Chapter 15

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Emmas POV

i currently sat on the couch tired, my brain hurt, my tutor just left after taking with my parents.

i turned on the TV on and the news about some political things came on and i groaned i searched for the remote but couldn't find in. i flopped down in defeat then i heard Domino growl. i turned my head to him and gasp, he had the remote in between his teeth and he was wagging his tail.

i slowly got up and we backed away with every step a took towards him. i stood still and he just wagged his tail faster and he growled. i pounced. he quickly scampered out of the way and i landed hard on the floor. i got up and bolted up the stairs chasing after Domino. he ran into one room and then out i was out of breath but he kept running it was horrible we ran back down stairs right as perrie was opening the door for my tutor Domino ran between her legs. i yelled no and pushed her out of my way and bolted after my crazy Dalmatian. we ran all the way to the park which was half a mile when he finally layed down and chewed on the remote. i quickly snatched in and layed next to him under the huge oak tree.

i was breathing heavily and he was panting. he rolled on his back to mirror me and i laughed. im glad its spring cause i love my jean shorts, i was currently wearing plain jean shorts with my marvel t-shirt. my hair was in a ponytail that was once neat and now it messy thanks to my little run. on my way out of the house i grabbed the nearest shoes which were my spider man converse. i layed there and closed my eyes the sun shined on me and Domino and i smiled.

i finally got up and picked up domino. we walked away from the oak tree and into town. i spotted and ice cream stand, good thing i had 10 dollars, i don't know why i have it thou. i bought a double fudge. i licked it and a little bit fell off the cone. it landed on my leg where i had a scar from where i cut the one time when i was first adopted. guilt pulsed thru me cause i never told mum or dad. i shook it off and continued down the sidewalk. i walked past a bunch of shops and smiled as i pass all the kids running, i loved ing through walking through town.

reached the front door step just as i finished my ice cream.

i walked into the front door and slipped off my converse. i bent down and took off Dominos leash as he scampered away to find Hatchi. i set the remote on the on the couch. i walked into the Kitchen and Zayn and Perrie were sitting at the kitchen table talking.

"hi." i said. sitting down at the island and picked up an apple.

"Emma, me and Perrie have been talking and you tutor agrees that we think its time to send you to a real school." Zayn said with a father like tone.

"what?! no i don't want to go to a real school i perfectly fine with being taught here!" i stammered.

"honey its perfectly normal to be nervous but we want what's best for you." Perrie said smiling slightly.

i groaned in frustration and stomped out of the kitchen and up the stairs. i finally got to my room and i swung open the door and slammed it shut and flopped on my bed.

"i don't want to go to a stupid public school, im not good at being social." i said to the ceiling.

There was a scratching at my door and i opened it thinking it was Domino, but boy was i wrong a fluffy cat trotted into my room.

i was surprised. i picked it up and set it on my bed. it had collar its name was Prada.

i pet her fur and she purred. i hummed a random tune and then there was a knock at the door.

"come in" i groaned.

Perrie came through the wooden door.

"i hope you've come to tell me that you love me to much to send me to a horrible place called school" i pleaded.

Adopted by Zayn and Perrie?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora