Chapter 1 - Memories

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It was a windy day to be flying over seas in the large military jet. Crowded between dozens of marines headed home, Carter Peterson, a young woman of twenty-six, hugs her sea bag close to her chest. Going home for good. No more long deployments to foreign places. No more long nights without sleep. No more days without food or drink. Serving her country was Carter's biggest joy, but it was time for her to settle down, get a job, start a family. All the things any young woman strives to do.

As the marines filled off the plane, Carter could see the terminal full of people. None of which were there waiting for her. She could hear the thundering of applause as her and the other marines walked through the airport, but she tried to block it out. All around her there were families jumping into the arms of their returned son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, or lover. Carter's heart ached knowing that no one would do that for her.

Carter was adopted when she was only a few weeks old. No one quite knows where she came from or who her biological parents are. She was dropped off early one morning to an orphanage with no explanation whatsoever. Soon after, she was adopted by Jeffrey and Lynn Peterson, an old couple, who gave her the name Carter Lynn. The couple didn't have any children of their own, so Carter grew up an only child.

Never having anyone to play with, or any idea of who she really was wrecked havoc on the young girls' life. Quite often, Carter found herself depressed. She sat in her room most days with the lights off and the blinds closed. If she didn't know who she was, she didn't want anyone else to know either. That is why she went into the military.

Going to college was the absolute last thing on the soon-to-be high school graduates mind. Her father, Jeffrey Peterson, being as old as he was had passed away a few months into Carter's senior year, and her mother Lynn, was in a nursing home being watched closely by nurses, as she had Alzheimer's. She wanted to get away from the constant questioning, she wanted to be somewhere that people only look at how you perform on the outside rather than the inside.

Walking through the airport, memories of her childhood flooded into Carter's mind. Both good and bad. When she reached the street, Carter waved down a taxi and made her way to her new home. Washington, DC.

A few months earlier, before her final deployment, Carter was accepted into the Naval Criminal Investigative Services. She was excited, yet nervous about this new chapter in her life. Finally she would be on her own, and not move around constantly.

"I'm home." Carter whispered as she stepped out of the taxi. Her light brown hair fluttered in her face as she looked upon the tall brick facade in front of her. Just a few minutes away from NCIS headquarters, Carter found the perfect little apartment flat inside her small budget.

Once Carter finally reached the door to her new home, she put the key up to the lock. Fumbling around with all of her bags, she dropped the key. A young man saw this and ran to her assistance. He picked the key up off the floor and unlocked the door for her, holding it open while she pushed through with all of her things.

"Thank you." Carter gave a faint smile, as she set her things down. She hadn't really focused on his face before then, but when she did he took her breath away.

"Not a problem." He smiled back at her, "You must be new here... I've never seen you before."

"Uhh... Yes!... My name is Carter... Carter Peterson."

"McGee... Tim McGee."

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