Chapter 16

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Emmas pov

Cally, you gotta be kidding me. out of all people why does Cally have to be here, this school i gonna be hell for me. i walked do the office and sat in the chair until the lady at the desk wasn't busy.

"hello." she said as i walked towards her.

"hi im Emma a new student i was told to come here to get my stuff." i said chewing on my finger.

"oh yes ill call down your guide and here is your planner and schedule." she said handing me my stuff.

i nodded and walked over to the chairs again. i looked at my schedule i was pretty happy with it.

first period i had honors science, second period i had Drama, third period i had art, fourth period i had math, fifth period i had honors language arts and sixth period i had study hall.

the door to the office opened and i looked up, the sluttiest girl walked in, i swear her bottom was gonna pop out the bottom of her shorts and she was where the tiniest shirt ever heck she could call it a sports bra. her hair was in a high pony tail with multiple bobby pins. i turned my eyes away from her and flipped through my planner to try to find the dress code, there wasn't one, of course.

"im Sydney you called me down here." she said smacking her gum and twirling her hair on her finger tips.

"oh yes um your the new students guide." the lady said

"oh" is all she said and turned towards me.

she motioned for me to follow her and i silently stood up and followed her. she didn't talk to me at all, but im glad i didn't want to look at her make up filled face. Science was really fun and the teacher was really nice. once we got to Drama i walked in and everybody stared at me, even Cally who was in this class great.

"hello miss and who may you be?" the teacher asked.

"oh im Emma im new here." i said quietly.

"oh of course, lets put you right here in the front next to Andy.

i nodded and quietly sat done and set my backpack on the floor.

"hey, im Andy." he said smiling at me.

"hi, im Emma." i said smiling a little.

the teacher handed out scripts for the day and i read over mine really quick.

"please read back and fourth between you and your partners and i will walk around and listen for student to be in the play as the two main characters.

i turned to face Andy and he was smiling at me.

"what?" i questioned.

'your pretty" he blurted "i mean you necklace is pretty." he said covering up the compliment and scratched the back of his head.

i giggled.

we recited the script and Ms. Letup stood and nodded in approval.

she stopped us.

"Emma dear you have great emotion in your voice, its brilliant. Would you like to play the female role i the play?" she asked me.

i could feel Cally's eyes burning into the back of my head shooting little bullets into my skull. i quickly turned around and flashed her an innocent smile.

"of course Ms. Letup. i would love to." i said. "whose playing the Male role?"

"Andy is." she said.

he looked at me and smiled.

"oh." is all i said.

"practice starts tomorrow at the end of school have your parents sign this sheet and return it tomorrow." ms letup said as she walked away.

The bell rang and the students filed out of the drama room. i was near my next class when a foot hooked mine and made me loose my footing and i fell to the floor. i looked at the person that tripped me. it was Cally. of course.

"your gonna pay for that bitch!" she spat as she kicked me in the stomach. i shielded my face as the blows to my stomach. i screamed at nothing in particular. finally the blows stopped and a hand was placed on my shoulder.

i hesitantly looked up and four teacher were holding back Cally and Ms. Letup and Andy were kneeled down next to me and there was a large crowd of students shocked from the events staring at me, great.

I tried to sit up but i fell right back down. Andy scooped me up, im really small and light, and he carried me down the hall into the office. The nursed call Perrie while i layed down of those nurse beds carefully running my fingers over the HUGE blue and purple bruise on my stomach right under my rib cage. Perrie came rushing in a gasped.

"Emma, oh my god what happened?" Perrie practically yelled.

"i was trying to make friends." i gave her a slight smiled and she scooped me. and gave the nurse one more glare before exiting the school.

The drive home was silent and perrie nervously tapped on the steering wheel. when we arrived home Perrie helped me up to my room and walked back downstairs.

i waddled over to the couch and carefully sat down.

my phone buzzed from my pocket. I pulled it out and it was an unknown number.

"hello" i said into phone.

"hey its Andy!" he said cheerfully.

"oh hey!" i said happily, he's so sweet.

"i was wondering if tomorrow after school we could hang at my house and practice the script?" he asked hesitantly.

