Chapter 19

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alright im sorry about the last chapter it was really crappy its because my dad was pestering me to go to bed cause im sick and i said "let me fininsh this one chapter please" so he was rushing me and it was really short and crappy and im sorrrrrrrrrrrry! dont hate me <3 Any way here is the story.......

Emma's POV

After everyone had breakfast, whitout metioning Harry which made the guilt pit in my stomach grow. we all decided to go to the sand bar. i smiled and ran up stairs. i didnt feel like swimming with my knee and all so i decided i would take pictures and what not.

i walked into my closet and opened my shorts drawer and found my black ripped shorts that had galaxy print on the from and back but not on the sides. i also grabbed a black tank top with 1 1/2 inch starps. i pulle them on and stood infront of the mirror and smiled at my reflection. next i walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then combed through my extremely matted hair, i guess thats what i get for sleeping outside. finally it was smooth enough to braid down the side of my head and into a messy ponytail. i grabbed my white sunglasses from the drawer and sliped on my white lace TOMS cause they were the first shoe i saw. i ran/limped down the hall and down the stairs and into the kitchen where everyone was waiting.

"where's your swimsuit Em? "Perrie asked plopping a raspberry into her mouth

"i don't feel like swimming cause of my knee." i explained and smiled.

"oh." is all she said.

"im gonna take pictures on my camera and upload them to my computer." i said happily.

"alright honey what ever you want to do." she said and hugged me.

i walked over to the table and grabbed my camera and its case and we headed out. i hopped in the front of the huge speed boat and Niall hoped in the drivers seat. he backed up the oat and we sped off. it took about three minutes for us to get there and i was beautiful. we arrived at the sandbar and i smiled so big, thee was little sea turtles swimming everywhere.

"that's why its Turtle Cove." Jade said behind me.

i smiled and grabbed my camera and took a picture of the clear blue water and the turtles.  everyone started blowing up floaties to sit on and i snapped another picture.

my phone buzzed in my pocket and i took it out.

i was getting a call from Andy.

"hello." i said into the speaker.

"Emma i have a serious question." Andy said urgently.

"what is it what wrong?" i said worriedly.

"are you being nice to me just to use me." he said barely above a whisper.

"WHAT?! Andy i would never do that! you the hell told you that?!" i shrieked.

"Cally." he said clearly.

"what would you believe her?" i said shocked that he would think that about me.

"Emma, she my girlfriend im not gonna not believe her when she says something, she knows you better then i do and i believe her, and Ms. Letup gave her your part in the play." he bold and proud of his "Girlfriend"

i was shocked i was about to cry.

"emma? are you still there." he said.

i couldn't take it i didn't want to ruin everyone's day at the cove i ended the call and threw my phone in the bag and dipped my feet in the water.

Perrie gave me a floatie and said.

"you wont get wet in this one." she handed me a little blown up raft.

i smiled gratefully and lowered myself into it. i wobbled a little bit but i balanced it on the rippling water. a bunch of little turtle surrounded the curious floating object and went on with swimming around.

i scooped on up and watched it crawl around my hand. it was so small.

"Leigh can u hand me my camera please." i said.

she nodded and reached in the boat and grabbed my camera along with the water proof case. she handed it to me and i took a picture of the cute little turtle. i set my camera down into the case. i set the turtle into the water and it swam away with the rest of its group. i leaned back into the raft and closed my eyes. the waves and the salty smell and the breeze relaxed me, i really didn't want to go back home, its been three days so far, we had four days left, then it was back to school with Cally and Andy and the rumors and drama, and my friends, oh wait i didn't have any. -.-

"Emma, we are leaving come on." Liam called from the boat. i nodded and paddled back to the boat and threw in my camera then i climbed in and then i picked the raft out of the water and set in on the floor. we carefully drove away from the cove trying to injure many turtles.

the trip back was longer cause the floaties kept flying out of the boat.

we finally arrived at the dock and i limped out with my phone and camera, i was really tired of the throbbing and limping. stupid knee.

i reached the living room and plopped down on the sofa, i was tired, my knee was throbbing and ugh it was horrible, i loved the Turtle Cove thou it was magic.

i leaned back on the reclining side of the couch and turned on the TV.

"hey emma me and Leigh and Perrie and Zayn are gonna go get ice cream wanna come?" Niall said. i nodded and hopped up and followed them outside. to the waiting gold carts. Mum and dad wee in one cart and Leigh Ann and Niall were in the other. i hoped in the gold cart with mum and dad. we drove off down the trail that led to the main rode. in took twenty minutes to get to the shop.

i excitedly got out of the gold cart and hopped into the shop and up to the ice cream counter.

"What kind of ice cream do u want Ma'am?" the old man asked from behind the counter.

"moose tracks in a waffle cone please." i said smiling.

he put two huge scoops in the cone and handed it to me. Niall, Leigh, Mum and Dad ordered there's and we sat done at a booth. i finished my ice cream in four minutes, don't judge i was hungry. everyone was laughing at me cause i had ice cream on my face but they wouldn't tell  me where.

after they finished there ice cream we loaded in the carts again and drove back home. We pulled into the drive way and smoke was coming from the top of it.

"Mum i think the Cabin is on fire." i said scared and worried.


this might be the last chapter until after Christmas, cause you know its Christmas. sorry.

anyway what do u think, do you like my story so far?







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