Chapter 12 - Shock

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"I'm sorry about this, Ry... Maybe tomorrow night." Tony waved as Ryan shut the front door. He turned around with an angry expression on his face, "What the hell?! You can't just barge into people's houses out of no where! For all you know we could have..." He trailed off. By this time his face was bright red.

"We didn't mean any harm, Tony. Carter needs you, and your support. And I would very much appreciate if you would treat her with the respect she deserves." Tim yelled. Noticing Tony's anger had not subsided he quickly calmed his rage and softly added, "After all... She is your sister."

"Did I ask for your input, McGee?" Tony growled, "She may be my sister biologically... But she isn't my sister emotionally."

"I'm so sorry. I just thought... Maybe... You know what? Never mind. I'm sorry." Carter said. She ran through Tony's house, with a single tear rolling down her cheek.

"Carter! Carter, wait!" Tim started to run after her, but turned around to face Tony, "Thanks, DiNozzo." Tim ran outside, but Carter was no where in sight. Frantically he looked around Tony's house. Nothing. "Carter? Where are you?"


"CARTER!" Tim yelled, "Where are you? Are you alright?" He ran into the trees behind Tony's house, "CARTER!"

"Tim!" Carter called out of breath.

"Carter! Oh my god, what happened? Who did this?" Tim looked down to see blood coming out of Carter's side. He ripped her shirt open to see that her side had been torn through by a bullet. Carter moaned and her eyes fluttered shut. "TONY!"

"What the hell is going on out here?!" Tony asked, running out of the house.

"Tony! Someone shot her!" By this time, Tim was shaking badly, "She needs help. Call 911. Gibbs. Someone!" Tim cried.

"Yeah. Got it..." Tony trailed off. He ran back inside to grab his phone. Tim stayed with Carter, holding her hand, and crying. "Tim! Gibbs and an ambulance are on the way. Are you okay?"

"Physically? Yes... Mentally? Not at all... I should have followed after her right away... If I came out here with her... Maybe this wouldn't have happened. It should be me lying on the ground with blood pouring out of my side."

"Timothy McGee. Don't even go there. If I hadn't said some of the things I said, she wouldn't have left alone. Don't ever blame yourself for this. There is no way we could have known." Tony said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Tony! McGee! Where are you?" Gibbs called.

"Back here! In the trees!" Tim responded.

"How is she holding up? Have you checked her heart rate? Is her breathing normal?"

"I haven't... It didn't even phase me. I... I... I'm so sorry." Tim started to cry even harder.

"McGee. It's alright. You're in shock as well... Why don't you go wait out front for the ambu..."


"What?" Gibbs looked at Tim sternly.

"I'm not leaving her."

Life Line: An NCIS Fanfiction [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now