"of course i would love to." i said smiling so big my mouth hurt.

i hung up the phone after saying good bye and walked over to my desk chair and picked up my guitar. i haven't played it in forever.

the front door opened and closed and i could here the boy's voice in the kitchen. i could also hear the girls.

i hobbled over to the closet and slipped on my cocola pajama pants that Louis got me and i white shirt. i walked out of my room and everybody had beach stuff and suitcases.

"what's going on?" i asked Zayn who was packing things into a cooler.

"Perrie didn't tell you?" he asked.

i shook my head.

"oh well this week we have no music meetings or recording sessions or concerts so we are going to the lake house for the rest of the week, so go pack, Perrie will be here in twenty minutes so hurry up." he said winking and smiling.

i hobbled back to my room and pulled out my sky blue suitcase and packed my clothes, swim suit, towel, flip flops, shampoo, conditioner, my pillow pet, pajamas, hair brush, tooth brush, hair supplies, bracelets. then i grabbed my string bag and put in my charger, sunglasses, sunscreen, camera, and my phone and shut of the lights to my room.

i set my bags in the huge pile of everyone else's luggage. and sat on Liam's lap, on the opposite side of Harry, and of course Taylor was with him. i leaned and whispered in Liam's ear,

"does that blonde bitch have to be here?"

"i wish i could say no, but Harry begged us." Liam said smiling.

"But isn't it mum and dads lake house, shouldn't they decide who comes?" i asked frustrated that the bitch was coming. i mean seriously she had five medium sized suitcase of things to get her to Monday.

i leaned my head on Liam's chest and he wrapped his arms around me and i jumped.

"sorry." he said and removed his hands.

Perrie entered the door and we all clapped, we could finally leave.

we each grabbed our luggage except Harry who had to bring Taylor's stuff to cause she just had her nails done. The good thing about bringing Taylor was that she insisted on driving with Harry separate.

we all piled into the van and buckled our seat belts, it was only an hour drive and i was happy for that.

I was sitting right in the middle of Jesy and Liam.

in like the first twenty minutes of the car ride i fell asleep, and i was awaken but Perrie lightly shaking me that we were here.

i got out of the van and gasped. the lake house was beautiful. it was huge with a ginormous picture window of the ocean, the beach was clear and sandy with beautiful clear water with a perfect sandy bottom, Zayn said the was a cool sand bar a couple yards way from the beach he said we could canoe over there tomorrow.

i quick texted Andy that i couldn't hang with him tomorrow then my phone died.

Taylor and Harry drove up next to the van and right has she stepped out she yelled.


"Sorry Taylor but Emma gets the biggest room." Zayn said obviously making her mad on purpose.

"emma you actually have the second biggest room and me and perrie have the biggest but yours has the best view." zayn said once Taylor had stormed inside.

i grabbed my luggage and walked in the huge lake home, the inside was better then the outside.

i walked up the wooden stair case and down the hall until i came to a room labeled,

"children's room."

i flicked on the lights and gasp, i loved this room, it was a large room with a balcony and the wall were painted a light grey and there was glowing in the dark stars hanging from thin strings from the ceiling and there was a medium sized walk in closet and a small master bathroom. the bed was a queen and it had a navy blue duvet and a dozen light grey pillows. in the corner of the room there was a love seat and a navy blue lamp.

i set my luggage down and there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." i called.

it was Harry he stood there awkwardly until i quit unpacking.

"aren't you gonna talk your are you gonna watch me unpack." i snapped at him.

"erm Perrie wanted me to tell you that the boys are going fishing and the Girls are going swimming, except Taylor cause she doesn't want to ruin her hair." he said.

"k" was all i said then he left.

i grabbed my suit from the drawer and walked into the bathroom and put on my royal blue bikini that had ruffled flowers on the top. i looked in the mirror and looked at my stomach, not only did i have a big fat bruise i also had a scar from when i was shot down by mike and tom. i wiped away a tear and pulled on a loose jersey that had the number 78 on the front. i grabbed my British flag sunglasses and my white flip flops and towel and ran out of my room and down the stairs and out the door and across the lawn until finally i had reached the beautiful beach. i could see the boys on the boat fishing. i smiled and pulled off my cover up and ran into the water with the rest of the girls. the water was amazing, all the pressure was gone, i was really happy.

Maybe this is what i need all along.

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