Chapter 30: special chapter!!!!

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Emma's POV

The wedding is tomorrow, im so excited finally we will be a complete family.

Perrie is in mental break down mode, she is nervous, i keep trying new hairstyles on her, but she isn't working with me, i don't want to give up on her she would panic and do something stupid.

so i let her explain the hair style she wanted and did my best to match the description, it actually worked!

she couldn't stop smiling. next i went to salon with her and we got our nails done. i just had mine down a light purple, with a gem infinity sign on the index finger and Perrie's was all blinged out.

she wanted to do her own make so i relaxed.

Finally she fell asleep with half her face full of make up, i took a picture and laughed.

next i walked into my room and changed into my dancer grandma pants and i pink tank top. i brushed my hair and put it in rollers she i would have a natural curl tomorrow.

i sat down in my beanie bag nest and my door slowly creaked open, thinking it was one of the dogs and kept my gaze on my TV. then there was a sudden flash of a camera and my door swung closed. i jumped up and bolted towards the door and tip toed down the stairs. my heart was racing and i was getting hot, there was a lump n my throat and a knot in my stomach. i looked in the kitchen and the back door was open.

shit, Zayn must have left it unlocked. i walked over to it and looked outside. i was about to shut it when i saw a man in black standing at the edge of  our back yard. i screamed and slammed the door and sprinted up to my bedroom and closed the door and locked the windows and my door and leaped into my bed.

i was scared like peeing my pants scared, my brain was trying to process a billion questions a second they just kept coming, it was giving me a serious head ache, i think its official that i was having a serious panic attack. my breaths quickened and spot invaded my vision and my head was pounding and the last thing i remember was my head making contact with the floor then i went out like a light.


Emmas POV

i woke up with a horrible head ache. Perrie was freaking out in her room i could hear her.

"Jesy ahhhh what am i gonna do!!!" she yelled.

"i don't know i have no idea how to sew!" Jesy yelled frantically back.

"ugh this is a nightmare." she stated

i got out of bed and walked into Perries room, she looked horrible.

"Emma, my wedding dress riped!"she cried.

"your lucky i can sew." i said pulling the sewing kit out from behind my back

"ahh thank the gods! she praised.

i walked over to her, she looked beautiful in her wedding dress.

i told her to stand still as i bent down to eye level with the bent seem and got to work, when i was done i do have to say. i did pretty good with a shaky hand.

Jesy helped her finish  getting ready as i fished my dress in the garment bag that was hanging in the closet, i haven't really seen it yet just online when i bought it.

since the theme of the wedding was white and purple i pulled out a pretty purple strapless pixie dress, i smiled and carefully pulled it on, i could hear Perrie freaking out through the walls separating our rooms.

Zayn had left early that morning to be with the boys.

i discovered my new light grey flats that were jeweled on the toe and heel of the shoes. they stil fit so i was grateful for that. next i walked into the bathroom quickly admiring myself in the wall of mirrors that had been repaired after my meltdown and brushed out my hair. i didn't know what exactly i was doing so i kinda just braid around my head and ended in the middle of my head.

i bobby pinned all the stray hairs and smiled, i applied mascara and a sparkly eye shadow and walked out.

"emma do you have some sort of hair piece i could where?" Perrie said walking into my room.

"mhm." i said grabbing a sparkly head band from  my Vanity.

"thanks hun, you look amazing bye the way!" Perrie said skipping out of my room.

I giggled and sat down on my bed and grabbed my phone. After deleting some hate emails i decided to text Celeb but i forgot he hated me now, i looked though my contact list and noticed i was having problems with everyone that i had except family.

i threw my phone aside  and layed back, i could feel a bobby pin stabbing the back on my head, but i left it, i didn't care.

"Emma, the limo is here, hurry up!" Perrie yelled from the kitchen.

I jumped off my bed and skipped down the hall.

once i reached the bottom of the stairs i burst out laughing, Domino and Hatchi were wearing black suits with sparkly ties and Prada was wearing a dress similar to mine with grey heels and a tiara, she was waddling around meowing loudly.

"aww come here kitty." i cooed picking her up and slipping off the heels and carrying her out to the limo with Hatchi and Domino bounding behind me.

we sat down the black leather seats and i could perrie tapping her fingers nervously on her knee.

"you look gorgeous Perrie." i said trying to lighten the tense air, it was suffocating.

she mumbled a thanks and i got the point that she didn't want to talk right now.

i leaned back and closed my eyes, in just a couple hours we would be a real family, i would have a real mom and dad.

the limo came to a stop and we were escorted into the church my a couple body guards i didn't recognize.

Me and perrie went into a little room with a bright vanity.

i set Prada on the tan carpet and set her deadly heels on the vanity.

Domino sat by my feet and Hatchi trotted around the room sniffing every square inch on the room.

Perrie stood up from the vanity bench and started pacing.

"what if rejects and bails." she said chewing on her sparkly nail.

"he wont bail, he loves you and you have nothing to worry about." i said sitting her down.

she starred at herself in the mirror for a while until a man dressed in a tux came to tell us the wedding was starting.

Perrie stood up and i grabbed her hand and we walked to the doors.

they opened revealing the beautiful wedding ceremony.

everybody stood up and looked our way.

Perrie started walking down the isle and i followed.

when we got the front Perrie stood by Zayn smiling and Jesy stood at Perrie's side and i stood next to Jesy. and Harry stood next to zayn and the rest of one direction and little mix sat in the front row.

they talked for a while then Zayn and Perrie kissed and purple peddles went flying everywhere.

i finally had my dream family. 

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