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It's a reoccurring nightmare I have.

I'm being chased, and I fall into a hole. I turn around onto my back just in time to see dark brown dirt being thrown onto me. I tried to get up and crawl out, but I can't. I can't even see who's throwing the dirt onto me. Can't see who's burying me alive.

And then I wake up.

And then I'm too scared to sleep.

I told Greyson. He laughed and told me to quit worrying.

That I'm being irrational.

I woke, a blindfold being tied onto my face. I started to kick and scratch and scream and defend myself when one hand grabbed both my wrist, and another put across my mouth. "Shh," It was soft, right in my ear, a laugh hiding behind it.

He grabbed me and dragged me out of my home. Where was Greyson? Was he asleep?

We were outside now, my bare feet hitting the cold grass. I wanted to scream, but I was terrified of what would happen.

"Careful now," his voice was deep.

I was pushed down into a hole. Dirt started flying on me and I tried desperately to get the blindfold off my face.

My legs were covered by the time the blindfold was off. Smiling down at me, covering me in dirt, shovelful after shovelful was Greyson. He was smiling and laughing like it was all a joke. I supposed to him it was.

But I was scared.

I started to cry, and I couldn't get my legs to work. They refused to stand. And Greyson kept piling it on.

Then he stopped.

"Come on, Ronda! Laugh! I'm making your dreams come true! Quit crying and stand up."

I sat still. Tears continuing to fall down my face.


He sighed. "Fine. Stay out here and cry. I'mgoing back to bed." He walked across the yard and into the house.   

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