he became calm on the last part of his sentence. "Oh I forgot to tell you, (Y/N) got brought back to life by people from an Alternate universe. It's a Long story I'll have to fill you in on another time." Ford said as he chuckled a little and FiddleFord became calm as he approached (Y/N). "You alive. White roses and bright horizons! it's good to have you back!" FiddleFord said as he embraced (Y/N) in a heartfelt hug as she returned it. "Thank you FiddleFord, it's really good to be back. Um not that I don't want to embrace this lovely moment but do you happen to know what's going on over there?" (Y/N) said as she softly pointed to the crowd of people and FiddleFord looked in the direction she pointed.

"Oh that, well there seems to be some kind of weird whirlpool forming in the lake. It started this morning and all it did was just get bigger. I ran some scans and calculations this morning before this crowd showed up and get this, it's generating the same kind of energy frequency the portal Ford and I built 34 years ago." FiddleFord said, at that moment he noticed Bill's small triangular body as he sat in (Y/N)'s hair and began to freak out again. "B-BILL!!" FiddleFord shouted before (Y/N) calmed him. "It's alright FiddleFord Bill is fine, remember he helped us bring down Midnight. He's cool now." (Y/N) said. "Yeah Banjo nut so hold those wild horses you got." Bill said still planted in (Y/N)'s hair. "Bill be nice to Mr. FiddleFord, you owe him since you caused him to go insane in the first place." (Y/N) said with a strict yet cute tone in her voice. "Relax my sweet he's Sane again." Bill said with no worry. "Be nice Bill I mean it." (Y/N) said as she gave Bill a 'don't make me hurt you' look. "You too kind Ms. (Y/N) but it's alright." FiddleFord chuckled. "Wait, a whirlpool? Dipper, you don't think it could be where you and (Y/N) went could it?!" Mabel asked as Dipper and (Y/N) looked at each other suddenly. "But, it closed up when we came out unless it just decided to open back up again." Dipper said.

"FiddleFord said its projecting the same energy as the portal Bill tricked them into building, does that mean it's a gateway now to other dimensions?! But that's impossible!" (Y/N) said before suddenly the crowd of people screamed in a panic and scattered away from the peer revealing two water tentacles that emerged from the whirlpool. Suddenly the tentacles wrapped around Dipper and (Y/N) and began dragging them toward the whirlpool. As (Y/N) and Dipper tried to struggle the tentacles grew more tentacles on itself and held them down making it impossible for them to struggle anymore as it dragged them to the whirlpool but that didn't stop (Y/N) and Dipper from struggling. "(Y/N)! DIPPER!!!" Mabel, Stan, and Ford shouted simultaneously as they all ran to them and tried to rip off the tentacles on them as it continued to drag them. Bill was stuck in (Y/N) hair from the tentacle that wrapped around her head, he tried to zap the tentacle but that didn't do anything except phase through it.

Suddenly they were both dragged into the whirlpool without a warning along with Mabel who was dragged in there too because she held onto Dippers hand and they all disappeared and left not only a crowd of shocked people behind but their family as well. "We have to go after them!" Stan shouted as he ran toward the whirlpool but was stopped by Ford who grabbed him. "Stanley Wait!" Ford shouted as they both saw the whirlpool suddenly disappear. Stan, Ford and FiddleFord stared at the sight in horror with the thought of them never finding their family without that whirlpool.

Bill Cipher X Reader Lemon 2Where stories live. Discover now