Shaping up

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Dom's POV
As Charlotte tried to speak, I just laid still, I know what they would say, and decided to cut in before Charlotte could say anymore, "listen, your majesties, before you continue, I know what you'll say, but are you sure that is what you want ?, I am but a soldier, and your all royalty, but I am fine with either option" I say, "you are ?" Said Winter, "yep, I think being your guard is a good enough honour for myself, but if you want to... I'm up for that, I guess since your having problems, I'll say it". I said to all of them, then sat up.

I looked at all of them, for once, I could see true beauty and saw them in a different way to what I saw them as only a day ago, "I'll say this once... I love you... All of you" I said, I didn't stutter, didn't mumble, I just said it, I saw them stare at me, then a smile work its way onto all of their faces, I was expecting tears of joy, or kisses and screams of happiness, what I didn't expect was to have five nether princesses DIVE on me and squish the air and nearly my lungs, out of my body, "yeeeeesssss!!!!" One of them said, Winter hugged me and Blazette smiled, kissed me and soon enough, all of them were hugging me, from many different angles.

Then to kill the mood, Andr and Kyle teleported near the door, "hey, Dom, could you..." He just looked at me, so did Andr, "don't even..." I didn't finish my sentence as Kyle and Andr burst out with laughter, "AHAHAHAH, 'JUST FRIENDS!!!!" He said loudly, I just decided to fight back, "what about you with Andr ??, I know she heard our conversation, you had a nice view on her" I said, Andr just blushed, then I decided to do something to Kyle, I know Andr's sister is an Ender dragon.

"Hey, who is the lady in black with the wings ?" I said, looking behind Kyle, "sister ??" Said Andr, she turned, Kyle just stood still, like a statue, I started to laugh, "hahaha,your reaction" I said, and started to laugh again, so did the princesses, "very funny" he said, then a girl who looked like an Ender dragon actually teleported behind him, but Kyle didn't notice, I laughed again, "you know what ?, if Endy is behind me, I'll kiss her and spend a whole day with her and do what she wants me to do" he said, her smile widened, I nearly burst out laughing,
He saw this and his face dropped, "*sigh* she's right behind me, isn't she ?, *we all nodded* ...and she heard what I said, didn't she ?" He said, I nodded, then Endy picked him up, pulled him into a hug, "we are going to have so much fun" she said, excitedly, as she bear hugged Kyle, "hahaha, karma bitch" I said, and Kyle responded with the two finger gesture, "don't worry sister, you can have him after I'm done" said Endy, Kyle had the look of fear on his face.

"But..." Was all Kyle could say before Endy planted a kiss, right on his lips, he was shocked, but he soon came around, "I guess that ends that" I said, not realising the pun, until after I said that, "pun not intended" I say, getting a few serious looks, "come on, we got things to do" said Endy, and with that, both she and Kyle disappeared, "hey andr, keep me up to date with what those two get up to" I say with a devious grin, "OK, but I better go, he still works for me, oh, and Sarah asked me to tell you that Patter is going to be their body guard now, but I see you got yourself another job" and with that, Andr teleported away.

"So, after my burn heals, will we be here for a while longer or shall we head back to the Nether ?, I can work with both when the time comes" I said, "hmmm, well you owe me that one day thing, and I'm calling that when we get back to the fortress" said Blazette, all the others looked upset, "don't worry about it girls, you'll get time with me, eventually.... If Blazette doesn't work me to death" I said with a smile, "why you.." She said, jokingly and dived onto me, she then tries to capture me but struggles, "help me" she said, and the other four come into the fight, and it was over before I had a chance to escape, it finally ended with Blazette kissing me, it was warm and passionate.

Things are shaping up, but I wonder how our Marine friend, Patter, is doing.

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