Chapter 38

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Perrie's POV

Emma is recovering from her surgery she just had it yesterday and Zayn doesn't quiet yet know about it, i just haven't got around to telling him and when ever i try he is busy with food plans or a concert or a meet and greet.

Its been a long week that's for sure.

anyway i was sitting on the chair watching Emma sleep, Layken and Jack just left a while ago, Jack is such a well mannered boy he is really sweet i personally like him.

i was about to fall asleep myself when the doctor walked in.

"should  wake Emma?" I said sitting up straighter.

"no, let her sleep she needs to recover get back to her life." he said and chuckled.

"oh, then can i help you with anything?" i asked crossing my legs.

"yeah, actually can we talk in the hall." he said.

i nodded followed him into the empty echoing halls.

"is something wrong?" i asked.

"have you thought of getting help." he asked looking at me with his grey eyes.

"uh no i didn't think she need help, help with what." i asked, i felt so stupid i was so lost.

"Perrie, Emma self harms" he said sternly

"what? how dare you say that about my daughter i know her and that's not true at all she would have said something." i said challenging him.

"come see for yourself." he said leading me back into the room and to Emma's bed side.

she was wearing cropped yoga leggings with a pink sweatshirt that had some quote on it.

he pushed up her pant leg just couple inches from the knee, he pointed out a faint scar.

"we believed this one is older then the rest." he explained. i was shocked.

"what about the others?" i said softly.

he pulled down her scrunched pant leg and showed me her wrist, there was short little scars, nothing the plain eye could see i had to look closely.

"these ones may be small but they were made by hand." he said returning her hand back to her side.

i covered my mouth with my hands and began to cry, it was tough to hear that you daughter does that to herself.

"i suggest you talk to her about it and maybe get her a therapist or some counseling sessions, it could really help her." he said sitting me down.

I nodded and he left, but before he left he handed me a card with a Therapists name and number.

i sighed and wiped my tears and shoved the paper in my pant pocket. i needed to call zayn, Now. i left the room.

Emma's POV

after Layken went home and Jack went back to his room i fell asleep lucky for me it was a deep dreamless sleep.

Layken was lucky that she was released the day of my surgery which was yesterday, lucky ducky. Mean while im tuck hear. good for me though im out of that freaking hospital gown,

I woke up and the window showed that it was nighttime great now i will be up all night. fun right, i had nothing to accept for my laptop and phone.

there was a note on my bed side table saying that perrie had some work to attend to and that she won't be back till later the next day. i groaned, not only was i gonna be up all night but im going to be alone.

i don't know what to do know.

i wonder if Jack is up. i decided to call his room, i was worried cause if his mom is in there then im toast.

i dialed his room number, after a few rings he finally picked up.

"hello?" he said.

"he did i wake you up?" i asked whispering so i didn't wake up the neighbors.

"hahahahaha no, I've been up for hours." he said laughing.

"that's good cause i took a really long nap and i literally just woke up and Perrie is gone and im alone and im hungry so do you wanna come over?" i asked talking really fast

"hahahaha okay first of all your talking extremely fast and second of all i would love to come over." he said happily.

"yay i won't be alone anymore, do you want me to meet you like half way or something?" i asked.

"haha if you but the way you clunk round with those crutches you might wake everyone in the hospital, you even might bring some out of a coma." she said jokingly.

"haha very funny, i can show you that i can be quiet you just watch." i challenged.

he hung up and i quickly hopped over to my crutches and hopped over to the door.

i made my way down the hallway then i heard Jacks footsteps and i hide behind the corner. when he past i quietly started to follow him trying my best to make the crutches silent and so far i was doing amazing.

"Emma, i can hear you behind me." he called behind his back.

"Dammit." i muttered and caught up with him.

"you really failed at that task." he said smile at me.

"i hope i don't get you in trouble by asking you over." i said.

"nah i don't care,  my mom is happy i made a friend." he said smirking, god can this kid stop making me blush every time his fricking mouth moves into a smile.

we walked down the hallway in silence, but it was a comfortable silence, its not everyday that there's a comfortable silence between you and a boy.

we got to my room and Jack being the well mannered boy he is opened the door for me and closed it behind me.

we sat on my bed and i smiled.

"what?" he asked. sitting besides me.

"i have Oreos." i said happily.

he exaggerated his gasp.

"omg gurl no way that's so fab!" he said placing his hand on his chest fluttering his eyelashes he imitated a squealing girl.

i laughed and pulled a packet of double stuffed Oreos from under my pillow.

as we ate them our hands brushed, i blushed.

i think im i love with Jack

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