chapter 21

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Emma's POV

I sat here, carefully listening to the heart monitor counting every single beep carefully.

The doctor said there would be any trama or anything extremely bad unless he doesn't wake up in 48 hours then they decide on life support.

The four boys gathered around his bed and were crying.

The only semi good thing, is Haylor broke up, Finally.

Gemma, who I haven't been able to meet yet talked to me a bit, brought me down to the cafeteria, she seemed really nice.

The Doctor came in with a clipboard and two nurses

"Good evening everyone!" he greeted

There was a couple mumbles throughout the room, everyone was tired and sad and a mess.

"I have good news and semi good news!" He said writing something down.

"What." Niall said lifting his head from Harry's hospital bed.

His eyes were puffy and red from crying and his nose was bright red, he also had bags under his eyes.

"Well Harry is guaranteed to wake up!" he said trying to lighten the mood.

"What's the semi good news? I asked slightly lifting my head.

"Well when he does wake up, he needs to go back to surgery to finish fixing a rib." the Doctor stated.

Everyone nodded and the doctor left.

Perrie whispered something to El and Dani.
The looked at me and stood up.

They came over and sat by me.

"Perrie thinks we should take you back to the cabin to pack up and go home. she says it's not good for you to be here." Dani whispered.

I looked at Perrie, she was crying but she nodded.

I stood up and followed the two of them out to the car.

The drive was silent and during packing they helped me retrieve my scattered things. the long drive back home was long can be, I was riding home with All the pets Loki, Domino, Hatchi and Prada, they were crazy, well all except Domino.

We arrived home and Loki went home with Dani and El left after giving me a kiss in the forehead.

I turned around and Layken and her mother were in the kitchen.

I screamed.

"What are guys doing here?" I asked confused.

Perrie called us to come and take are of you!" Layken said cheerfully

"Oh" is all I said.

"Well I'm going to go shower and change, be right back." I said and dashed us the stairs.

My room was cold and the Harry cardboard cut out brought tears to my eyes.

I found a picture of me and Harry on my phone and posted it to twitter.


Soon the tag was a trend.

I threw my phone on the bed and walked into the bathroom.

I stripped and stepped into the hot shower.

I stood there for a while thinking what was gonna happen.

I was startled by a knock at the bathroom door.

"Just a minute!" I yelled

I quick hopped out and wrapped my hair In a towel and grabbed my purple robe I got from the Cabin.

I opened the door and Laykens mother appeared.

"Honey Perrie just called and said Harry woke up and he's in surgery now" she said calmly.

"Alright thank u." I said plastering a fake smile on my face and shutting the door. once she was gone I slipped out if the bathroom and into my closet. i pulled on a black sports shorts that went about mid thigh and a white tank top that had a black cat on it. i put on my black white and grey mustache socks.

i walked back into the bathroom and blow dried my damp hair. i brushed it out and did a French braid crown and pulled into a sleek pony tail. my grabbed my phone and headed down stairs. I had no texts from anyone on Harry all i know is that he is in surgery i almost forgot i ran back into the bathroom and opened my jewelry drawer. sitting in the corner was the blade that i used my second day here.

the urge came back but i threw in down the drain and collapsed in tears. i didn't deserve a wonderful family or amazing friends i deserved my old family. i called my old mom, i wasn't thinking but she gave me her number at the funeral.

after a few rings she picked up.

"Abby, i need to come home now." i said my voice cracking.

"i knew you would want to honey, i even fixed your room." she said sternly.

"ill be there soon, be outside i don't want to get out of the car." she said and hung up.

i started to cry again. i pulled on my white superas that Niall gave me and the silver paper airplane necklace that Harry gave me. i opened my packed suitcase from the Cabin and shoved in my computer, phone and pictures of my zayn and perrie.

i put my suitcase my the window and sat down at the desk and started to write,

Dear Zayn and Perrie and others,

um im sorry i ruined everything, i knew it was a bad idea from that day we made eye contact. i decided to go back where i came from, not the orphanage but back to my old house with my old mom. i terrible sorry im putting you through this, its my fault Harry almost died its my fault you and Zayn fight all the time, im sorry ive torn you all apart, im leaving, im sorry but here is something to remember me,

today i have to say goodbye to many of my friends,

it was on of the most painful ends

so many faces ive come to know

now have made plans to leave me, to go,

and now my good byes stick to my throat,

tears flowing enough to fill a moat,

Emotions are running high

but i cant run from these goodbyes

now matter how hard i try.

~ Chante Roach

I'm sorry if this poem made it worse my yea, im sorry once again,

good bye Zayn and Perrie <3

~yours truly, Emma.


hey guys im debating if i should make a second book when i get to chapter thirty call finding Emma,

what do you think?

comment below what you think please!!!!!






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