Chapter 17 - Sooner or Later

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"Woah..." Tim said when Carter pulled away from the kiss, "Wait. No. Carter, this is what Gibbs was talking about. We can't do this."

"Why not, Tim? You don't... Like me like that?" Carter asked, confused.

"No! It's not that at all... You see... Gibbs. He has these rules. And rule twelve? Well, never date a coworker."

"But it's our lives! Not his! He can't tell us what we can and can't do."

"Carter. He's our boss. He can."

"He's not going to tell me who I can date and who I can't. If I want to date you, I sure as hell will. I don't care what he tries to do to me. It's my life. I can live however I damn well please." Carter began to get frustrated.

"Carter. Carter, calm down... We can make this work... Just don't tell, anyone from work. Okay?" Tim said, grabbing Carter's hand.

"Fine. As long as we can be together... I just... Tim, I've never felt this way before. Like, ever. You make me feel something new and exciting, and I don't want to lose that because our boss says we can't be together."

"I've never felt this way about anyone either." Tim blushed. He looked down at his lap and started the car, "Now, let's get you home."

For the most part, the ride home was spent in silence. They were both contemplating what had just occurred. Where they together? Are they dating? It moved to fast for either of them to completely grasp the concept. Just a few minutes before they arrived at their apartment building, Carter decided to clarify what was going on, "Tim... Are we... Are we a thing now?"

"If you want to be." Tim swallowed hard as he turned into the parking lot.

"I'd like that." Carter gave a faint smile as her cheeks started to blush. She looked out the window, to embarrassed for Tim to see the huge smile that began to grow across her face.

Tim pulled the car into a parking space and quickly ran over to open Carter's door for her. He helped her up and walked her into her apartment to the bedroom. "Promise me you won't tell Gibbs."

"Why are you so worried about what he thinks?" Carter asked, "What is he going to do if he finds out?"

"I don't know... That's why I'm so worried. He's pounded this rule into our heads so much that it has never been a problem... I've never seen it happen. I really don't know what he will do."

"Either way, Tim, he will find out sooner or later."

"I'd much rather it be later..." Tim sighed.

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