Chapter 31 - Eventually

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Tim walked off the elevator and towards his desk. Everyone else was already hard at work. He passed Carter's desk, "What the hell was that last night, Tim?" Carter asked before he could even make it to his desk.

"What the hell was what?" Tony piped up.

"Carter..." Tim started, not wanting her to say anything more.

"Tim went on a date with Abby, and he kissed her! Right in front of me." Carter said.

"You did what?" Gibbs asked looking up at Tim. At this point, Tim was bright red.

"Carter, can we take this outside?" Tim asked.

"No. But we can take it downstairs to the lab." Carter said and headed for the elevator.

"Cart! Please." Tim pleaded, but it was no use, the elevator doors had already shut behind her. "Gibbs... I am sorry... But I have to go save Abby."

Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva watched dumbstruck as Tim ran to the stairwell. "What the hell..." Ziva mumbled.

"That's what I was wondering Zi. Sounds like McScrew Up got himself into some deep shit." Tony said.

"What the hell was he thinking?" Gibbs asked.


"Abby. I need to talk to you." Carter said stepping into the lab. Tim followed her in, completely out of breath, sweat running down his face.

"Carter... It's not...her fault." Tim panted, with his hands on his knees.

"Is this... Is this about the kiss?" Abby asked.

"Yes." Carter and Tim replied in unison.

"Carter... It gave me the same warm feeling I've always had when I'm with him... Tim, on the other hand... It meant something new to him." Abby said, Tim gave her a disappointed look.

"Timothy... What does she mean?" Carter asked.

"She means... Carter... I still have feelings for Abby." Tim sighed.

"But I thought... Before you said... I just wanted to make you jealous... Tim... Do you really?"

"I didn't think I did... I hadn't thought about it for years... But when I kissed her... I don't know... Carter, I still love you with all my heart... But I also love Abby..." Tim looked back and forth between Carter and Abby, "I just don't know what to do..."

"You'll have to choose eventually." Carter said, tears began welling in her eyes.

"Cart. Abbs... I'm going to need some time... You know that, right?"

"Of course, Tim. But you can't expect either of us to wait forever..." Abby said.

"I know, Abby... I just... I'm going home." Tim said. He made his way to the elevator and left Abby and Carter alone.

"Carter. I'm sorry. This is all my fault... I told him to kiss me. I made him fall in love with me again. I know it is going to be hard for you to forgive me, but I hope eventually everything will be alright between us." Abby consoled Carter.

"Don't worry, Abby... No matter what happens... No matter who he chooses, I still want to be your friend." Carter said, pulling Abby into a tight hug.

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