Chapter 24

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Perries POV

after the doctor told us that Harry would be okay we kinda all shuffled out and Louis brought him home and said he would check on Emma for us.

We all went back to the  cabin and collected our things, it took a while cause the storm thrashed the boat around and our canoes were over turned, and chairs were  thrown into the water. Leigh texted me that Emma was at home and Layken and her mom were watching her.

i walked up to our room and started to packed me and Zayn's suitcases.

i put Hatchi and Prada and Domino into their carriers and set all the bags into the truck of the range rover.

Zayn came into the cabin soaking wet and the lads were laughing super hard.

"what happened?" i said smiling.

"the lads pushed me in!" he said sending them a playful death glare, which cause the boys to laugh even harder.

"well go dry off i don't want Emma to be alone all day we haven't had a movie night in forever!" i explained going into the kitchen to get the remainder of our food.

Zayn helped me load them into the back seat and we said our goodbyes and got into the truck and rove away from the cabin.  

Louis texted us saying Emma was doing fine and he was heading home. i rested my head back on the head rest and let out a exhausted sigh and closed my eyes.

When we pulled into our drive way i smiled, it was good to be home!

i helped Zayn unpack and said goodbye to Layken and her mother.

i put all the things away all the supplies.

"EMMA" i called. i haven't seen her since i got home. i listened for a sec to see if i could hear her, nothing.

i wave of worry washed over me but i decided i was being silly, where would Emma go.

i set down the dish rag and walked up the stairs.

"Emma?" i called out again. Domino followed me nervously down the hall hoping that his owner was in the room.

i opened Emma's bedroom door and looked around. she was gone!

"ZAYN"  screamed frantically running around the room. a lot of emmas things were gone and the window was opened.

zayn entered the bedroom.

"what?" he said looking at me.

"EMMAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!" i screamed again

"What?!" he said his eyes grew big.

he started running around the room, looking for something, anything.

he stopped at the desk and picked up something.

"perrie i don't think Emma was kidnapped, i think she ran away." he said handing me a note with Emma's hand writing.

i was holding in the tears until the end when i read the poem she wrote.

i sank to my knees and clutched the letter to my chest and started crying. Domino started howling, he finally figured out with owner was gone.

Zayn ran out of the room and i heard the front door wiped tears and walked over to the window sill. i sat of the little bench in front of the window Emma climbed out of hoping for her arrival. the sky was getting dark and soon it was full of stars.

I gave up waiting for Zayn, i just fell asleep.

I woke up the next day and forgot where i was, i was in Emma's room the room of my missing daughter.

Adopted by Zayn and Perrie?!Where stories live. Discover now