Chapter 24 - Know Me

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"I have some bad news, guys." Scarlet said. It had been a few days since any of the team had tried to make contact with Carter. They decided it was better to give her some time.  Scarlet was their only way of knowing what was going on with her.

"What is it?" Tim shot up from his desk. He was taking the whole situation very hard.

"Carter starts basic training tomorrow."

"But she's already taken basic training..." Gibbs pointed out.

"You're right, but she doesn't realize that. When the recruitment officials tried telling her that, she denied it. She convinced them to send her. I tried stopping her. I really did. Now she's packing her things."

"She can't leave! She can't! I need her... I miss her." Tim hung his head low. An angry expression covered his face.

"McGee. I think once she is there she will realize that she has already been through it. It might bring her back to us." Ziva said calmly.

"What if she never does though, Ziva? What if she forgets us forever... What if..." Tim stopped himself.

"If what, McGee?" Tony asked. Tim's face went pale.

"What if... She falls in love with someone else..." Tim slumped back into his chair. The team looked between each other and Tim, not knowing quite what to say.

"Tim..." Scarlet said, sympathetically, "She won't."

"But what if she does? What then? What will I do? I love her, Scarlet... More than I've ever loved anyone else." He looked at her with shining eyes. Distress was sprawled across his face. The bull pen was silent.

The silence lasted almost an hour when the elevator doors slid open. Carter walked off of it, looking at her phone with a confused expression on her face. She looked up and smiled when she saw Scarlet. "Hey! Scarlet, there you are! I was looking for you. Someone told me you might be here."

"Hello, Carter!" Tim smiled as he rose from his desk.

"Hello...?" Carter looked at him, confused. He again looked down at his desk, with sad expressions.

"Did you need something?" Scarlet asked.

"I just wanted to spend as much time with you as I can before I leave."

"So, you really are leaving?" Tony asked.

"Yes... Come on, Scarlet. Let's go." Carter grabbed Scarlet's arm and led her to the elevator. Carter pulled Scarlet close and whispered in her ear, "These people are scaring me, Scarlet. They ask me about everything... They don't even know me."

"Carter..." Scarlet sighed. Carter looked at Scarlet with a questioning face. "Never mind..."

Life Line: An NCIS Fanfiction [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now