Chapter 42

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Emma's POV

after going through the immigrant stage we retrieved our luggage and maid our way to the doors to get on our tour bus, well the boys were getting on the tour bus but me and Perrie and Jade were staying in Maine, i didn't argue with that, with pictures I've seen and descriptions Maine looked BEAUTIFUL. i was super excited for these two week before school started. then i would have to face Andy and Callie who are a "popular couple" according to Ady.

we walked for what seemed like forever my Sperries were hurting the back of my feet so bad i could feel the blisters forming, i finally Jade spotted two drivers holding two signs one said,

One Direction

the other one said in equaling nice print,

Mrs. Malik

that must be our car, we said our goodbyes to the boys and i hugged Zayn promising i would text him goodnight every night, i knew it was hard so him to stay away and be gone all the time but he couldn't help it, he is part of a popular band, so is my mom my parents are not always going to be around, another reason why my life isn't normal.

we followed the driver out to a black SUV and climbed in, it was humid outside because we were further inland and about an hour and a half away from the ocean so it was extremely humid. once we were seated and began driving the driver finally turned on the AC and we all sighed with relief, the driver smiled.

i was pooped, luckily my ears had popped and they weren't clogged anymore, i hate when they are clogged cause then they start to hurt.

"can i roll down the window please sir?" i asked .

he sternly nodded keeping his eyes focused on the empty road ahead.

i quickly rolled down the window taking my beanie off before sticking my head out slightly, i closed my eyes and smiled, so far Maine was awesome!!

i rolled the window back up and pulled out my phone and opened instagram, i haven't posted in forever but i can't be blamed because its extremely hard to go on with people giving you loads of hate comments after another, Jesy told me to remember to haters my motivators but it isn't that easy.

i quickly took a selfie and posted it with a short caption and excited before the comments started rolling in, don't get me wrong i LOVE my fans and followers but its overwhelming.

"we are here Mrs. Malik." the driver said in a deep voice.

Perrie had rented a house right on the beach like no joke our front yard was only that soft sugar sand.

i looked out into the ocean and smiled, i grabbed my bag and bolted to the sand dropping my luggage somewhere behind me i ran to the shore, the water was cold but it was so amazing i loved the ocean so much.

i sat down in the dryer and sand and tilted my head back breathing in the salty ocean air and listening to the waves wash up on the shore inches from my feet.

"EMMA!" Jade yelled form the porch of the house.

i quickly got up brushing the sand form my back and grabbing my suitcase, i slowly dragged it up the sidewalk and into the house.

"mum where should i put my stuff?" i called from the doorway.

"upstairs first room on the right!" she called from the kitchen, probably unloading some food that was survived the plain ride.

i nodded to myself and trudged up the stairs  and entered the first room on the right, it was a medium sized room with pale pink walls with shiny wooden floors, it had a queen bed in the far left corner and a white dresser in the other corner, the bed mattress was sitting on a pretty white bed frame and in the closet right corner there was a full body mirror nailed into the war. i set my suitcase on the bed and walked over to the window that was covered with a white curtain.

i opened the curtains and gasped, the view from my room was absolutely gorgeous. i now know why Perrie decided to let me have this room, she knew that i would love the view.

i kept the window curtains pulled aside and i opened the window to let the salty smell in, the sound of the waves and seagulls soon filled my ears and i smiled.

i opened my suitcase and put my clothes in the dresser and set my toiletries in the bathroom across the hall.

i put my manatee pillow pet on the bed and set my suitcases in the corner. i changed into my light high wasted denim shorts and a white Starbucks crop top.

i walked into the bathroom and put my hair into a high messy ponytail, it was suppose to be a neat ponytail but i was so excited i dropped my brush on the floor and was to lazy to pick it up.

i raced down the stairs and into the kitchen, Jade was reading a guide.

i sat next to her.

"what cha reading?" i asked.

"a whale watching guide, tomorrow your mum thought it would be cool to go whale watching!" she said excitedly.

i smiled as Perrie walked into the kitchen.

i shot up and hugged her, she hugged me back.

"thanks for the room with the most amazing view in the entire world." i whispered.

"your welcome Em" she whispered back.

I released her and she clapped her hands together and said loud and proud,

"how about that ocean waiting for us in the front yard."

"yeah!" and raced out of the house almost tripping when my feet hit the sand, i kicked off my flip flops and raced towards the water, i could hear Jade and mum laughing behind me, i quit running and stopped my feet touched the water, the water was perfect, it wasn't cold and it wasn't to warm it was p-e-r-f-e-c-t  PERFECT.

Jade was the second one to join me the water.

"AH THIS IS PERECT IT COULDN'T BE BETTER!" she yelled smiling.

"i know, it couldn't be better." i whispered smiling back at her 


how did you like this chapter? sorry im not posting as much anymore i really do try to get these chapters out as fast i can without making the chapters sound rushed and crappy, but yeah hope you enjoy!

question ~ have you been to Maine.

LOL i have i really love Maine it is so much fun we drove there two years ago and i want to go back so bad so yeah i kinda know what im talking about, lol bye

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