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The house. It's the house.

"Fe? What's wrong?" Maxine turned around and looked at me. "Are you okay?" She took a step towards me, taking my hand in hers.

I shook my head slightly. "I'm fine."

She didn't look convinced. "Anyway, it's weird on the outside, and even weirder on the inside. Come on, I bet the door's unlocked." Maxine pulled me towards the house. I followed her up the familiar steps and through the door.

Everything was mostly the same. The chairs were different and the table was the same. I followed Maxine towards the back bedroom. The bed was bare and there was broken glass on the floor. Maxine bent down and picked up a picture frame.

She pulled the picture out from behind the broken glass. She looked up at me. "Is this you?"

I took the photo. I shook my head. "It's Greyson."

She looked down at the picture, then at the bed. "Any idea what this place is for?"

I bit my lip. "It's a between home. It's for when Greyson and the pack are in human form and need a place to crash. They all prefer to stay wolf. So, unlike my pack, they never bought a house to stay in ninety percent of the time like Bloom and Emmett. So this is where they crash. Hang out."

Maxine let out a breath. "Well, that's much better than what I was thinking."

"What were you thinking?"

She smiled. "You know, before this summer is all over, you'll be telling me how you went from Greyson to Emmett. I'm sure there's a good story there."

I smiled. "I will. But let's just get out of here."

Maxine nodded and I led her out of the house. Walking out of the front door, I stopped in my tracks, broadening my shoulders and trying to seem bigger.

"Fe? What's wrong?"

I felt my lips pull to a snarl.

Maxine let out a little gasp.


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