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Dom's POV

I thought this night was amazing, all the dancing pairs were made up of females, barring three of the pairs that had me and my two other friends.
Blazette took the lead on the whole dance, so all I had to do was not step on her feet... Which was surprisingly easy, even when I was just looking into her eyes, I didn't Trip up, which is a start.

I saw Patter putting in effort, but I guess this isn't his type of dance, and Kyle was completely powerless against Endy, who was keeping him in check, at least he was truly smiling about it, 'shame I wouldn't, man, I'd be scared shitless if I was him' I thought and carried on.

After the song had ended, around of applause came from the crowds at the sides, because of this, I didn't notice Emma walk to me in her lava red dress, that seemed to shine a little in places.
"M'lady, what do I owe this honour of your presence" I said, as I removed my cap and gently kissed her hand, she smiled lightly and even blushed.

"Well, don't you look dashing in that suit, I believe my mother Lucy would like to speak with you" she said, I looked to Blazette who nodded at me. "Ok, I'll be right behind you" I replied, and stayed behind Emma as she lead me to the Queen's location, surrounded by a few Magma Cube girls.

I walked beside Emma, "your majesty, you wished to see me ?" I asked, being polite.
"Yes, I believe that I owe you a thank you, for not only saving me, but my daughter as well, your friends have done an amazing job, so, on behalf of the Magma Kingdom, I give you our most sincere and grateful gratitude" she said, bowing slightly, as did the other magma girls.

I chuckled softly and bowed, "there is no need, your majesty. I was only doing my duty like I was trained to do, like I was born to do, just like the other two, but I thank you for your kindness and recognition of me and my friends" I say.

Then queen Serine came up to me with Samantha and Tracy.
"I would like to thank all of you for inviting me and my friends to this great evening, it's a night that I will treasure for the time to come" I say.
Samantha and the others smiled as they got what my compliment meant.

Kyle's POV

I was happy a bit this dance, even if Endy had the grip of a Steel vice, so I couldn't turn away, I saw she had her face buried into my shoulder as we swayed from side to side, it was hard to tell I wasn't too happy.

What I didn't tell anyone was that I have a rare soul, and lived both past, present and future at the same time, Dom and Patter may be war heroes like me, but I've done so much more, from Zombies in the future, Rogue technology that had gone amuck and killed thousands, memories of killing some of the most evilest men in the human race, seen such horrors  that could make a hard man like chuck Norris cry, or go insane, but I couldn't tell anyone.

I remember the times, the universes and dimensions, from fighting the horrid Grimm as a hunter, to dying at Casio station as my clone brothers die around me in our final stand to save the Galaxy.

Heroinebrine looked at me, she knew how Im feeling, at the end of the dance, she, Andr and Endy looked at me, "I told them what I've seen in your mind, you know that you'll not face things like that here, I promise" Said Heroinebrine and she kissed me.

She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes, I kissed back after feeling more at ease, than smiled, "and I promise not to let any of that hurt you girls" I say, sounding like my happy-go-lucky self again, they all kissed me and then Andr said, "come, let's go meet our mother" and she drags me along. Literally.

Heroinebrine and Endy smiling happily, 'this is getting slightly embarrassing' I thought, "it's actually cute" said Heroinebrine, "stop reading my mind" I wailed, as I got dragged on by Andr.

Patters POV

After the dance, Sarah led me to a balcony , over looking the night sky, in her white dress, she then looked over the balcony, I leaned on the balcony and took in the sights, "I thank you for that dance your majesty, it was quite the experience if you ask me" I said.

"It was magic, wasn't it ?" She asked, "yes, it was" I say, then felt her rest her head on my shoulder, she wraps her hands around my arm, I had a feeling I know where his is going... I also saw a blush on her face as she turns to me and looks me in the eyes.

"Listen, I wanted to say, I love...." Sarah said, but I cut her off and kissed her, she squeaked in surprised before she came through and kissed back

Dom's POV

I looked about as saw Kyle talking to Endora with Endy and Andr clinging to him, then I saw Patter on an empty balcony, kissing princess Sarah. 'Well, they are going to have a good time here, I can tell' I thought.

I looked back to the ballroom and Winter came up and dragged me onto the dance floor, after anther dance, I came back to the princesses and nether queens, "do you want to do something for me ?" Asked Emma, "yes, your majesty" I say.


I walked up to Kyle, and the Ender royalty, "excuse me, but I'll be needing my partner to come with me, we have an assignment" I say wth a slight bow and pulled Kyle with me, I looked to Heroinebrine, "can you meet us backstage, your majesty" I said.

She smiles, knowing what's happening, she headed straight to the back.

"What's going on ?" Asked Kyle, I turned to him and said "you'll see".
I turned and saw patter who looked in our direction, I gestured for him to follow, he nodded and spoke to princess Sarah, then walked with me and Kyle as I lead us to the back of the stage.

I saw the nether princesses smiling......

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