Chapter 35

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Emma's POV (for most of this story)

I beat Jack three times in what ever video game we were playing. it made his little ear turn a deep red whenever i killed him in the game.

the nurse had to come in four times to tell us to quiet down because of our loud laughing and talking.

finally for the fifth time the nurse game in she took away our game controllers and stormed out.

"awe. i was gonna beat you that time." he pouted causing me to giggle.

"so now what." i said slouching on his bed.

"we could go to your room." he said smiling.

"okay." i replied.

i tumbled into my hated wheelchair and we raced down the hall, obviously he won, due to my lack of ability.

we reached my room and he opened the door and i rolled in.

"Emma where have you been?" Perrie asked.

"i was in Jacks room kicking his ass at video games." i said.

"Language please." she stated annoyed.

"where's zayn?" i asked leading Jack over to my bed and made him sit while i leaned back in my wheelchair.

"he and the lads went to Nandos or something, she said he will bring you back food." he replied sitting down on the leather couch.

"oh." i said.

"well im gonna go make a business call, can i trust you too?" she asked eyeing Jack.

"of course ma'am" jack properly said.

i silently laughed at his awkwardness.

Perrie nodded and walked out.

i propped my legs up on my bed and pulled my phone out of my waistband of my leggings and opened the app flappy bird, don't judge we have all been there.

Jack started laughing.

"what's so funny?" i asked raising my eyebrow.

"hahaha you crinkle your nose when you concentrate on something." he bursted laughing even harder.

"shut up." i laughed along with him.

the doctor came in ending our conversation.

"awe Emma i see you have met Jack, i knew you would be friends." he smiled.

"okay so i came to tell you some bad news and good news, which one do you wanna hear first." he simply stated.

"uh bad news." i replied.

"okay there is something horrible bad about your knee bones due to the x-ray." he said looking at his clip board.

"okay," i replied a little shaky.

"the good news is that we are able to fix it, but you will have to go through a major surgical procedure." he said staring me down.

i nodded trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"ive talked to Perrie bout this and she thinks the sooner the better so in two days the surgery will take place." he said.

i nodded again and fiddled with my phone case.

i know i sounded calm but inside i was totally freaking out, i didn't want to have surgery, ugh this was gonna mess up so many things. I mean recently Niall had his knee surgery and now he is on those crutch thingies, and what if my surgery doesn't go right, what if they made a mistake and that could ruin so much.

i leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes.

"im gonna subtract myself from this room, See ya later Emma." Jack called and rushed out of the awkward room.

i climbed into bed and it was warm where he was sitting and it smelled like him.

perrie came in and sat on my bedside and rubbed my back while i tried not to cry, how could saving someone's life possible mess up yours.

layken! i totally forgot!.

i quickly sat up and looked at Perrie frantically.

"take me to Layken!" i said.

I quickly climbed into my wheelchair and Perrie rolled me down the hallway .

we reached the special treatment wing and we asked the lady at the desk what room but the Lady had no idea who w were talking about, she said the room the doctor told us it was in but she said that the room was empty. What?!

my doctor walked by and i called for him and he joined us at the counter.

"what's the problem?" he asked.

"this lady said that Laykens room is empty even thou you told me that she was here." i said firmly.

"oh, no one told Emma." he asked sadness in his eyes.

"told me what?" i said getting panicked.

"Emma Layken has been moved to a more advanced hospital cause we didn't think she was going to make it." he said.


Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i haven't posted in a while I've been busy, also im typing a new book, once i get to ten chapters im going to publish! also go check out my friend's book called "gifted" her username is bluenarrymuffins the username is also in my bio!


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