chapter 2

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Perrie's POV

I woke up to Zayn shaking me lightly,

"perrie, honey wake up we are leaving!" he said smiling.

"where are we going?!" I said groggily

"we are going to adopt our new daughter!" he said smiling

"OH MY GOSH REALLY!" I said sitting up.

"yep get ready we have an hour." he said giving me one last smile before walking out of the room.

I did a mental happy dance and then excitedly got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and hopped in.

After the shower I blow dried m hair and combed it out. then I went and got dressed and applied my make up.

I walked down the stairs and Zayn handed me a cup of tea and some toast.

I sat at the bar counter and quickly ate my toast and drank my tea and put the dishes in the sink then I grabbed my phone and keys and head to the car with zany behind me.

I couldn't wait.

Emma's POV

I woke up to Ms. Tina shaking my shoulders and telling me to get up. I checked the clock and it read 7:30 jeez if she woke me up this early someone must be coming.

joy! *hint of sarcasm*

I waked over to my small wooden dresser and pulled out a pair of ripped studded jean shorts and a white t-shirt and walked over to the wash rooms.

there was on shower opened so I quickly scurried over to it but right as I got there Cally pushed me to the ground and jumped right in.

I got up and ran out of the bathroom tears spilling as the laughter followed me down the hall.

I sat on my bed and put my hair in a pony tail, since I wasn't able to take a shower and quickly changed into my outfit.

I walked down to the dining hall and grabbed a tray I walked in line, luckily there was only a few girls so my food would be some what hot.

the lady dropped a lump of eggs on my plate and I mumbled a thank you and moved down the line.

I was handed a cup of orange juice and made my way over to the corner of the room right by the window where I eat by myself.

the room filled pretty quickly and right as I was finishing up Ms. Tina came and  clapped her hands to get our attention. every head snapped in her direction.

"attention everyone there is a nice couple here to look for a new daughter, so I would kindly ask all the boys to go to the extra dining room until we are down. thank you!" all the boys stood up with there trays and silently shuffled out of the room. 

I ignored the rest of the speech about being on your best behavior and all that crap why should I care they always go or the little kids especially the young couples.

I hummed a song while I ate the rest of the eggs.

I looked up at the window and saw that I wasn't alone the couple was behind me,

I turned around and there they were, but the lady looked familiar.

then it came to me this was the girl who I saw yesterday through my window.

"um hi." I said looking up at her quietly

"hello sweetie I'm Perrie and this is Zayn, and we would like to adopt you!" she said smiling.

Adopted by Zayn and Perrie?!Where stories live. Discover now