Chapter 29 - Fight Back

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A few weeks had passed and tensions had never been higher at the office. Carter and Tim barely made eye contact anymore, which broke Tony's heart. He ruined their relationship for selfish reasons. Today, though, Carter strutted her way off of the elevator and over to her newly installed desk, right between Tony and Tim's. Ziva and Tim were the only others in the office at the time.

"What are you so giddy about?" Ziva smiled.

"I have a date tonight." Carter said, causing Tim to drop his travel mug of coffee.

"Oh my god, of course..." Tim tried to play it off as if what Carter said hadn't been the cause. He stood up to reveal coffee stained pants. He sighed and slumped back into his chair, throwing open the drawer of his desk to grab the few napkins he had. "A date, huh?"

"Yeah... With a guy from my battalion... He'd asked me when we were in Iraq if I would accompany him to dinner when we got back to the states... It was so hectic when we first got back that we never got the chance. Now he is on leave again and asked if we could go on a date."

"Oh... I actually have a date tonight, too! With... Abby! Yeah. I've got a date with Abby." Tim scrambled.

"Good for you, Tim. I'm glad."

"Speaking of which, I need to go ask her what time I am picking her up." Tim stood up and walked over to the elevator. "How could I be so stupid!" He scolded himself when the doors slid shut.


"McTim, what are you doing down here so early?" Abby asked, peering around her computer screen.

"I uhh... May have told Carter that you and I are going on a date tonight..."

"Timothy. You did what? Why?!"

"She told me that she is going on a date with some marine from her battalion and I panicked. You were the first person I could think of saying I was going on a date with." Tim blushed.

"Well, at least you could ask me out!" Abby smirked.

"Oh, Abby! Thank you so much!" Tim wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight.

"Where are we going? What should I wear?"

"I think I might try to find out where Carter is going... Wear something sexy... Like you used to." Tim winked.


Tim chuckled and walked over to the elevator. She shook her head as the elevator doors slid closed.


At this point Gibbs and Tony were already at their desks. Tim confidently strutted over to his. Tony gave him a strange look not knowing why he was acting in such a strange way.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. When it was finally time to go home Tim pulled Ziva aside. "Do you have any idea where she might be going with her friend?"

Ziva smirked, "You were not planning on a date with Abby, were you?"

"No I wasn't. But I had to fight back somehow, I didn't want her to think that I can't get over her."

"But can you?" Ziva asked. Tim's eyes glazed over, he hung his head low.

"Of course not... I love her."

Life Line: An NCIS Fanfiction [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now