Assassins and a myth

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Third person POV
Kyle told them that he saw the mobs going into to a cave, and were digging inside, he couldn't see what they were digging out but there were some stones with patterns, they looked ancient
He showed the footage from the camera, there were several clear clips, but Dom hooked it to a projector and had it projected to the wall, and paused it.

Dom's POV
I stopped at the close up on the ruined and saw the queens look terrified, "no.. it can't be.... It's a myth" said Serine, then she was my confusion, "those symbols are used to raise the wild monster, a mob that had been mutated by going feral, so much that our mutant mobs are useless against it.... It is said to hold unimaginable power and can turn into several mobs at a time, and it can control all of the mobs that have been affected by the feral process" she explained.

I nodded, then turned to see some zombies appear from where the portal used to be, an Enderman was also present, "assassins, they must have used Ender Magic to find us" said princess Cupa, I reached for my Glock 17 and picked up an M9 from the top of the box, I then headed to the front of the princesses and queens, both weapons raised.
Patter came to my side holding an M16, and Kyle came to my right holding a shotgun, standing dispite his foot wound and against the silent protest of he Ender princesses.

There were a total of 20 assassin mobs, 14 zombies, 4 spiders, 1 skeleton and 1 Enderman, they held iron and diamond swords, a couple had axes, and most had a mix of iron armour and some leather, only the skeleton had a bow and several arrows, the Enderman had golden boots and leather armour on his body.

"Patter, I want you to go up the middle and take the enderman if you can, I'll get the skeleton, Kyle, cover our backs and make sure none of them get behind us. You must stay with the princesses and the queens, no one gets past you.... Got it ?" I asked, "I saw Kyle nod in the corner of my eye, I smile slightly "Hit em hard boys" I said, and ran forwards, firing both pistols, I aimed at the skeleton and knocked it over, then I moved to the zombies, I saw Kyle shotgun the two zombies that got behind us, taking their heads off.

I saw patter fire several three round vburst into each zombies head, and clearing a path through the crowd quickly.

A spider ran up to me, but I quickly planted my boot on its back, pinning it to the floor, the fired several rounds from both of the pistols into the thing, killing it, then turned to see Kyle blast the other three off the ceiling.

I then saw he Enderman teleport to Patter and falcon punch him to the wall, and he skidded on his ass across the floor, the skeleton got up and fired at me, I then fired two shot and both pistols were empty, I then dropped them and got patters m16, then fired a couple of quick burst into the skeletons head, but as it fell, it fired an arrow, it his me in my shoulder, making me drop the rifle, then the Enderman picked me up, and started to choke me, I grasped my neck with my right hand, and I punched the Enderman in the face with my left, armoured gloved fist, it moved back slightly, then as much vision started to fade, I heard several gunshots, and I fell to the floor, I looked up and saw patter on the floor, laying against the wall, smiling as he held his smoking M9, I then turned to see Kyle wrestle with the last zombie, whacking it with his butt when it lost grip of his weapon.
He then aimed and blew it's head off, then turned to me, gun raised as if the Enderman was still there, he then lowered it when he saw they were all dead, and that he killed the last zombie.

The princesses ran to us, Blazette, Winter and Emma ran up to me, as Cupa and Sarah went to Patter, Blazette looked at me, "are you ok ?" She said full of worry, "I think he needs Mouth to mouth" said Emma, "quick, remove his clothes, he can breathe then" said Winter, in a somewhat joking tone, I smiled, "I've been worse, hell, so has Kyle, but this is pretty bad" I said, as Winter helped me up, I stood up, and regained my balance, Patter pushed himself up and nearly fell, "whoa, there mat, your gonna need the girls help, that was no normal punch" I said, "you kidding me ?, what gave it away ?, the dents in the wall of the fact that I was sent flying on my ass" he said in a sarcastic tone.

The meeting was stopped and we were teleported to our respective places, I was back in the nether, and rested on my bed, "thanks" I said, "anytime, besides, the next meeting will be in a couple of weeks, and you still owe me that one day together" said Blazette with a wicked smile, "I will get on it, as soon as I wake up......" I say, as the pain became a little harder and made me pass out.
I then feel the effects of a healing potion, then I stay asleep, as I was exhausted for the day's activities.

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