Chapter 18 - Believe

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"Carter? You in here... Oh god! What is going on?!" Tony covered his eyes as he walked into Carter's bedroom. He just so happened to walk in on Carter and Tim mid-kiss.

"Tony! What the hell are you doing here?" Carter asked defensively. Her cheeks began to turn red.

"I came to see how you were doing... But obviously you're doing fine! Swapping spit with McGeek... What did I tell you about touching my sister?"

"I swear, Tony. If you kiss me..." Tim stood up and backed away from Tony.

"I sure as hell wouldn't have kissed you, McGee. But I don't want you touching my little sister! The last thing I want is..." Tony paused.

"Is what, Tony?" Carter asked, looking up at him.

"Is... For either of you to lose your job over this."

"Lose our jobs? Because we like each other? What the hell kind of dictatorship did I get myself into? I will date whoever I want to date... And if Gibbs doesn't like it, then fine!" Carter hollered. Tony motioned for her to stop but it was too late. Gibbs walked through the bedroom door.

"If I don't like what, Agent Peterson?" Gibbs asked in his stern voice.

"Uhh... Gibbs... Carter and I... We like each other. A lot... And we... We're dating, Gibbs." Tim's voice shook as he spoke. He closed his eyes tight expecting to hear Gibbs explode on them. After a minute of silence, he opened his eyes.

"I don't like that..." Gibbs said. Tim and Carter hung their heads. "But, I don't want to lose either of you... So, as long as this doesn't interfere with your work, by all means..."

"Really?!" Tim asked, overjoyed. He pulled Carter close in a tight hug.

"Ow! Ouch!" Carter moaned.

"Oh god! Carter, I'm so sorry." Tim apologized.

"You're fine, Tim... Just be careful next time."

"But, if this effects your work in any way... You better believe that I will make you break up." Gibbs said. He turned and left without saying anything else. 

"Well... That went better than I expected... Gibbs was actually... Nice about it." Tony said.

"I've never seen Gibbs make an exception for one of his rules... Like... Ever." Tim had a shocked expression on his face.

"Why does he even have these rules in the first place?" Carter asked.

"Some say that they came from his time in the marines. Others say that he made them up over the years when the need came along." Tony said.

"And others say he just pulls them out of no where to avoid things." Tim laughed.

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