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Today is my birthday, yet I feel alone. Wanna know why? First, my mother went to Russia for a business trip. But she already send to me her gift which I just receive earlier. Second, Myungsoo seems to forget my birthday. Is he really loves Jiae that much to the point that he forgot that today is my birthday? Or he is just busy for their business? Third, Mijoo. Her body is still nowhere to be found. And it is been a month or two since it happens. If she's still alive, I'm pretty sure, I'm not this lonely. And I guess her husband - Mark Tuan, already moved on. I saw him with another girl when I dine to a restaurant.

I don't even receive any single greetings from any of my relatives - except my mother. If Mijoo is alive I'm sure she will nagged at Myungsoo just to celebrate my birthday.

Jung Yein? I won't assume that she will greet me. She hates me because I did not support her with her cheap boyfriend.

I just receive a text from Sujeong. *Saengil chukhae hamnida, JISOO-unnie. Labyou :) *

My supportive ever cousin, Ryu Sujeong. She's in Japan right now together with Yein. I wonder what they are doing right now. Are they celebrating my birthday?


I decided to go at the nearby park. And I decided to sit at the vacant swing and watch the kid playing.


"Happy birthday, Jisoo-unnie." Yein greeted me and she give me a wide smile.

We are here in the park, celebrating my eleventh birthday.

"Thank you, Baby Yeinnie."

And she give me a fox stuff toy as her gift.


I wipe my tears. Just by remembering those things, makes me more lonely.


"Aww. Our baby foxy is now legal." Mijoo teases me.

We are at a private resort owned by Myungsoo's family.

"Yay! Thanks Mijoojoo~" and I hug her.

Myungsoo pout. "Me? Where is my hug?"

And I hug him too.

"Tadaaaa~" Mijoo showed me a bracelet it has an infinity sign. "This is our gift for you." she giggles.

"Why this sign?"

"Because our friendship like infinity, it has no end and no beginning." Myungsoo said.

"LIke zero." I added.


"And like my feelings to you, it is infinite." I mumbles.

"Noona. Noona." I turn around when I heard someone call my name behind me.

"Hello little kiddo." and I smile at the little kid.

"Someone asked me to give this to you. He said that a pretty woman like you shouldn't cry. It ruined your beauty, Noona." and he handed me a white handkerchief.

Before I could asked, the little kid already gone from my sight.


It is already nine in the morning, but still Hoseok is not around. He told me that we will go together at the newly opened super market near our place.

"Yein? What happen to you?" I asked Yein who just came out from her room with messy hair, and with the topless Jungkook carrying their adopted child Jeongsan at her back.

Yein just glance at me. Not even minding on replying. She really hates me, because she thinks I act that I forgot my memory. Which is not.

Jungkook sat at the kitchen counter with Jeongsan while Yein prepare a three glasses of milk. They look like a sweet couple. I mean family. I envy them.

I went down to Soojung-unnie's laundry shop. Namjoon-oppa is here? This early? While Hoseok is not? Damn! Is he a promise breaker?

"You're early huh?"

He give me a faint smile before he answer me. "I just resigned on my work and I decided to help Soojung running her business."

"You resigned? Why?"

"I'll be receiving a money from my dead parents."

I just nod. As what I've heard both Soojung-unnie and Namjoon-oppa don't have a parents anymore. Unnie's parents died from a car accident which is bomb explosion. And Oppa's parents because of plane crash.

"Mijoo-unnie, can you come with me?" Sujeong asked using her puppy eyes.

"I don't think so." I saw how disappointed she is. But Hoseok promise me that we will have date (?).


I put their glasses full of milk in front of these two annoying boys. JEONGSAN and JUNGKOOK.

"You should atleast wear some shirt when you came out from my room!" and I give him a glare. "What will Mijoo-unnie think when she saw you topless? And you came out from my room!"

He just chuckles. "It is normal for a husband and wife, wifey."

"I'm not your wife. You are not my husband ---"

"Huhuhuhu! Mommy hates me and Daddy! Huhuhu!"

I heave a deep sigh. Jeez. I think I will die early just because of this two.

"Mommy, you are mommy, right? You don't hate us, right? You are daddy's wife. right?"

Yeah. Just right. Just great. Good job Jeongsan for ruining my day! I can't imagine myself being married to Jungkook. Err. He is not my typical type. I glare again at Jungkook who is now smirking.


"Yehey!" and Jeongsan clap his hand. "Mommy and Daddy are not fighting anymore!"

I was about to leave when I heard what Jeongsan said next.

"Daddy, I want to see you kissing Mommy on her lips."

Argh!! What a life. I was send here to change my attitude! Not became a wife to this Perv-maniac and fake mother to this kid.


"Hurry up! Mijoo-ya!" Sujeong called me. Tss. She should call me 'unnie' since I am older than her. "Let's go! I don't want to be late."

Tss. In terms of food, Sujeong always be first.

But before I could turn to her pace, I saw a familiar figure standing few a ways from us.


"This is my little brat brother."

"He's cute like you." and I pinch his cheeks. "Your name?"


"Kim Taehyung?" I mouthed.


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