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Ronnie is a huge disruption.

She's been hanging around the pack for the past few months, clinging onto Greyson. I heard that she imprinted on Felix.


I wonder how he's doing. How is he handling Ronnie? Leaving his pack and going to his brother's.

I don't like Ronnie.

She's sleazing around with Greyson, I think as a way to replace Felix. They are identical. Only their personalities are different.

I needed a break from it all. The drama. The sex. The pack.

I wandered through the woods until I knew I had crossed into Felix's pack's territory. I didn't care.

I came upon a house, an old car pulling up the driveway. I ran closer to the house and watched as a girl got out of the car. She looked tired, she looked worn. She smelled like Felix.

I took a step back, and a leave crunched. Loudly in the still night air.

The girl looked in my direction, peering into the darkness. "Who's there?"

I held my breath.

The girl let out a breath and went inside. I couldn't leave yet.

When a window lit up with light, and took a few steps away from the house, trying to peer inside to get a better look at the girl. She sat down by the window, looking out at the trees. She saw me.

I let out a small yelp and ran.

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