...Of the royal courts

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Dom's POV

We arrived in the same room as I teleported to with Winter before to meet the nether queens, "wait, they are holding the party in the nether queens castle.... I'm confused, why here ?" I asked Heroinbrine, "well, they have it at all the castles, it's just that the nether queens are holding it this year" she said.

The sound of music could be heard, it was like classical music, then Kyle asked a good question, "so where are the guards ?, I thought there would be some around here ?".
"There are, but most of the guards get the day off for the dance, and the portals get sealed from this side, so on one can get here, even with Ender Magic, as for me, I can come and go between the worlds whenever I please, closing the portals doesn't stop me." She said and we walked to the main hall.

The music got noticeable louder as we approached the hall, Kyle looked at my sword, "hey, can I use your sword ?" I turned to him, "why do you want it ?" I asked back, "I want to duel someone later" he said, jokingly, "good god, could you please not make fun out of this suit, it's represents my country, like yours does to you" I sighed, "OK, fine, but I never saw it that way" he said.

"And I think this is my personal protection as, trust me on this, there are no men here... And a lot of women" I said, Patters chuckles, "you can't be serious, right ?" He said, then looked at my face, "oh. My. God." Said Kyle, Patter smiled alittle, "no, there is no way there is that many women here" he said, seeming more calm, "fine, but remember, I've been to this castle before" I said and walked to a double door, there were no guards.

Heroinbrine made us wait and she headed inside, as she wanted to tell the queens of our arrival.
"Oh boy..." Kyle says, rolling his eyes.

Blazette's POV

I was talking to Sarah, she was telling me about her plan to get it on with Patter, as she has caught him a Cupa on a certain moment a couple of days ago, "well go get him, Cupa has got to share" I said teasingly, "I may sound intruding but I guess you and your guard have do it before ?" She asked, I nodded, then looked around, and saw Heroinbrine come to the queens and told them something.

I knew what it was, that the boys were here.

But I don't think they realise that a surprise will happen to them.....

Heroinbrine clicked her fingers and there double doors opened, and the things that the boys wore made the crowd quiet, I noticed Sarah staring at Patter, and Andr blushing in amazement to Kyle, I looked to Dom and saw his suit, his sword shining in the bright lights of the hall.

He walked with authority and purpose, I could tell the other two were similar but I was watching Dom, he looked to the other two and nodded slightly, they nodded back and made their ways to the queens, as the crowds gave way for them.

When they stopped, Dom drew his sword and held it with his right hand, then lifted it to his face so it looked like he was kissing the hand guard, then he lowered the blade to the right and lifted it to his face again, then put it to his side.

It looked rather nice...

Dom's POV

I did a salute with my sword, and smiled to the queens, queen Serine moved I front of them and Cupa and Emma was behind her, both holding pillows with medals on them.
I looked down and noticed the two medals on my chest, my MM and my Victoria Cross, I saw Kyle with his Purple Heart and Medal of honour, and Patter with a few on his chest.

'Thank you Heroinebrine' I thought.

The queen gestured for me, Kyke and Patter to move forwards, and we did, she then began to speak...
"On behalf of the royal courts, I, queen Serine of the Wither Skeletons, honoured to give to you three, the Royal Honour medals, for showing courage in a fight that saw to the two of you being injured and nearly killed, and one of you being injured but defended us regardless of your pre-stained injury in an earlier course of action." She then looked to the crowd.

"They have shown loyalty, Bravery in the face of danger and determination to succeed no matter the cost, and are willing to sacrifice themselves at a moments notice for our safety, I think that alone is enough for them to acquire all three variants of the Royal Honour Medals, but the last act isn't the entire reason they are awarded, they have decided to safe guard the heirs of our thrones against all enemies and volunteered themselves to go out on a dangerous mission against the feral mobs, even though there is not reason for them to do so, and that they do it not for personal gains, but for others and for that... We thank them" she said, she then placed three medals on each of us, and the Endermen queen, Endora, placed a black, shining medal of a black rose with two purple swords behind it in a cross fashion, and a dark grey shield behind them.

Serine then placed the same looking medal, but the swords were golden, the shield was Red, and the Rose was white, and Queen Cupa gave me a medal of the same design but the swords were diamond Blue, with a red rose and a Silver shield, as soon as they placed all three on us, I clicked my feet together and saluted with my sword as I did earlier, (check it on YouTube, British officer salutes with sword).

Kyle and Patter both saluted in unison, and I smiled, "permission to carry on, your majesties" I said to the queens, queen Samantha smiled at Blazette, "permission granted, go and enjoy the dance" she said, I nodded and I walked to the boys, the music started up again and I talked to them, "well, three new medals, we are doing well here, aren't we ?" Asked Patter, "yeah, and I didn't get injured for mine" said Kyle with a grin, "no, but you were injured before that, as you blotched up a mission, and me and good, old Patter here had to save your ass" I said and Patter nodded, "but if he didn't, we wouldn't have gotten these medals... I'll give that to him" said Patter.

A lady was walking through the crowd with a silver tray, with glasses of was probably wine, I hooded to the boys, "I'll get a drink" I said and move toward the tray, "hey, I'll have one too, thanks for offering" said Patter, "I'm good, wine this early wouldn't do anything for me" said Kyle, I nodded and walked off, as Patter joked about Kyle being a light weight.

I grabbed to drinks, and turned around to see Blazette standing behind me, "thanks" she said and took both the drinks from me, "hey" I said jokingly as she drank one of the glasses and handed one to Winter, I saw Blazette was wearing a golden dress, and Winter was wearing a grey dress with two black lines crossing the front and the back.

"...wow" I said in awe, they looked beautiful.

"You like our dresses ?, well I love your suit" said Blazette smiling, and looking at me with mild lust, well, half of the hall looked at me with lust, the other half looked at Kyle and Patter with lust, just then the song grew louder and several people got on pairs, then Blazette came up to me, "let's dance" she said.

I smiled and removed my cap and bow down "as you wish, m'lady" I say, and then placed my cap back on, then took her hands, she took the lead and we danced around for awhile, I looked over my shoulder to see the villager princess, who I didn't know the name of, talking to Patter, then Sarah pulled him into the dance, and Endy had Kyle, I could see she had a grip on his hands so he couldn't back away, it was priceless.

I didn't think the night could get better then this...

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