Chapter 33

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Layken's POV

i don't know when the rain stopped i jumped remember waking up and i was cold, the water had a steady current and my feet where dragging on the sandy bottom, i tried moving them, the kicking back and forth ever so slightly.

i tried to get the feeling back into my arm and tried to wiggle to the shore. i crawled into the soft pebbles but i couldn't move anymore, i managed to reach a small cluster of rocks and i curled up in  ball in one of the pot hole trying to regain my warmth,

blackness was trying to take over but i tried to fight it, i need help, my skin was an unhealthy white and i was terribly cold, why hasn't anyone sent out a search party, with these thoughts jumbled in my head i couldn't say anything or screen for help cause my throat was sore and cold front the amount of freezing river water swallowed.

then i went out, the blackness took over my eye and i could feel my fast heart beat slow down into a soft rhythm.

i woke up again but this time it was painful, my arms and legs were literally a pasty white, my finger tips had a blue tint to them and my hair was frozen into the damp curls.

my throat was on fire and i was so tired my head was pounding and my chest hurt.

i noticed it was dark out and i could hear voices in the distant probably miles away and it is just echoing, or maybe i am hallucinating.

i rested my head against the rock and watched a little baby crab scurry amongst the small pebbles. then everything went black again.

Emma's POV

i sat with a freezing Layken wrapped in my purple fleece, Layken's mom said she would be there with the paramedic soon, i could hear there frantic shouts but i could see no people or flashlights for paramedics, my flashlight went out like two minutes ago when i was trying to warm up Laykens skin with the tiny bean of light but i was no use, she was still shivering and was probably dying slowly and i wasn't doing anything.

i slowly propped her up and rested her head my shoulder and wrapped my bare arms around her, since she had my fleece i was left to keep warm in my buzz lightener crop top.

Then i saw them, flashing red lights of an ambulance, golden beams of lights from the Police officers flashlights, scream of relief from her mom, soon a group of four paramedics had surrounded me and Layken and she was taken from my grasp and layed carefully on a gurney, a breathing mask was placed over her mouth and she was rushed to the waiting ambulance.

A police handed me a wool blanket and i quickly wrapped it around me shoulders taking in the warmth. Layken's mom walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"good job kid."

"thanks." i said.

"officer Maxwell is taking you home." she said motioning to a Officer probably in his early twenties.

i silently followed him to his police cruiser. and slide into the front seat, it felt weird.

we arrived at my house and i silently slide out of the seat.

"thanks for the super cool five minute drive." i said and shut the door.

Zayn was waiting at the door and he looked freaked, shit it was 2:00 am.

"Dad im sorry really i didn't know how late is was but i found Layken and she is in the hospital and im really really really really really sorry it will never happen again please don't ground me SPARE ME A LIFE! " I dramatically pleaded.

"haha, im not mad but we as a family have something to discuss.: he said smoothing down his ruffled hair.

i nodded and followed him into the living room. Perrie wa cuddling a fluffy blanket and was clutching a steaming mug with tea in it, she was quietly crying i could see the glistening tears roll down her cheek.

i sat down on my bungee chair that i had brought down earlier,

"what's happening?" i asked watching Perrie as she tried to clean the mascara from under her eye.

Zayn sat down next to her and patted her knee.

"Emma you have understand that this is our choice and it has nothing o do with our love towards you." he said, his eyes brimming with tears.

"okay..." i hesitantly said.

"Emma Me and Perrie decided that we want to adopt another child." he said.

It took me a minute to process it then i hit me hard.

"oh, so now im not good enough, cause im a fucked up Teenager and you wanted an innocent baby, but the foster home i was at didn't have any babies so you were stuck with me, YOU GUYS BARELY HAVE TME FOR ONE KID WHAT THE HELL IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH TWO?!" i screamed not thinking before i realized that Perrie had her head in her hands and she was shaking and crying.

Zayn looked hurt. and i covered my mouth and bolted up the stairs and into my room and slammed the door. i threw myself on my bed and started sobbing.

i know what i said was wrong but i didn't want another sibling, im barely over what happened to Tanner and now i don't need another stupid baby in my life taking all the attention, i know im also sounding rude but seriously they didn't even look proud that i found Layken when the police couldn't.

Im also upset that there is school tomorrow, we have been a break for about a mouth cause they were cleansing the school.

i could here Perrie still crying and Zayn pacing and it made me feel even worse about what i said but yet i didn't leave the comfort of my bed.

i rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes, i really hope this is all a dream.

Adopted by Zayn and Perrie?!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat