Chapter 28

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Emmas POV

i woke and i could hear celeb packing up, i wanted to go help him but i knew it would be awkward.

i heard the front door close and i stood up, my wrist burned but i ignored it. i walked out on the studio and peered up the stairs, silence and darkness. i crept up the stairs and the living room was empty and i could see celeb trudging across the road with all of his stuff. i walked into the kitchen for some band aids and found a box of them in the cupboard. i put two on my wrist and cover the small cuts. i looked on the counter and there was a note from Perrie.

Dear Emma, i have a concert and meet and greet today, ill be home late, Zayn flew into America this morning and will be back Next week, we decided to get a little space before the wedding you can tell Celeb he can stay again tonight, or you can call Ady or Layken but ya, there is money taped to the fridge for pizza if you want to order some, see you later

- Perrie.

i looked at the note once more and decided to go visit Tanners grave, Perrie got a email that the headstone was finally but in. i walked up to my room and into my closet where i found a new shirt that was black and long sleeve then was tight but still comfortable, a black and white floral skater skirt, some black ballerina flats,  and a light grey scarf, this way the long sleeves covered my cuts. I walked into the bathroom and brushed out my hair and left it loose and wavy i and pinned some hair back.


i grabbed my phone and walked out, i trotted down the stairs. i put Domino in his kennel and same with Hatchi and i put Prada on her cat tree i walked out of the house and into the street, i wish i had a bike or something cause i really hate walking as i walked down the street through our neighbor hood i noticed a house with a little pink scooter with one directions face on it, and it looked like she drew little hearts around Zayn's face. i smiled and kept walking, the flats were starting to hurt my feet but i kept walking taking in the pain. finally the cemetery came into view, there was two cars parked in the parking lot but i didn't see any people.

i walked through the open gates and followed the path to tanners burial spot. i stopped, Tanners mom stood before tanners new head stone wiping away tears. i was about to turn back but i decided to show her im not afraid of her. i approached her.

"Hello Emma." she said kindly and smiled wiping the tears..

 i was confused, this lady hates me.

"Hi." i replayed back.

she stayed silent.

i looked at the grave stone and covered my mouth.

on the stone was a picture of me and tanner when we were younger.

"its lovely." i whispered kneeling down and brushing my finger against the cold granite.

"they offered to put a photon it and since he was your family first we decided to put your picture on there, your mother sent us the picture." he explained.

"perrie did?" i asked looking up at her.

"no your birth mom." she explained handing me a Kleenex.

"well thank you so much." i said and stood up.

i hugged her.

"i better go." i said releasing her.

"take care Emma." she said waving me good bye.

when i got to my drive way i noticed there was  a cardboard box sitting on our front steps. i walked up to t and lifted it, it was heavy. i brought it into the house and set it on the kitchen table and carefully peeled it open, i gasped the box was full of child hood pictures.

photos of Me and tanner, and Mom and dad and family pictures, it was taken when we were all happy and didn't have any problems, before mom started stripping at clubs, and dad brought his drunken friends over and sexually and emotionally abused me while tanner was locked in the basement, before mom and dad finally broke up and the abusing became worst beyond imagination.

i didn't know i was crying, these pictures brought back memories i didn't even knew i remembered.

i took the box upstairs and took out all the pictures, they were tied in many clumps sorted by date.

i grabbed an old photo album i had found in the storage room while playing hide and seek with Layken and Celeb.

i put the photos in the sockets sorted by date and smiled, remembering each memory like it had just happened seconds ago.

i stopped and stared at a photo of me and tanner laying on the old picnic table in the back i was laughing and he was smiling trying to braid my hair.


Tanner begged me to go outside with him cause the neighbors dog scared him sometimes. i groaned and set down my book and followed him out the screen door onto our old porch. He lead me to the old picnic table that we always use to play on pretending it was a space ship or race car. i sat on the bench and he sat on the table part.

"can i try to braid your hair?" he said sitting behind me.

"why the sudden interest in braiding my hair?" i said smiling.

"well at school i saw a bunch of pretty girls with braids in there hair and i want you to look pretty like them so you can get a boyfriend and move away and live a happy life." he said

i giggled and nodded.

he excitedly grabbed random pieces of hair and twisting them in random knots.

"oww tanner this so painful!" i said laughing and i could feeling him smile behind me, then i guess i picture was taken.

++ END OF DA FLASH BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!++

i didn't know i was crying, i took that picture and taped it to the wall above my bed so i know he is always with me.

the doorbell rang. i dashed out of my room and opened it, there stood Jenna... (aka my old mom.)

"hello Emma.)

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