chapter 22

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Emmas POV

i slipped out the window thinking my moms car iveway but instead Louis hopped out looking at me in a weird way.

"Em where ya going?" he asked walking over to me.

"I'm leaving Lou!" I said quickly looking at him them facing the road again.

"What!? Emma you can't leave!" he shouted.

"Lou please keep your voice down Layken and Her mom are inside ad I don't want them knowing." I said quickly wiping away a tear.

"He sat down in the grass with me and out his arm around me.

"Perrie wanted me to tell you Harry's doing great, there's no brain damage." he said quietly.

I leaned on his shoulder and started to cry.

"I ruined Zayn and Perrie's life, in a huge mistake!" I sobbed.

"Emma Zayn and Perrie love you so very much!" he said calmly.

"No Lou they don't and I need to leave, before you persuade me to stay." I said calming down.

"Emma don't go back with your mom, your life will be a living Hell again!" he explained.

"WHERE AM I SUPPOSE TO GO LOUIS!" I said getting frustrated!

"To my flat, there's a guest room downstairs that you can stay in for as long as you like." he said seriously.

"Really!?" I said hopefully

"Of course love, and I will keep your secret.

I nodded and we stood up.

I put my bag in the back seat and sat in the front seat next to Lou.

We drove in silence, but it was comfortable.

We arrived at his flat and I slowly waddles behind him, I still had that big ass cast thingy on my knee and it was starting to hurt.

He showed me where my room was and I hugged him and he left.

I unloaded my clothes into the closet and dresser. I put my pillow pet and on the bed and my toiletries in the bathroom.

I could smell tea upstairs and smiled.

It was a comfortable smell.

I crawled in the bed and examined the room.

The room was kinda of light a grey/ blue color, with a queen bed and a walk in closet, bathroom, and small dresser and desk in the corner.

It was a cool room, it wasn't as big as it my room at Zayns but I loved It here.

I soon started to get really tired.

And my eyes slowly started to close.

I woke up to my phone beeping from my bag.

I groaned hoping it would stop cause I was seriously annoying.

I checked the time, 10:45pm dang.

The beeping don't stop so I groaned and got up.

My phone was ringing and the caller I'd read


Did she seriously just realized I left.

I laughed to my self and climbed back in bed knowing I had school tomorrow.

I soon fell asleep again.

~~~~~~ The next Morning~~~~

My alarm clock beeped annoyingly in my ear as I flopped around trying to hit the snooze button.

I got up and rubbed my eyes.

I looked around and the light coming in from window, it was blinding.

I fell out of the warm ness of the bed.

And rolled to the bathroom and laughed at my appearance.

My hair was in a mix between and pony tail and bun and braid, and it was sticking to my eye lashes.

I sorted the stray hairs then combed through it.i gave up and tied it into a fluffy bun.

I brushed my teeth and cleaned my face.

I walked over to the dresser and pulled over washed ripped jean shorts that went about mid thigh and then a frizzy ends. I also found an old Beatles shirt.

I slipped on my black converse and walked upstairs and Louis was asleep on the couch.

I grabbed my back pack and lunch and started poking Louis's forehead.

He sat straight up and screamed.

I screamed to in fear,he scared me.

"what?" he said leaning back.

"I need to go to school!" I said smiling.

"Oh yea!" he said sitting up.

"Are you ready?" He asked getting off the couch.

I nodded and he slipped in some tennis shoes and I grabbed all I needed and we walked out of the flat.

We arrived at the school yard and he kissed me on the head and told me to come straight home after school.

I nodded and he drove off.

I spotted Cally and Andy making out in the corner of my eye and my heart broke, I really liked Andy.

I walked to my first class which just so happened to be drama, yay (note the sarcasm)

Cally had taken my spot next to Andy in the front row and I spotted an empty seat next to a girl, who I haven't seen, she must be new.

I walked over to her and sat down. she looked hesitant but smiled sweetly.

I smiled back and took out my drama notebook.

I was bummed that Ms. Letup bumped me to a backup role and gave Cally the lead.

"Hi, I'm Emma!" I said finally turning to the new girl.

She looked me and a flash of hesitant washed over her as she said,

"hi I'm Ady!"

I smiled and we chatted for a few minutes before we were shushed because class was starting.

It turns out we had a lot in common.

I asked if she wanted to sit with me at lunch. she nodded and smiled.

We talked the rest I class and laughed every time Cally did something pathetic to try to flirt with Andy.

The bell finally rang and we walked out.

I stopped at my locker I get my lunch and a note fell.

I opened it and gasped, how did they figure out??








~ Maddy

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