Chapter 22 - Separate Ways

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"I can't believe you let my only sibling disappear like that!" Tony said, pushing Tim up against the wall. "I finally meet her and now she is gone again!" Tim closes his eyes tight as Tony clenches his fist.

"DiNozzo!" Gibbs grabbed Tony's wrist before he could hurt Tim, "Leave the poor kid alone... He didn't want this to happen any more than you did."

"I'm so sorry, Tony. I didn't mean for this to happen... I love her, why would I want her to disappear?" Tim cried, his lip shaking.

"It will be alright, McGee. We will find her. I promise." Ziva said. She put her arms around his neck.

"I don't know how I could be so stupid." Tim began to pace the room.

"You are not stupid, Tim. You fell asleep. There is nothing you could have done." Ziva put a hand on his shoulder. He knocked it off with a jerk.

"McGee, DiNozzo. You know her the best. Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" Gibbs asked. The two looked around, thinking long and hard about the question just asked.

"The mall!" Tim exclaimed.

"She went shopping...?" Ziva looked confused.

"No, Ziva! Like the national mall! The big open area... The serenity of nature and the monuments... She loves it there. And she loves calm places like it." Tim got excited. He grabbed his jacket and backpack, and ran towards the door.

"McGee! Get back here!" Gibbs yelled. Tim slumped back into the apartment. "If she is there we need to be careful how we approach her. She is obviously not emotionally stable."

Gibbs, Tony, Tim, and Ziva set off to the national mall. Once they arrive they split up to cover the large area. Gibbs with Tony, and Ziva with Tim. They go their separate ways and search high and low for Carter.

When they were about to give up hope of Carter being at the mall, Gibbs spotted her sitting alone under a tree near the World War II memorial. "Tony." Gibbs whispered and pointed in her direction. They put their hands on their guns and slowly walk up to her. Tony looked over at Gibbs, and Gibbs nodded.

"Carter... We are here to take you home." Tony kneeled beside the bench in which Carter was sitting. She looked over to him with confusion in her eyes. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red from crying.

"Who... Who are you?" Carter asked, with a slight cry left in her voice.

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