chapter 32

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Laykens POV

it felt like i was flying but it was cold, i know i was out cold but i didn't want to be, i wanted to stop floating and stop being thrashed around. i went under and hit my head on something and i was out about five minutes ago, i tried to open my eyes and they popped open, i gasped for air and tried to scream but i couldn't my voice was gone.

i kicked my legs and thrashed my arms and looked up at the pouring rain , i knew my lips were blue and i was completely numb and then everything went black again.

Emma's POV

when we arrived at the house i was literally pouring it was blinding i couldn't even see the house. Zayn ran into the house and grabbing three umbrellas and we all scurried inside. we giggled and Perrie rushed into the kitchen and i could here her throw up, pour Perrie.

Zayn motioned for me to go upstairs and he rushed to Perrie's side. i walked into my room and flopped on my bed, i was tired as hell.

i lazily got up and walked into the bathroom, i was tired, i carefully took off my dress and neatly put it back in the garment bag. i turned the shower and waited impatiently for it to warm up, i hated cold showers.

i jumped in when it was warm and sighed, i could fall asleep right now if i wanted to.

i washed my hair and such and turned off the shower.

i wrapped myself in my blue fuzzy robe and wrapped my hair in a towel so it kinda looked like a turban.

and walked out i danced around my room for a little bit then i waltzed into my closet

i pulled out the pair of over sized sweatpants and rolled the waste a little pit till they fit, then i found a my grey striped buzz lightener crop top.

i hung my room on my bathroom door. and walked into the bathroom and stood in front the mirror. i took my hair out of the damp towel and combed it out and then i blow dried it and combed it again, then i sprayed my protein spray in it, cause my hair was always a frizzy mess.

i pulled into a loose pony tail and shut off my bathroom light. i sat on the couch by the window and stared out, i noticed some thing moving out side in our front yard but i thought it was Zayn bring the dogs outside. then my cellphone rang,

"hello?" i said

"hello Emma its Cassandra. "she said sadness in her voice.

"hello, what going on is everything all right?" i said getting worried.

"well not really i was getting really worried when it started raining so i called a search party and they were on the city bridge and found out that the cone where they are doing construction on the bridge was tipped over so they said that Layken fell off the bridge and in the river." she said starting to sob at the end.

"oh my god and you serious ?!" i shrieked.

"sadly my dear." she said whimpering.

"is there anything i can do to help." i said.

"well i know it a lot to ask but maybe can you help check the shore line." she said clearing her voice.

"yes of course, ill ask Zayn and Perrie." i said

"no Honey don't bother them on their wedding day ill be over to get you in a second, dress in something warm the rain is done but its cold out." se said.

"okay, she you soon bye." i said hanging up.

i quick got up and pulled on a purple fleece and my grey beanie and walked down stairs and pulled on my tennis shoes.

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