chapter 18

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Harry's POV

im was freaking worried about Emma, i didn't mean to scare her i was just gonna snatch the keys, i may have exaggerated the action a little bit. the second she took off i took off after her. i followed the four wheeler tracks down a faded rail then literally my heart stopped when i saw it was destroyed. i searched for her for hours before i head back to the cabin to tell the others. the entire way back i was imagining the horrible things that could have happened to her. Like she could be horribly injured, or she could be bleeding out somewhere, she could be dead, she could have been dragged somewhere by a vicious animal or she could have been taken by some rapist. each thing i thought of was like a knife stabbing me. i finally reached the cabin and rushed inside.

"YOU GUYS EMMAS GONE PLEASE HELP!" I shouted through the entire house. 

Everyone came rushing down even Taylor who had no Makeup one thanks to Emma.

i explained to everyone what happened and at the end perrie was furious.

"HARRY THANKS TO YOU AND TAYLOR EMMA COULD BE DEAD, SHE WAS MY DAUGHTER IF YOU HAVENT FORGOTTEN! GET OUT LEAVE!I DONT WANT YOU HERE ANYMORE! GET OUT OF OUR CABIN!" she hysterically screamed at me. Louis picked her up and dragged her out of the room. I grabbed Taylor and we stormed out of the cabin and Taylor was swearing that if her clothes got ruined she was going to sue them.

Emmas pov.

once we got through the hugging session and the story about Harry that i felt guilty about.

i smiled and Jade gave me a piggy back ride upstairs and Zayn fixed my cut knee while perrie cooled down.

By the time he was done my entire new was covered in white bandage. i hugged him and him and Perrie left to go retrieve the broken four wheeler. i limed down to my bedroom and took a picture and posted it on instagram.

i looked outside and the sky was dark and my eyes started to get heavy.

i leaned back and closed my eyes promising myself that i would open my eyes later to change but i never did i fell into a deep sleep.

i dreamed about harry and my mom and my dad. it was horrible, Harry didn't belong in this dream but taylor did. I woke up sweating and my knee was throbbing a horrible feeling i clutched it and hobbled into the bathroom.

i washed my face till the sweat was gone then i took a few deep breaths and sat on the edge of the bathtub and put a cold cloth to my knee and pain erupted under the bandage. it was swelling and the bandage was getting tighter. i pressed the cold cloth on the swollen skin hoping the swelling would go down.

finally i could feel the gauze getting less tight and i left the bathroom. i looked at the clock and it read

1:00AM i sighed and tried to fall asleep but i couldn't i groaned in frustration and limped out to the balcony the moon light shined on the water and i noticed someone sitting at the end of the dock. i grabbed two blankets from the closet and slipped on my flip flops and head down the stairs and out the backdoor. i limped across the yard and stepped on the old wooden dock. the figure turned around.

it was zayn. he turned towards the water and chucked some stones into the waves. i sat down next to him and handed him a blanket. he wrapped it around his shoulders and i did the same.

"emma, am i a bad father?" i asked, it sounded like he was crying.

"No, you are the best father i could ever ask for, why would you think that?" i asked leaning on his shoulders.

"well i feel like i should have found you in the woods today not Liam." he said a slight hiccup in his voice.

"i couldn't careless cause you were the first one to greet us at the door." i layed back on the creaky dock and looked up at the stars. Zayn leaned back to and i rested my head on his shoulder.   i shooting star shot across the sky and i smiled.

"there's suppose to a meteor shower tonight." Zayn whispered.

i smiled and looked back up at the sky. suddenly the sky was filled with shooting star.

i giggled and yawned. my eyes were getting heavy again and i feel asleep to Zayn humming a song.

i woke up to someone picking me up. i opened my eyes and the morning sun blinded me. i guess we fell asleep outside cause our clothes were wet with morning dew. i closed my eyes again as zayn set me down on the couch in the living room and he sat in the chair and read the news paper.

i smiled and slowly crawled off the couch an crept up on him from the other side of the newspaper and attacked.

he screamed so loud and i fell laughing. he was curled up in a ball on the chair. i clumsily stood up and fell right back down in another fit of laugher. people were gathering at the up stairs railing to figure out was the screaming at 6 am was all about.

i looked around and thought to myself this family is crazy but i love them to death.


okay don't murder me but the chapter sucks potato's im sorry im trying to get one or two updates in by Christmas so people have something to read on car rides :D.







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