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I ran to the forest, my surprising save haven. I heard him calling my name. But I just kept running, tears running down my face. I couldn't believe this. I've gone through so much this year alone.

I contacted my father, via e-mail.

Delete this and never talk to me again.

I was so disappointed. I e-mailed him back, not knowing whether he'd actually receive it or not. For all I knew, he could've blocked me.

I didn't care.

I told him what I thought of him. That he was the worst person. That I wish he wasn't my father. That real men don't abandon their family because of an unexpected baby. That I grew up great without him. That my mother was a better parent than he'd ever be. That he had no right to write me off without any explanation, without any apology. I told him that no matter what happens to his sorry piece of ass that I'd never speak to him again. I told him I will not attend his funeral. I told him that I would not go see his grave. I told him that I was better without him.

Then I broke down.

Because I was pitiful and worthless and if he didn't want me, then who the hell would?

Then I was really depressed. I wouldn't speak to my mother, go to school, or leave my room.

My boyfriend broke up with me, and I can't say I didn't see it coming.

My mother started to freak out on me about grades. Could she not see that I was trying to deal with other things besides my grades? Was school really that important to her that she couldn't see how fucked up I was.

She'll never say this, but she sent me here because she couldn't handle my scene anymore.

She didn't know how to deal with me. Didn't know what to say ever. We fought so much.

I think she's worried that because my grades were dropping that I'd flunk out of school or drop out like she did.

But she dropped out because of me.

As my whole year came rushing back to the front of my mind, as tears ran down my face, as my legs carried me faster and faster over the floor of the forest, as I tripped and fell to the dirt, as three sets of eyes looked over me, as I was carried off in the arms of a man, and as I was brought to his home I thought about how incredibly fiction the whole thing was.


Wolf and human.


The forest itself.

What's next?


"Just give her space," one man said.

"Come on, Caven," a woman's soothing voice.

"Will she be alright?" A young man said, his voice slightly deep.

"She'll be fine. Just let her rest." Another man said, his voice deep and gentle.

"Go. I'll wait until she wakes." The first voice said.

A door opened and footsteps moved away. The door closed and someone sat down on the bed I was on, the mattress compressing where he sat.

I let myself sleep.

And I mean really sleep.

Sleep like I haven't since before my father was e-mailed and before my mother dated the shit head.

Sleep like when I was a kid.

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